chapter 22

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[Btw I know nothing about college so excuse me if get anything wrong  lol.]

Columbia was pretty much on the opposite side of the city. I had to take the subway there. 

As soon as I stepped on the campus, I felt a million memories flash back. I remembered how I had a huge fight with my dad. He wanted me to go here. He talked about it all throughout my senior year. But on my senior trip to London, I fell in love with the city. I knew I had to go to school out there. If I had gone to school at Columbia, I probably never would have met Ryan. 

I walked into the classroom and took a seat. 

"Hey, I'm Sarah." The girl sitting next to me, said. She looked vaguely familiar.

"I'm Kylie." I replied, smiling at her.

"Nice to meet you. So I'm guessing this is your first and last year here."

"How'd you know?"

"I'm used to taking this course with the same people. It's pretty nice to see and new face every once and while."

Apparently she was in both my classes. She was pretty cool too.

"Hey, wanna grab coffee with me?" Sarah said, after class.

I looked at my phone. It was about 11 am. 

"Yeah, sure. I'd love to."

I spent a good hour with Sarah at Stabucks. It was pretty fun. Turns out we went to the same High School out here in NYC. 

"Well I should get going. Maybe sometime during the week we can meet and study for that stupid test Mr. Crawford's giving us." She said.

"Yeah, totally! That'd be fun."

I went home, hoping to see Ryan, but he wasn't there. He left a note on the bed.

Had to go back to FL for an interview. Be back tomorrow. Call me when you get home. Love you x

"Seriously?" I said out loud.

I dialed his number. He picked up on the second ring.

"Hey" He said.

"No. Don't 'hey' me. Why didn't you tell me earlier?!"

"Look, I know you're mad, bu-"

"Of course I'm mad. You could have told me yesterday. Or any other day except today."

"I'm sorry. I forgot about it, until I checked my schedule. I'll tell you next time. I promise."


"I love you. Please don't be mad at me."

"I love you too, but I hate you at the same time." 

I hung up. Sometimes Ryan frustrates me more than ever.

"Have any plans tonight?" I texted Sarah.

"Nope. Why?" She responded.

"Well my boyfriend's out tonight, so maybe we could hang out at my place or something."

"Yeah, I'm down. I'll bring food."

I put my phone away and took a shower. When I got out, I had five missed calls from Ryan. 

"Ha try calling 20 more times and maybe I'll consider talking to you." I texted him.

Within 5 minutes, he'd called me 20 times.

"So are you going to talk to me now?" He texted back.

I called him back.

"Are you still mad?"

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