Chapter 11

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Harmony Leo was afraid. Lost in a place where she knew no one, she could feel a panic attack coming along. She still didn't understand how she had gotten separated from Ultima and Juliet in the first place, but as she gingerly strode along the sidewalk, she hoped to catch sight of them somehow.

So many unfamiliar faces clouded her vision, so many unfamiliar sounds. The sky was blurred by the golden street lights shimmering everywhere, more so by the tears welling up in her eyes. Her heart pounded. She sweated all over. "Okay, lets calm down.." She told herself and reached into her jacket pocket for her phone, scrolling to Ultima's number. "I'll just call them and tell them where I am." And she was about to do just that, when the device was suddenly ruthlessly snatched from her.

"Look what I've found." She had to look up to meet the face of the tall male that had appeared before her, his studded smirk mocking her. Two other filthy hooded boys joined him as he waved the phone above her head, taking advantage of the height difference.

"Give it back." She sneered, but her voice came out weak because of the sob she was holding back. The people around her walked past without giving them a second glance, probably used to quietly watching this kind of crap from the sidelines.

The stud boy laughed a sarcastic laugh, itching her to punch him. "Oho, you think you're scary, little girl?" His buddies snickered along with him, and she fought the urge to use her water powers to flood them. However, if she did that, she'd expose herself. So she was stuck. "Why don't you make me."

The girl mentally face-palmed. Gah, I don't have time for this! Why the hell did I have to get lost in the first place?! In any case, these three idiots are seriously getting on my nerves. She glared at the stud boy and his friends menacingly as she balled her fists, her eyes already stinging because of the contacts. I'll have to teach them a lesson.

But before she could do anything, a third party entered the bunch, and swiftly seized the phone from the boy's grip. "Hey, who the hell are you?!" The stud boy screamed at the even taller man, who simply returned the device to Harmony and smiled.

Unlike the thugs, he wore fairly sophisticated clothing, creased black pants and a spotless white dress shirt with a tie that matched his cold, cyan eyes. He didn't seem like the type to get into street fights, given his lanky figure, but from the way the three idiots abruptly began to cower in fear when they realized who he was, Harmony could tell he had spanked them one too many times.

"S-sir..." The stud boy could barely speak, his two friends shaking like leaves in the winter behind him.

"You guys just don't listen, do you?" The man finally spoke, his tone crisp and firm, as if he held authority over them. "Picking on people and taking their things like lowlifes...don't you have better things to do? It's hard to take you seriously when you pull stuff like this." She could swear the boy yelped with fear, before taking a few steps back in an attempt to escape. "Now get out of here before I get one of my mood swings, okay?" And just like that, the three goons scurried off, their feet all over the place as they did.

As Harmony breathed a sigh of relief, her savior turned to look at her. "Uh...thank you for uh...saving me..." Maybe it was the guy's sharp features, or perhaps his swept back ebony black hair, but Harmony found herself stuttering just like the idiots from before when she spoke to him.

Although when his tight lips broke into a kind smile, she felt herself relax a little. "Don't worry about it! Stuff like this happens around here all the time." She stiffened as he gave her a look over. Her pine green casual slip on dress and indigo jeans weren't much to look at, so what was he so curiously staring at, exactly? "I take it you're new here?" He asked with a quirked brow.

"Huh?" She scratched the back of her head anxiously, praying her contacts were doing their job right. "Oh, yeah...yeah, I am! I was actually here with my friends but uh...I kinda lost them..." It wasn't a total lie, at the very least. She always had trouble lying.

"Ah, so that's why you looked all worried before!" Before? The girl thought to herself, eyeing the young man. Just how long has this guy been watching me?

"Hey, I think that's one of them!" A voice in the distance yelled. Harmony blanched and almost broke her neck turning around, only to see that a bunch of armed men were looking straight at her. Their boots thudded closer as they made their way through the crowd, their angry expressions telling her she was in big trouble.

"Shit!" The word came out of her mouth unintentionally, earning a surprised look from the classy guy in front of her. "Uh, I have to go now, but um...thank you for everything!" She managed to say before bolting in the opposite direction.

"Wait!" As the officers ran past him in a hurry to catch up to the girl, he missed his chance to ask her what her name was. But even so, it was clear to him that she wasn't a Capricorn, or from one of their allies either. His lips twitched with amusement as he placed a hand to his side, slightly tilting his head. "Interesting..."

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