Chapter 29

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"Yes, Mr.Fisher, I'll be there tomorrow at nine." The boy said into his smartphone, closing the door to his small apartment behind him. It locked itself with a satisfying click, and he proceeded to take off his shoes with one hand, holding his android with the other.

"Yes, don't worry, I won't forget." His boss didn't seem to want to let go of him anytime soon, asking the same questions he had already answered atleast five times back at the café. "Yes sir, good night."

When he was finally granted the luxury to hang up, he let out a very exasperated sigh, before dropping faceforward onto his soft, soft, bed. He made sure to throw his phone as far away from him as possible, his straight black hair sticking to the white duvet because of the static. He didn't bother pulling up his dangling legs, too tired to even think at the moment. Who knew balancing university with a part time job could be this taxing.

Even so, his mind did manage to wander off to the encounter he had experienced the night before. He couldn't forget that girl's face, her long strands of brown hair, the bangs just brushing past her big, surprised eyes. Not that he wanted to, either. The thought somehow gave him the energy to sit up, and he did, ruffling his crop cut hair with a smile. Who was she, anyway? And what was she doing sneaking around in someone else's clan? Getting mugged on the way, too. He chuckled at the memory.

The boy had lost the chance to ask her, though, when a bunch of angry guards had chased her away. He wished he had at least gotten her name. Taking a breath, he decided to make himself some dinner, when the doorbell unexpectedly rung.

"Who is it?" He asked from his comfortable spot. He wasn't about to get up for just anybody.

"It's your sister, open up." Oh. Now he had to get up. Lazily, he forced himself to the frame of the door, peeping through the eye hole, just in case. Sure enough, the angry crease on a pale, blackhaired forehead was definitely his sister's, so he grudgingly pulled the door.

"Move." She pushed him aside and let herself in, not bothering to take off her clickety, clackety shoes.

"You know, it's pretty damn late for someone like you to be out." He said as he trailed her dirty footsteps to the long window. He'd have to clean them once she left. "What's the occasion?"

When she turned to face him, there was a storm brewing in her blue eyes. "Can you believe what happened?!"

"I will once you tell me." She didn't seem to be in the mood for his sarcasm today, grunting with disgust.

"Sean, you have no idea how bad this is! If only you had stayed in the Clan yesterday, you would know what I'm talking about."

With a furrowed brow, he inquired: "Does this have anything to do with the intruders?"

"Yes!" Her sharp chin protruded out like it always did when she was upset. She paced the room, and he followed her with his gaze. "Those rascals ruined my clan! I never expected Harmony Leo to come back to us like this!"

"Wait, who?" Sure, he was the brother of the Leader of the Capricorn Clan, but that didn't mean he knew every other person's name and history. He was too busy kissing up to his boss.

"Oh my God, Sean!" She was clearly aggravated by his ignorance. "How can you not know? The girl from six years ago? The one we cursed?"

He masked his face with recognition and shaped his mouth in a definite 'O'. "Oh, her? Yeah, I think I remember..." However he did not remember, and was simply acting like it to avoid being crushed by the heel of Mistress Teressa's deadly boot. "So, what did she do?"

She barked out a laugh far more sarcastic than any of his remarks thus far. "What did she do? She flooded an entire town! She ruined our clock tower! She, she," At a loss of words, she let out a cry of frustration and plopped onto the end of his bed with her head in her hands. "It's a disaster."

To feel like he was being supportive, he sat himself down beside her heaving form, pursing his lips thoughtfully. "Why don't you just stop?" Was the answer he came up with. "Stop fighting them all together, maybe?" When she gave him the most dubious look ever, he tried to elaborate further. "I mean, in all honesty, what are you people even after?"

She stood and walked up to the window, shoving her hands into the pockets of her black coat. "You wouldn't understand. You're just a child, afterall."

He scoffed to himself. She was the one whining a few minutes ago, yet he was the child. How ironic.

"And don't act like you're not a part of us, understand? Just do as you're told." She turned halfway, pulling out a file she had tucked in her coat, flinging it at him. He caught it between his fingers, and as he began to pry the brown envelope open, she continued: "I want you to look into each individual mentioned in that report. Skillfully, as always."

"Yes Ma'am." She wasn't giving him much of a choice. None of them ever did. After that, she left as if she'd never been there, and he went back to opening this envelope, laying down on his bed as he did. The text on the papers was hardly visible due to the dim light, however he was able to make out the faces on the left corner of every sheet.

They were profiles of people he wouldn't have bothered knowing, if not for his clan. Kevin Jennings. Ultima silverblitz. Sanjay Stryker. It was only when he made it to the fourth page that he jolted up with surprise.

He squinted at the picture given, a young girl with brown hair and naturally tanned skin. If it wasn't for her curious, bright eyes, he wouldn't have recognized her. So this was the girl he had run into the night before? And her name was...Harmony Leo? He could only smirk at the coincidence.

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