Chapter Fifteen | Christmas Dinner

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Violet's POV:

Arrow and I were in the kitchen helping Joe get Christmas dinner ready. In a few minutes my parents, Arrow's parents, and Richard would be coming over any time now. The past couple of days consisted of us preparing for the party, and Richard has been helping. He and I have grow closer as well. The sound of someone knocking on the door made my heart skip a beat. "I'll get it." Arrow said before he left the kitchen to answer the door. "Richard is here!" He yelled and I couldn't help the smile that was on my face. When the two of them walked into the room I turned to see Richard and my heart melted. He was wearing an emerald green sweater and black dress pants. I could see the collar of a white buttoned shirt sticking up around the neck line of the sweater. He looked so handsome and cuddly. "Hey, I love your sweater." I said he walked towards me and wrapped his arms around me. I wrapped my arms around him and snuggled into his chest. He smelled like heaven; I think I could have stayed in his arms forever. "Thanks. I really like your sweater too." He said with a smile as we slowly broke the hug. I was wearing a Nightmare Before Christmas sweater with ripped black jeans and a mismatched converse shoes. One was green and the other was red. "Thanks." I replied with a smile. Joe was wearing a burgundy sweater and Arrow was wearing a blue one. The blue really made Arrow's orange dreadlocks stand out as well as his green eyes. Richard jumped right in and started helping us cook and prep everything. When everyone showed up Joe ushered everyone over to the table. Richard was sitting on the right of me and Arrow was on the left. My parents were talking to his parents. Thorn and Luna were describing their gypsy life to them, which fascinated my mom and dad. But their fascination was a little bit rude, at least I felt liken it was rude. Before we knew it Joe sat the turkey on the table and Richard got up to help him bring everything else to the table. "You didn't have to help, Richard." Joe said. "I wanted to." He replied with a sweet smile as they each tool their seats. "Let's say grace." My mom said. My dad offered to do so, and we all held hands around the table. Richard's hand was so warm and soft. My hand seemed to fit in his large one like a perfect puzzle piece. After grace was said Joe cut the turkey and everyone filled our plates. "So... Richard... what do you do for a living?" My mom asked him curiously after a few minutes of comfortable silence. "Oh, I recently started at the local library." He replied with a small smile. "Really? Is the pay good?" My dad said with a smug sort of look on his face, which rubbed me the wrong way. "They lay minimum wage. It's enough to pay all my bills and have enough left over to buy groceries. It's... really all I need." He replied shrugging slightly before he took a sip of the wine he had in his glass. After he said that my parents went silent and my uncle smiled slightly. Even Thorn and Luna smiled a bit as well. The rest of the dinner was nice. After dessert we gathered in the living room to open the presents we got each other. Joe opened his presents first. I got him a few little things for his truck as well as candy and some other stuff. Then my parents opened their presents. Honestly, I didn't know what to get them so I got each of them a gift car. The one I got my mom was to Bath and Body; the one I got my dad was to Buffalo Wild Wings. For Thorn and Luna I got them supplies to make candles, jewelry, etc. I bought some band t-shirts and cd's for Arrow. I was really excited for Richard to open the presents I got him. I hoped he liked the poetry books I got him as well as the stationary I picked out. "Oh my god! I've been looking forever for these books!! Where did you find them?" Richard asked with an excited smile on his face. "At the second hand book store downtown." I replied. "I couldn't kiss you." He said with a sparkle in his eyes that made my insides melt. My face heated up with embarrassment as well. "Keep that for the mistletoe." Joe joked, which made us laugh. But the alarmed expression on my parents face hurt a little. I wanted my parents to like my friends, especially Richard. 'It might take a while for them to like them better. They did just meet them today.' I thought inside of my head. Richard laughed slightly and ran a hand through his beautifully curly hair. Then he opened the second present I got him. "I love the presents you got me so much, Violet. Thank you." He said as he gave me a hug, and I hugged him back. "I'm really glad you like them." I said with a smile. Then it was my time to open the presents they got me. Joe got me the last few Funko Pop figures I needed to complete my collection. My parents gave me an Amazon gift card, which is what I was expecting. Thorn and Luna gifted me some books on tarot card reading, tea making, candle making, etc. To my surprise, Arrow got me the cool lava lamp I saw at the record store a few days ago. He gave me some band and movie posters and new frames. Apparently he was paying attention when I mentioned I wanted to redecorate my bedroom. But what really shocked me was the gifts Richard got for me. There were a few bits of Slytherin merch, a blue journal with star constellations on all over it. The constellation on the front was a scorpion. 'I never told him I was a scorpio. Maybe it's just a coincidence or maybe he asked Joe or Arrow.' I thought inside of my head. There was also a fancy Tim Burton styled sketchbook and some art supplies. "Thank you guys so much!" I said as I gave everyone a hug. I hugged Richard last and snuggled into his chest a little bit. All of us talked for a while before my parents said their goodbyes. I knew they weren't going to stay overnight even it was dark outside. They were quietest I've ever seen them at a party. Thorn and Luna stayed a bit longer, because Joe convinced them to set up their tent in the back yard. After we cleaned up all of the wrapping paper and Christmas bags, we went on to tidy up the kitchen. We are ended up eating cookies and watching Christmas movies the rest of the night. Out of the four of us Joe was the first to go to bed. Arrow followed not too long after. I knew that Joe was tired from cooking all day long, but I had a feeling that Arrow went to sleep because he wanted Richard and I to be alone. I didn't mind though. He suggested that we should was the glasses we used to drink milk, and I agreed. After we finished washing the cups, we shut the kitchen lights off before going back into the living room. "Did you like the presents I got you? I consulted Arrow and your uncle on what to get you." He said with a small smile as we both sat back down on the couch. "I love them!" I said as I movies closer to him. He wrapped an arm around me and pulled me a little closer than I already I was. I laid my arm across his torso and rested my head on his shoulder. "I don't think your parents really cared for me. Especially when I said I could have kissed you; they looked appalled." He said, breaking the comfortable silence. I could see there was a hint of sadness in his eyes, which broke my heart. I didn't want him to think he wasn't good enough to he friends with me. "They did just meet you, but if they don't like you then something's wrong with them... not you. You're a great friend, Richard. Joe, Arrow, and his parents think your amazing!! And as for me, I absolutely adore you." I said, blushing a little as I snuggled into his chest. "You're so sweet, Violet. Joe, Arrow, and his parents are wonderful! So are you; I adore you like crazy." He said before he left a sweet kiss on my forehead and pulled me closer to him if that was even possible. I melted like a puddle in his arms. My heart felt like it was going to explode from the happiness I felt. "You're sweet too, Richard. I... I just wanna thank you for being so kind and lovely to me. You've helped me get through a rough time in my life, and I'll always be in debt to you for that." I said as I listened to the sound of his heart beating in his chest. "You don't owe me anything. I love being friends with you, and friends help friends get through stuff. I'm just glad you're feeling better. All I really want in return is for you to be in my life." He said softly as he played with my hair and kissed the top of my head. The two of us cuddled for a while before I started feeling tired. I literally almost fell asleep right there in Richard's arms. I desperately hoped that he knew how much he meant to me, and something sort of told me he did. "I wouldn't mind falling asleep right here, but I'm not sure how my uncle would react seeing us sleeping together on the couch." I said before yawning slightly. "I know how you feel. I'm so comfy here with you in my arms." He said with sparkly eyes, which made my insides melt. We just looked at each other for a few minutes before we eventually just got comfy on the couch. I didn't wanna walk all the way upstairs, and Richard didn't want me to leave. Honestly I didn't wanna leave either. So he put pillows on one end of the couch so we could lay our heads on, even though I ended up laying my head on his chest. After we got comfy he covered us up with a soft blanket. "Good night Richard." I mumbled. "Good night Violet." He said softly as he gently rubbed my back. The rhythmic beating of his heart and breathing lulled me into a deep sleep. I gently drifted back into the world of reality and found myself wrapped in Richard's arms. I breathed in his heavenly scent and snuggled into his chest a bit. "Did you sleep good, sweetheart?" He asked softly as he gently rubbed my sides. "I slept perfectly... thanks to you." I replied and he left a kiss on top of my head. I looked up and him and my insides melted when I looked into his beautiful eyes. "I should warn you that Joe and Arrow seen us. They'll probably end up teasing us all day." He said with a little laugh as he tightened his arms around us. "I'd be worried if they didn't." I replied with a small laugh of my own. The two of us cuddled for a little while before we got up. I went to my room to take a bath and change. Richard didn't have a change of clothes, so I wasn't sure where he went. I just hoped that he didn't go home yet. After I finished bathing I put on a pair of gray sweatpants and an oversized Aerosmith t-shirt. When I walked downstairs I headed into the kitchen. Joe and Arrow were cooking breakfast. "Hey, um... we seen you and Richard cuddling on the couch. Is... is there something I should know?" Joe said with a sparkle in his eyes and a smile on his face. I felt myself blush and butterflies filled my stomach. "No." I replied shyly. "Where is Richard anyway?" I said after a few minutes of comfortable silence. "He went next door to take a shower and change. He said he'll be back inn a few minutes." Arrow replied with a small smile. Deep down I wouldn't mind being in a relationship with Richard, but I'm not sure if I'm ready or not. I mean... the last time I got into a relationship it didn't last very long. 'Maybe it's best if he and I just stay friends for now.' I thought inside of my head. When Richard came back breakfast was ready. Thorn and Luna joined us as well, and we all talked about the lovely Christmas dinner we shared yesterday. I hoped we could be together for many holidays to come, because they mean everything to me. Without them I don't think I'd be here right now. Arrow and Joe have been so strong when I was going through a horrible time. Thorn and Luna were a big help as well with all the aroma therapy, herbal teas, etc. And Richard.... well... Richard was a saving grace.

A/N: Thanks for reading!! Remember to vote, comment, share, etc. :) <3

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