Self-Care Exists You Know: Part 2

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Title: Self-Care Exists You Know

Created By: Me

Written By: Me

Summary: Peter is so focused on taking care of other people that he forgets to take care of himself.

Tony's POV
"Crap!" I said as my wrench fell off of the table and onto the floor underneath it. I groaned before getting down onto my hands and knees grumbling. "I am way too old for this..."

I crawled under the table and was about to grab the wrench when all of a sudden, "BSDD Protocol has been activated and all of the Avengers have been notified."

It was so sudden that I got startled and hit my head on the table. I groaned in pain before FRIDAY's words sunk in.

'BSDD Protocol? But that only activates when Peter's injured, sick, or his life is in danger...'

"FRIDAY, where is he?!" I asked. "He is unconscious in the lobby." My eyes widened and I rushed to the elevator. It just wouldn't go fast enough.

When I finally got down to the lobby I flew out with the others coming in right after me through the elevator next to mine. When I came out I saw Peter lying in some guy's arms. I ran to them yelling, "FRIDAY! What happened?!"

I gently lifted Peter out of the man's arms before sitting on the floor with Peter's head on my lap.

"He seems to have collapsed due to sleep deficiency and hunger. Karen told me that he has gained less than an hour of sleep and has only eaten once in the past week. His senses have ceased to work due to this and was very unresponsive before he collapsed."

My eyes widened again and I looked down at Peter sadly. "Why...?" Just as I said that the doctors came rushing in.

I picked him up and placed him on the stretcher and headed to the Med Bay. 'Please be okay...'

When we got there the doctors rushed back and forth throughout the room before one of them came over asking me to leave. I wanted to stay but I knew that it would just be easier for everyone if I just did what they said.

So I reluctantly left the room to let the doctors do their thing.

Time Skip

Peter's POV
It was dark. I couldn't see but I could move a little. I could hear too. It sounded like people moving around and...snoring? It sounded familiar somehow...

Like when me and Mr. Stark were working in the lab and out of nowhere Mr. Stark fell asleep.

'Mr. Stark!'

I tried to open my eyes but they felt like lead. I felt someone's hand holding mine and I knew that it was Mr. Stark's.

I tried again and was finally able to crack them open but instantly regretted it as soon as I did due to the bright light and closed them again.

I opened them, getting used to the light when I heard some shuffling on my right side. I turned to look and my eyes met with Mr. Stark's.

Happiness and worry we're shining through the tears in his eyes. He placed his hands on my shoulders and said, "Oh thank god you're alright! You nearly gave me a heart attack. I have about a dozen new gray hairs now thanks to you."

I felt guilt wash over and I looked down at my hands. "I'm sorry..." He lifted my head and looked at me. "It's okay kid. I'm just glad that you're alright."

I looked at him with pure love and admiration. "Thanks dad." My eyes widened when I realized what I had said. I looked up and saw Mr. Stark staring at me with a surprised look on his face.

But then he smiled. He smiled at me with eyes filled to the brim with love. The looks of a loving father.

He moved closer before wrapping his arms around me in the warmest hug that I've ever experienced. "You're welcome son." I smiled and hugged him back, nuzzling my face into his neck.

All of a sudden my head flew up and Mr. Stark looked at me in alarm. "What? What's wrong?!" I looked at him in complete seriousness.

"I'm starving..." he blinked owlishly at me before breaking out into peals of laughter. He ruffled my hair fondly and then left to get us something to eat.

I smiled at the door.

'Today was a good day.'

The End

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 16, 2020 ⏰

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