Out Of Control

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Title: Out Of Control

Created By: Me

Written By: Me

Summary: Peter gets kidnapped at school and is put under mind control by the Vulture and Tony saves him.

Peter's POV

'How boring.' I thought as I sat in chemistry class totally not listening to Mr. Harrington. I've already learned this stuff thanks to Dr. Banner. I was just doodling in my notebook when I heard the sound of shattering glass. I turned around to see tthe one and only...Vulture. My eyes widened and my face paled.

"Peter Parker." He said with an evil grin on his face. I froze as he turned and looked at me, his grin widening. I could feel the fear in the air as everyone looked between me and the Vulture. He took a step towards me and I took a step back. My eyes followed his hand as he reached for his belt and he grabbed some weird looking metal ring. He then took the ring and threw it. It came hurtling towards me and when it was near me it expanded and dropped over my head before shrinking again, leaving my arms pressed tighly aginst my sides.

A cord appeared that connected the ring to his belt and he pulled me over to him before throwing me over his shoulders. I started to wiggle around and kick my legs. "Hey! What are you doing?! Let me go!" I shouted at him. "You'll be of great use to me." He replied before flying back out the window with me in tow.

Tony's POV

'What a boring day.' I thought as I got my sixth cup of coffee since this morning and took a sip. I continued to drink the hot liquid until a screen popped up, telling me that my help was needed in the city. "Friday, what's going on?" I asked. "Someone was kidnapped at a school...Peter's school. They sent the footage from the security cameras in the classroom." She said and another screen popped up. 'It's okay. It's only a coincidence.' I thought.

I clicked on it and watched with wide eyes as Pete got kidnapped by a metal bird man that seemed to know who he was. I quickly changed into my suit and followed the tracker on Peter's suit, which he was luckily wearing under his clothes.

Peter's POV

We circled around before landing in an old shed. He took the cord that was connected the metal ring and tugged it harshly. He dragged me to a table where he picked up one out of many of the canisters full of bright red liquid. He then picked up a bigger metal ring and clipped it around my neck. "What do you want from me?" I said with fear shining through my voice. He grinned at me evilly.

"I know who are and what you can do. With your brains and your powers along with my own...I can finally destroy the people who ruined my life." And he let out an evil laugh that made me shiver. "And why would I ever help you?" he turned and put the red liquid into a hidden compartment in the collar. "Because you have...no choice." He said before stepping back. I suddenly felt a horrible pain tearing through my throat and rushing up to my head. Then all I saw was black.

Vulture's POV (Wasn't expecting that, were ya?)

I stepped back and watched as the boy's face scrunched up in pain. Then the boy collapsed before standing back up with his eyes closed. His eyes flew open to reveal dull, red eyes. "I've finally done it!" I shouted as I walked around him observingly. I smirked. Suddenly I heard the sound of footsteps coming from outside. "Well, I guess my plan's gonna have to wait a little longer, cause it seems that we have visitors."

Flash's POV

I watched as Parker got kidnapped by some metal bird. 'What's going on?' I thought. I turned to see the loser's friends and they seemed to be frantically typing on their phones when they suddenly bolted out of the door. I ran after them, following them out of the school and downtown, leading up to a small shed. There they stopped.

I took a step forward and I heard a snap. 'Oops!' They turned towards me and said "Ssshhhh!" Before quietly walking inside with me behind them. We walked in and we entered a room. There were test tubes, canisters, and other scientific equipment spread out across the table. On the other side of the room, sitting in a chair was the Vulture.

"Looks like we have guests, no?" He said before looking up to a dark corner of the ceiling. I couldn't believe what I saw. The Peter Parker was hanging from the ceiling from a web, upside down. 'Parker is...Spider-Man?' He did a back flip and landed gracefully on his feet. He walked over and stood beside the Vulture. He then looked up at us with bright red, dull eyes.

The Vulture whispered something to him and he nodded before walking towards us. He punched Ned and MJ in the stomach before turning towards me. I swung my fist and...before we knew it we were tied to a pole.

He started to walk away when suddenly, he fell. 'What the-" He stood back up and looked around confused. He turned around and saw me, he said "Flash?" His eyes were back to normal.

I was about to reply when I looked past him and saw the Vulture sneaking up behind him holding a bottle of bright red liquid. "Hey Parker! Look out!" But it was too late. The Vulture already had the bottle in the collar and I had to watch the process take place. But then, the door got blasted open to reveal...Tony Stark.

Tony's POV

I arrived at an old shed and I blasted the door open. When I walked in I saw Ted, MJ, and some blond kid. Then I looked and saw Peter standing in the middle of the room with his head down and his eyes closed. "Mr. Stark! It's the collar! The metal bird man is using it to control him!" I nodded and walked to him, reaching for the collar when my hand was caught by Peter. his eyes popped open and he stared at me coldly with dull, red eyes,

He started advancing on me with kicks and punches when I got an idea. I started to lead him towards the blond kid. I turned around so that Pete would be on the other side of me. I looked at the blond kid and gave him a silent signal to follow my plan. I kept on moving forward until Peter was right in front of him.

I nodded at him and he sprang up and ripped the collar off. It took a second before Peter's eyes went back to normal and he collapsed on the floor. I sighed, relieved that I didn't have to hurt him.

I then, without hesitation, pounded the iron crow and left him for the police to deal with. I brought the kids back to their parents and carried Pete back to the tower. 'What a crazy day.'

The End

Hey everybody and thanks for reading. I'm sorry if it's trashy. My fault. But anyway, I hope you and enjoyed it. (Probably not.) See you in the next one. Bye!!!

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