Chapter 5

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Alpine Covert. An old forest, known for it's ancient trees and strange hauntings. Normal people avoided ever going near the place, because of how unmaintained and spooky it was. But the people of the Clans knew better. The aging oaks and overgrown weeds were just for show, only there to scare off the novices who didn't strive adventure.

As Harmony lead Sanjay, who was carrying Alyssa ever so effortlessly, to the whereabouts of the Virgo Clan, she couldn't help but feel uneasy without some kind of conversation. But, what should I say? She thought anxiously, stealing a glance at the boy. Should I talk about school? Or how pretty these trees look in the sun right now? No, that makes it obvious that I want to talk to him. Ugh, what should I do?!

But fortunately for her, the boy himself broke their awkward silence. "So, how'd you know she was in trouble?"

"Well," Harmony dragged on, "it's a long story..."

"Then, make it short."

She made a face, but ended up telling him it as briefly as she could as they walked. "Basically, when I was waiting for my own ride, I saw her get into her bus, but I noticed she didn't have her bag with her, which was kinda weird. And since I had forgotten one of my textbooks, I went back to the classroom and saw her still sitting there, bag and all. And that's," she snapped her fingers to emphasize, "when it hit me."

The boy raised an eyebrow at her. "So, what your'e trying to say is..." 

"She was impersonated." She finished for him.

"Are you sure?"

"Yes. I mean, considering the fact that the bus left without her, and the fact that she was attacked right after, I'm more than certain."

He adjusted the girl behind him and sighed. "Impersonation, huh? That sounds like the Gemini Clan to me."

"That's because it is. I've heard rumors that The Gemini and Capricorn are working together, ya'know."

To that, he gave a disapproving click of his tongue. "Why am I not surprised."

As the late afternoon sunlight poured through the tangled branches above them, and a slight breeze caused the stray leaves to dance about, the unlikely trio finally stood in front of the entrance to The Virgo Clan. A misty glow surrounded the arch made of knotted flowers, steps of caked mud and moss guiding them to it. Although it was an entrance, there seemed to be nothing behind it, transparently revealing the rest of the forest.

"This is The Virgo Clan?" Sanjay asked suspiciously. He'd never been to this clan before, so all he could really do was follow the girl in front of him. 

"Don't worry, we're in the right place."

"So, we just walk in, just like that? Isn't that kind of careless of-" As if to answer his doubts, the face of a tiger appeared and all but bit him, if not for his quick reflexes. "Woah!" A creature of sheer, green light formed in front of him like a cloud of smoke, it's fangs pointing out of its angry mouth as it circled it's guest. 

"Ah, great, now you've made the gatekeeper mad." Harmony said with a scowl. The ghost of a tiger turned towards her, and she steeled to face it. Even after encountering it countless of times, she was still quite afraid of it. But she knew it was merely trying to protect its people, so it meant no harm. The girl gingerly crouched in front of it and respectfully put her hands on her lap, meeting its icy glare, but staying quiet.

Sanjay watched nervously as the creature silently stared into her eyes, and almost lost his balance when it shifted its attention to him. It felt like it was gazing into his very soul, peeking at all his secrets and deepest desires. He held his breath as it slowly stepped towards him, and then, just like that, it disappeared. 

Harmony was the first to let out a relieved sigh. "Well, at least that's over and done with." She got up and met the lost expression of Sanjay Stryker and giggled to herself. "Yeah, it's like that the first time it happens." And with that the girl pulled him by his sleeve into the opening. 

A blinding light engulfed them at first, but when it cleared, there was a sight to behold. Cobblestone pathways, clustered English townhouses, and a whole lot of people filled their vision, all scurrying about to different places, their freckled faces complimenting the orange hue of the setting sun. In the distance, a porcelain castle stood proudly, and the Virgo clan Emblem could be seen carved, painted, and imprinted anywhere you looked. Sanjay looked up in awe at the tall trees above them, the vines of flowers and leaves hugging the enclave like a warm blanket. They were nature's chandeliers, hanging from the ceiling of branches, tickling the pointed roofs. It was like a whole new world, of blossoms and greens. It was.... beautiful. No other word could describe it better. 

"All aboard the Vine Bus!" A plump old man bellowed from their right. "This one's headed to the Greenhouse, I'll let you know!"

"C'mon, that's our ride!" Harmony literally dragged the entranced boy towards this 'Vine Bus', true to it's name. "Mr. Bogeski!" She waved at the man, who looked up from the tickets he was giving out and smiled.

"Harmony! What a pleasant surprise!"

"Long time no see, huh?" She said as she caught her breath. "Could you help us out a bit? This girl here is injured and we need to get her to the Greenhouse, but not through the Vine Bus because," She shrugged at him with a lopsided grin, "ya'know," and he understood, chuckling.

Because what? Sanjay wondered in horror.

"Well, in that case..." He stuck his fingers in his mouth, letting out a whistle, and, almost immediately, a little boy appeared beside him. 

"Sir!" He saluted proudly. Sanjay couldn't ignore the fact that he had bunny ears poking out of his head, not to mention the famous bunny buckteeth. He had almost forgotten that part of the Virgo Clan's prowess was that they could transform into animals.

"Please take this poor lady to the Greenhouse." The man told him. "And be quick about it."

"Roger that!" In a split second, he took Alyssa off of his back, held her in his tiny but strong arms, and literally hopped off like it was nothing. 

"Now then," He passed them their tickets, and the boy gulped back his fear at the sight of this very unsafe looking means of transportation he was about to get into. "Have fun~!"

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