Chapter Seventeen | A Moonlit Kiss

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Violet's POV:

I woke up in bed all alone even though I fell asleep in Richard's arms. After I rubbed the sleep from my eyes I spotted a piece of paper sitting on my bedside table.

Dear Violet,

I snuck out in the very early hours of the morning so I could get to work. I doubt if your uncle would be friendly towards me after seeing his neighbor cuddled up to his niece in her bed. Last night was perfect, I just wish I could have spent the whole day with you. Below is my phone number in case you need anything or if you just wanna talk. I can't wait to see you when I get home.

- Richard

After reading the note he left, I couldn't help but smile. I tucked it into my journal for safe keeping; I wanted to keep every single thing that would remind me of Richard. 'Maybe I should start making a scrap book.' I thought inside of my head as I got out of bed. I took a relaxing bath before getting dressed. I put on a black colored sweater and a pair of only blue jeans. When I walked downstairs I went into the kitchen where Joe and Arrow were eating breakfast. "Good morning." I said with a small smile as I got myself a cup of coffee. "Someone's happy today." Arrow said with a smile of his own. "I think everyone is in a good mood today. We all must have gotten a good night's sleep last night." Joe said. He was right, I did get a good night's sleep. Being Richard's arms is the best feeling in the world, especially since I know he's my Richard. It was like a weight had been lifted off of my shoulders and the world looked more before. Golden sunlight was filtering through the kitchen windows. It looked lovely through the ice sickles that hung off the gutters. Little snowflakes were falling from the sky; it looked like diamond dust in sunlight. The trees looked silver due to the ice that was covering them. "So, what would you guys like to do? I have the day off... we could do anything you guys want." Joe said as he finished cooking breakfast. The three of us made suggestions on what we should do as we ate the delicious food my uncle had made for us. The bacon, eggs, and toast tasted really good! But maybe it was because I was practically starving. After we finished eating we cleaned up and washed the dishes before we got ready to head into town. All of us agreed to go around looking at the marked down Christmas stuff. We put our jackets on before getting into my uncle's truck. He turned on the radio and New Years Day by U2 came on, which one of my favorite songs. We sang along to the music that played through the speakers all the way to town. As we looked through the different stores I ended up finding a set of marked down Christmas lights. I figured I could put them up in my room. Most of the time the only light in my room is from the string lights I have hung up. So, of one of the string of lights burn out I could replace them with the ones I found. When lunch time rolled around we ended up going to our favorite diner. All three of us got the daily special, which was a hot roast beef sandwich with mashed potatoes and a side of green beans. It's one of the best meals on a cold day. After I finished eating I relaxed in my seat and wondered what Richard was up to. 'He's probably finishing up his lunch break.' I thought inside of my head after I checked the time. It was almost one o'clock after all. Joe paid for our meals before we left the diner and got back into his black Ford truck. "So, what do you wanna do now?" Joe asked us curiously after we buckled up. "Let's go back home. I'm cold and a nice cup of hot tea and a movie sounds really good." I replied, and Arrow agreed. When we got back to the house I took my jacket off and put the kettle on to make everyone a cup of tea. We took our steaming cups into the living room and I put in The Nightmare Before Christmas even though Christmas had gone and passed. I snuggled into my soft blanket and enjoyed the movie with my best friend and favorite uncle. I just wished that Richard was here with us. Once the movie was over I took my phone out of my pocket and messaged Richard, hoping he wasn't too busy. To my surprise he replied with a few seconds. We told each other how much we were missing each other, and he asked if it was alright if he came over after work. Obviously I told him it was fine. Honestly, I think I would have said yes to anything as long as I got to see him. We watched a bunch of more movies before we all got together to cook dinner. We had baked salmon with white rice and asparagus topped with parmesan cheese. Thorn and Luna joined us for dinner as well, which was nice. We talked and laughed as we ate. Apparently they were hitchhiking to get here since they were no longer staying in the back yard. I was disappointed that Richard didn't join us for dinner, but I figured he didn't want to impose. Joe offered Thorn and Luna to spend the night, but they turned his offer down. They mentioned something about going to the next town to a winter festival. We said out goodbyes and then got started on cleaning up. "Hey, Violet. I think Richard is in the back yard." Joe said with slightly furrowed brows. The back porch light was illuminating the yard just enough so I could see Richard walking towards the house. "I wonder why he didn't come in the front way." I said as I grabbed my jacket and stepped outside into the cold night air. The sky was clear, so the beautiful silver stars were shinning above us as well as the full moon. "Hey." I said with a smile as I walked towards him. "Hey." He replied with a smile and a slight laugh as we wrapped our arms around each other. "Why didn't you come the front way?" I asked him curiously as we slowly broke the hug. "Well, I saw the kitchen lights on so I just decided to come this way instead." He said as he stooped down and grabbed a handful of snow. "Besides, I kinda wanted to have some fun." He said before he tossed the snowball he made towards me. The two of us ended up having a snowball fight, but it was all in good fun. I ended up falling into the snow and he helped me to my feet. He wrapped his arms around me and pulled me close. We closed the distance between each other and our lips met in a tender kiss. I didn't even feel the cold from the warmth I felt inside of my bones. His lips tasted like bubblegum, and I figured it was the flavor of his chap stick. We slowly broke the kiss and nuzzled our noses against each other's. I suddenly felt like there was someone watching us. When I looked around I seen Joe and Arrow watching us through the kitchen window. "Look." I said, and Richard looked in the direction I gestured to. He chuckled lightly with a smile on his handsome face. I guess they noticed we noticed them, so they came outside on the porch. "You better treat her right, Richard. Or I won't be responsible for my actions." Joe said once they walked over to us. "You don't have to worry about that. I'll treat her like a princess." Richard replied as he gently tightened his arms around me. "I know you will." Joe said with a small smile. The four or us ended up building a snowman together, which was fun. But the hot chocolate we had when we went inside was so much better. I cuddled with Richard underneath my favorite soft blanket while we watched tv. My uncle asked Richard and I questions about when we first started having feelings for each other. Joe and Arrow looked so happy I couldn't help the smile that was on my face. Sadly Richard had to go home because he had to go to work tomorrow morning. After we hugged and kissed each other goodnight, I helped Arrow clean the mugs we had hot chocolate in. "I'm so glad you've moved on, Violet. I just know that professor Brown is watching over you; he'd be happy knowing that you've found love again." He said as we put the mugs back in the cupboard. "Thanks. I know he'd be happy too." I replied with a small smile. I wanted to tell Arrow that Richard is professor Brown, but I figured it was best if he didn't know. The only ones that needed to know are Richard and I... no one else. We said goodnight to each other before shutting off all the downstairs lights. When I got to my room I changed into my pajamas and climbed into bed. Instead of going to sleep I ended up listening to some music and wrote a little for one or my Wattpad stories. I felt kinda guilty for not updating my readers with new content, so I made sure to publish a new chapter before calling it a night. I parked into the college parking lot feeling nervous and excited. Today was the first day of second semester. The cold temperatures were keeping me on my toes, so I really couldn't relax too well. I was ready to start my new classes. Once I entered the building I glanced at my schedule and seen that I had English 101 first. As I walked towards my first class I seen familiar faces that I saw first semester. But I also seen unfamiliar faces as well. When I reached my Destination I opened the classroom door and took a seat in the sunlit room. The lights weren't on, but they didn't need to be due to the lovely wall length windows. The snow that was on the ground sparkled in the golden sunlight. After a few minutes a few more people started flooding into the room. A couple jock types sat on the other side of the room, which I was thankful for. The room was practically packed full by the time the teacher arrived. "Good morning class, I'm professor Brown but you can call me Richard if you like." He said, and my head snapped up immediately. I looked up so quickly I got a painful tingly feeling in the back of my neck. My handsome boyfriend was standing in front of the class looking as handsome as ever. He gave me a wink before my surrounding began to fade. When I opened my eyes I found myself laying in bed. It was still dark out, but I had to get up and use the bathroom anyway. I relived my bladder and then headed downstairs to grab a drink of water. As I stood in the silent kitchen my mind drifted back to the dream I just had. I wouldn't mind seeing Richard every day, but I don't think I could handle him as my teacher. If he was we'd have to hide our relationship and I didn't wanna do that. It was best if he stayed at the library instead of being a professor again. I finished my glass of water and walked back upstairs as I pressed thoughts to the back of my mind. I climbed into bed and snuggled into my covers wondering if Richard was dreaming about me too.

A/N: Thanks for reading!! Remember to vote, comment, share, etc. :) <3

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