Self-Care Exists You Know: Part 1

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Title: Self-Care Exists You Know

Created By: Me

Written By: Me

Summary: Peter is so focused on taking care of other people that he forgets to take care of himself.

Peter's POV
"Man..." I mumble as I get on the bus with the rest of my class. I've been staying out on patrol far longer than usual lately and I think the lack of sleep is finally starting to catch up to me. Not to mention that I keep forgetting to eat which is not good for my super metabolism. My senses don't seem to be working right and my mind feels all cloudy, I can't think straight.

I sit in a seat and look up at Mr. Harrington. He seems to be saying something but his voice sounds so quiet and muffled that I can't really hear him. I try to strain my hearing but I got nothing so I just decided to rest my head against the seat in front of me and close my eyes for a minute.

He was most likely talking about where we're going for the field trip. It's probably somewhere dumb like last year anyway so I guess it's not that important. After a couple minutes I felt a faint tap on my shoulder and turned.

There was a concerned looking Ned sitting next to MJ who raised her eyebrow at me. My eyelids felt heavy as I tried to look them in the eyes but ultimately failed as they drifted around my surrounding. When I looked back at them Ned looked like he was talking but I couldn't really hear him so I just went back to my previous position and without realizing it, I fell unconscious.

Ned's POV
I'm worried about Peter. He came in today looking like a zombie and almost fell asleep standing up when we were getting on the bus. When we got on, he sat in a seat and I sat with MJ in the seat across from him. I turned to look at Mr. Harrington when he said that he had an announcement to make.

"May I have your attention please?...Thank you. Now...for the moment you've all been waiting for...we are going to...the Avengers Tower!" Shouts of joy and excitement were heard throughout the bus.

I turned to Peter for a response but he gave none. He was leaning his head up against the seat with his eyes closed. MJ's eyebrow raised slightly and I felt a wave of concern wash over me. I quickly reached over and tapped on his shoulder. After a couple more taps he opened his eyes and raised his head, turning to me.

He didn't say a word. He just blinked owlishly at us before his eyes seemed to lose focus and drift off somewhere else. When he finally looked back at us I said "Hey man, are you okay?" But he didn't seem to hear me. Instead of responding he just went back to leaning on the seat in front of him and he closed his eyes again.

I turned my head and glanced at MJ. She had a small hint of concern shining in her eyes but she resumed the book she was reading. Twenty minutes later we arrived at the tower and I got up. But I noticed that Peter was still laying against the seat so I let everyone else off and then I went to Peter.

I gave his shoulder a slight shake but he didn't respond so I did it a little harder. No response. When my hand left his shoulder he slumped down into the seat and fell on the floor. "Peter! Mr. Harrington! We need help!"

Mr. Harrington came running onto the bus and picked Peter up bridal style before carefully rushing into the building with the rest of the students. Worry, confusion, and shock were all prominent on their faces as Mr. Harrington ran into the building, holding a limp Peter Parker in his arms yelling for help.

Suddenly FRIDAY's voice echoed throughout the room. "BSDD Protocol (Baby Spider Danger Detection) has been activated. Boss is on his way down along with the rest of the team and will arrive in exactly 20 seconds.

Twenty seconds later, the Avengers came rushing into the room and towards Peter and Mr. Harrington. "FRIDAY! What happened?!" Tony said, gently taking Peter from Mr. Harrington and placing on the floor with his head resting on his lap.

"He seems to have collapsed due to sleep deficiency and hunger. Karen has told me that he has gained less than an hour of sleep and has only eaten twice in the past week. His senses have ceased to work due to this and was very unresponsive before he collapsed." She finished.

Mr. Stark's eyes grew wide before he looked down at Peter with sad eyes. "Why...?" Just as he said that doctors came running in and Mr. Stark picked him up and placed him on the stretcher before taking him to the Med Bay.

I hope he'll be okay...

To be continued...

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