Chapter Nineteen | New Semester, New Professors

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Violet's POV:

Monday morning came quick; it was hard getting out of bed at seven o'clock especially since I was use to sleeping in. But I couldn't be late for my eight o'clock class. "Have a great day! Tell Arrow I said hi by the way." Joe said as he walked out to the car with me. "I'll try to have a good day." I replied with a slight laugh. After promising him I'd tell Arrow he said hi, I started up the jeep and pulled out of the driveway. On the way to the college I listened to some music to calm my nerves. I was excited about my new classes and everything, but I had a little anxiety about meeting my new professors. 'You'll be fine, Violet.' I said to myself before I pressed my thoughts to the back of my mind. As I pulled into the parking lot I spotted a couple people just milling around before their classes started. I shut the radio off before killing the engine. Since I had a few minutes before my class started I decided to head inside and look for Arrow. Hopefully he was waiting on my in the library, but I kinda doubted he had any eight o'clock classes. Deep down I wasn't surprised he wasn't in the room when I looked around, so I just sat down at one of the computers. I figured I should make sure there weren't any changes to my schedule. "Excuse me," I heard a deep male voice say in a hushed tone. I looked to my right and seen a tall guy with long light brown hair and brownish green colored eyes. He had sort of a long face with big lips and a defined jawline. "I saw you roaming around campus with that ginger boy the other day." He said, which seemed a little odd and irrelevant. So what if he did see me walking around campus with my best friend? "You did?" I replied with slightly furrowed brows. "Is he your boyfriend?" He asked, and internally groaned. 'Please don't be hitting on me.' I thought inside of my head. "No, he and are just friends. We're best friends actually." I replied with a slight laugh. "Good, because I was wondering if you could give him my number. I know it's not the smoothest thing to do to ask someone out, but... I'm too shy to ask him myself." He said as a blush crept up on his cheeks. A bit of relief washed over me, but then I suddenly wondered if Arrow liked guys. I mean... I never asked but it's not something you typically just ask a person. "Um... sure." I replied. "Thanks. My name is Marshall by the way." He replied as he wrote his number down on a small piece of paper. I told him my name and we actually talked for a few minutes before I had to go to class. The two of us said out goodbyes and went separate ways. I put the price of paper Marshall gave me into my pocket and made a mental note to tell Arrow at lunch. When I walked into my Geography class, and took a seat. 'I hope none of my professors give me homework today.' I thought inside of my head as I prepared for class. All of my morning classes seemed alright, but I wasn't so sure about the teachers. In about a week or so I'd know if I like them or not. I just hoped I didn't have another Professor Till to deal with. My art teacher dismissed us early so I went to the library and relaxed the comfortable quietness for a while. "So, how have your morning classes been? I assume you've had a couple already." I heard a familiar voice say. When I looked up I saw Richard standing in the isle right in front of me. My heart skipped a beat and a huge smile spread across my face. I quickly got up out of the chair I was sitting in and gave him a hug. He tightly wrapped his arms around and I snuggled into his chest. "What are you doing here?" I asked him curiously with a silly grin plastered on my face. "I forgot to tell you that I got transferred to this library. Apparently the main librarian here retired late December, and they needed a replacement. Obviously I couldn't turn down a job opportunity that was gonna get me closer to you." He replied softly before he gently caressed my cheek with his thumb. I expressed how happy I was that he was gonna be working here. It meant I could see him more often and we didn't have to hide our relationship. There wasn't anything against students dating library staff, at least I don't think their is. We talked and kissed a little before he had to get back to work. I literally felt like the happiest girl in the whole world! When lunch time rolled around I headed to the cafeteria to grab something to eat. That's where I ran into Arrow. The two of us got a study room thanks to my handsome boyfriend. Him and Arrow talked for a little bit before we eventually went back to the study room where we watched YouTube videos and ate lunch. "Hey, um... a guy by the name of Marshall wanted me to give you his number. I think he's interested n you." I said as I handed him the piece of paper Marshall had given me. He took the paper and unfolded it. "Do you think I should message him?" He asked me after putting the number in his phone. "Do whatever you feel like. You never know, he might be the one for you." I said. A small smile spread across his face as he sent a message. The rest of the time we had for the lunch the two of them texted each other, and I couldn't help but feel a little hopeful. I really wanted Arrow to find someone to love... someone to love him back. As soon as it was time for our next class we threw our trash away and checked out of the study room. I gave Richard a quick hug before leaving the library. "You two are so cute together!" Arrow said as we walked towards our stage craft 102 class together. "Thanks." I replied with a smile. I'm sure I was probably blushing as well. Mrs. Lewis took roll call once we entered the classroom. I was surprised that we weren't having class in the auditorium. 'I wonder what she had planned for this semester.' I thought inside of my head as she handed out the syllabus and class rules. After discussing what we would be covering during the course, she assigned us out first project. It wasn't a big project; Arrow and I finished it within the remaining class period. Once we turned it in we were allowed to leave. "What do you wanna do now? I have a class at three thirty." Arrow said as we left the classroom. "It doesn't matter. I'm actually finished for the day." I replied. I made sure that I got to leave at either two or three o'clock in the afternoon. Especially since spring semester lasted all the way into May, and I didn't wanna waste the nice weather being inside all the time. We ended up hanging out in the music room. Professor Lee liked Arrow a lot, so he didn't mind us being there. All three of us talked about music. Arrow played a few songs on one of the acoustic guitars. Mr. Lee attempted to show me the beginnings of guitar playing, but I was absolutely lousy. I figured it would take lots of practice to get good at learning any instrument, but I didn't see myself learning how to do play guitar any time soon. I didn't even have intentions of taking a music class, but they could change. After all, I have three more years of college education to go through. But theater was calling to me more than music classes. Before Arrow had to go to his class we went to the library to talk to Richard for a bit. Arrow had to leave but I stuck around a little longer. "Are you finished for the day?" He asked me curiously. "Actually I was finished at two o'clock, but Arrow and I hung out for a little while." I replied. Richard and I hugged and kissed before we said our goodbyes. He mentioned something about coming over after he got off of work, which made me happy. My life seemed so perfect. I never imagined that my life would change from hearing two little words. "I'm Richard."

The End

A/N: Thanks for reading!! I really hope you guys enjoyed reading this story!!! Remember to vote, comment, share, etc. :) <3

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