Chapter 35

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Sean Pale drew a long, satisfied breath. His shift at Mr. Fisher's dainty cafe was finally over, so he folded his black apron and rested his butt on the edge of one of the empty tables, taking out his phone to read the messages he hadn't checked.

Stopping to read the one from his sister, he hoped she was simply wondering how his day went instead of asking about the mission he was yet to begin. But, as unlucky as he was, the text was definitely about the latter. He sighed, pushing the annoying device back in his pocket, his eyes wandering to the window that displayed the busy mall outside. 

It was a weekend, so there were more people than usual, mostly teenagers who were enjoying their naive lives. He smirked to himself, finding their oblivious faces quite intriguing, as they took pictures and laughed their hearts out at the silliest things. 

And he was about to look away, when suddenly, a girl walked to the front of the cafe, her eyebrows furrowed as she stared up at the sign, her small, delicate face oddly familiar. There was no mistaking that black slippery jacket, a few long strands of brown hair escaping from the hood. Harmony Leo had made an appearance in his life yet again.

Not wanting to let go of this chance, he scrambled out the door, apron in hand, and quietly tiptoed behind her, a mischievous smile itching his cheeks. She seemed to be looking for something, or someone, turning her head this way and that worriedly. It was like deja vu, he thought to himself. Growing impatient, he tapped her lightly on the shoulder to get her attention.

With a flinch, she turned, her brown eyes wide with surprise. He smiled knowingly as she took in his features, her jaw dropping. "You're that guy!" She announced with a finger held in his direction.

"Yes, I am." He was somehow certain she meant him specifically.

"Oh my God...." Giving her a moment to collect her thoughts, he stood with his hands tied behind his back. She glanced at him, then at the café they were in front of. "You work here?" He nodded, and she let out a dry laugh, unbelieving. "Wow..."

"You seem shocked." He pouted, then leaned in to whisper: "is it that weird for a Capricorn to live a normal life?"

She jerked back, her face suddenly red. "No way, that's not-" Her honest reaction made him smile even more. "That's not what I meant."

"Are you lost?" As a joke, he added: "Again?"

She slumped. "Kind of. I'm supposed to meet up with my friend, but I can't seem to find her."

"Ah...did you try calling her?"

The girl shrugged with defeat. "She's not picking up."

Sean nodded thoughtfully, while she glanced over her shoulder. "Well," putting his master plan into action, he gestured towards the café. "Why don't we wait inside? She'll pick up eventually. And, in the meantime, I'll treat you to some cake."

Her eyes all but sparkled when he said cake. "You'd do that? Seriously?"

 "Sure, I mean, I work here so, I get a discount." 

"Okay!" She was way too excited to be hanging out with a stranger right off the bat, he realized. It kind of worried him.


"Wah!!! Is this cheesecake?!" He watched her gush over the purple treat with a smile. The two of them sat by the window, so that if her friend did arrive, they'd be able to see her.

"Yes, it is."

She looked up at him fondly, and he could literally see sparkles in her eyes. "Thank you so much, oh my God, I LOVE chessecake!"

"Really?" He chuckled as she nodded and took an awfully big bite, beaming with happiness. "I do, too. Particularly this one."

Through a mouthful, she managed to say: "Seriously, I can't thank you enough!"

Stifling a laugh, he asked: "Aren't you gonna take a picture first? You know, to post or something?"

She blinked at him. "Should I?"

"Not really. It's just, taking pics of every little thing and posting it on social media is the thing these days, isn't it?" Shrugging, he took a subtle bite of his own piece. "It's like first impulse to most people."

"I guess it is. But honestly, it slips my mind every time." He was surprised, to be frank. Out of all the girls he'd had this specific dessert with, she was the only one who hadn't pulled out her phone to click a shot of it. She was very different, he realized. As she continued to gulf down the cake, he placed a hand under his chin and simply stared, his curiosity suddenly growing. Just who are you, Harmony Leo, he wanted to ask her. What is it about you that makes me so intrigued?

Suddenly aware of the eyes on her, she shoved the last bit of cake in her mouth and looked up, her straight eyebrows furrowed. "What?" She checked to see if there was something on her face, then looked his way again.

He smirked, sitting up straight, then called the waiter for the bill. "Don't worry, it's nothing." He lied. Right then, her phone rang.

Hurriedly, she yanked it out of her pocket, whispering: "Oh, it's Ultima," to herself.

Ultima? The name ringed bells in his head, and he concluded that she was another one of the people he had to investigate. If this Ultima was her friend, then it was highly probable they all were related somehow. For example, they probably went to the same school....

"Okay, I'll be right there." She hung up, breathing out a sigh of relief. "She's waiting at that restaurant over there." She told him, getting up. He did the same, waiting for her to look his way again.

When she did, he said: "Will I be seeing you again, Harmony?"

"Um, sure, wait-" suddenly puzzled, she stared up at him, questioning. "I never told you my name, did I?"

He winced at his mistake, wracking his brain for an excuse. "Oh well, after what you did to our clan, you're pretty famous."

She looked pained by the news. "Really?"

"Really. To make it even, I can tell you my name?"

The girl shifted her weight with a small grin and crossed her arms, quirking an eyebrow. "Not a bad idea. What is it?"

"Sean. Sean Pale."

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