How you met

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I'm going to start posting a joke at the beginning just cause so here we go!!!

If you was a dinosaur you would be a bitch-a-whore-us. Have a lovely reading!

Jeff the Killer
you were trying to go to sleep but you couldn't shake the feeling you were being watched. you brushed it off as nothing and continued to try to go to sleep. all of a sudden your window flies open and a figure jumps on top of you. you try to scream but his hand covers your mouth. he whispers Go.To.Sleep. it suddenly clicks in your head who it is and you shove him off of you. he says "I wasn't expecting that" then he possed. "Dammn your hot..." you blush. "what's your name?" he asks. "(Y/N)" "that's a very pretty name... well ill see you tomorrow (Y/N)."

BEN Drowned:

you had went to a yard sale earlier and found this cool game called Majoras Mask. (A/N): sorry I can't spell that oops..) You put it in your PlayStation and see a file named BEN. He was pretty far into the game so you decide to play his file. After a while it's starts glitching erasing all your new progress. "What the hell?!" all of a sudden a boy climbes out of your screen. "AHHH!!!" you scream. "Hay calm down it's alright... I'm BEN." " Like the file?" "Ya." he smiles "and you are?" "(Y/N)" "Thats a pretty name." You blush a bright red. (A/N: awww) "See you tomorrow (Y/N)." BEN says before climbing back into the video game.

The Rake:

You were walking along a stream in the woods when all of a sudden you heard leaves rustling. You thought it was just the wind so you didn't pay any attention to it. Then you heard a twig snap. "H-Hello?" your stuttered. No response. You started to get scared so you started running. Then when you turned around there was a thing following you. You screamed but as you were looking back you hit a tree. When you fell all you could say was "p-p-please don't hurt m-me.." you stammered. Then the thing turned into a boy. He looked about your age and he said "I won't hurt you... your to pretty to kill." you blushed (A/N): *sqweee!!*) "What's your name?" He said. " (Y/N)" "I'm Rake." "I'll see you tomorrow (Y/N)."

Sonic exe.

Your ex best friend gave you this game to apologize for hurting your feelings. you took the video game then rejected her apology. when you got home you put the game in to find out it was Sonic exe. (A/N): sorry I don't know what its called ^^) You were playing but after a while the game started to glitch...bad. there were dead animals and blood everywhere. it scared you so much that you tried to turn the game off but it was glitching so much that it wouldn't turn off. you started to cry.. but then you heard someone say "don't cry babe... I'm sorry" you continued to cry because you were frightened after looking at him. "Damn it I said don't cry!!!" when he said the you cryed more. "Wait.. i-I'm s-sorry please don't cry.." Then he came over and sat by you. "what's your name?" you managed to get out. "I'm sonic... and you are?" "(Y/N)" you sniffled. "Well ill see you tomorrow then (Y/N)."

Lost Silver:

Your boyfriend and you were drunk but he was more drunk than you. He was trying to get your clothes off but you kept saying no. He had you pinned to the wall. "C'mon (Y/N)" he slurred. "No!" you screamed. "Help someone!!!" you screamed. That's when he back handed you. You started to cry before he dropped to the floor. you saw a boy about your age with a knife in his hand. "A-a-are you al-alright?" he asked. "I t-think so." you stuttered. "My name's l-lost silver b-but you c-c-can call me s-silver." "My name's Y-(Y/N)." "W-well ill see you l-later (Y/N)."


You were taking a walk in the woods to get your mind off the beating you had just taken from your step dad. You were so upset and crying your eyes out. All of a sudden you heard static and your ears popped. You heard a voice say "please don't cry dear." You turned around to see a tall man in a very lovely suit. "W-who are y-you?" you said. "I'm Slenderman... but you can call me slendy." "im..." "(Y/N) I know and what a lovely name that is." you blushed a light pink. "You should head back home dear." he said. Let's just say your step-dad's death was all over the news the next day.

(A/N) i will be adding Hoodie and Masky now so enjoy!!


You were walking home from a party and you felt like you were being followed. You saw a light post and walked towards it. You pulled out the can of pepper spray you always kept in your jacket. You heard footsteps and you started running towards the light. When you got there you turned around to see... Nothing. You were breathing heavy and then you heard some say "Hello Beautiful." You whipped around with your pepper spray and before you could aim he took it out of your hands and threw it on the ground. "You wont be needing that, I wont hurt you." "W-Who are y-you?" You stuttered. "Im Hoodie, and you must be.." "(Y/N)." "Ahh yes (Y/N). Thats very pretty." He replied. "I'll see you later (Y/N)."


You just had a horrid break up with your boyfriend Ken and he wouldn't leave. "Get out of my house!!You screamed. "Cmon baby I said I was sorry." He said, Obviously drunk. "I don't care get out!" You said throwing his shirt at him. "Ya know what Bitch you can't talk to me like that!" He screamed. You felt the sting on your face as he slapped you. You started to cry. "Baby im so.." You cut him off. "GET OUT NOW!!" You screamed. "You heard the lady Get out." You whipped around to see a man standing at your door with a mask on. "And who the hell are you?" Ken said. "Im your worst nightmare now get out!" The misterious man yelled. The guy pulled out a knife and pointed it at him. "Okay okay Phyco im going." Ken said walking out the door. "Who are you?" I asked when Ken left. "Masky and you must be (Y/N)." Ya. Thank you." Anytime Doll." He said winking.


You were going to a party on Halloween with you best friend (YBFN) and as you drove back home her car broke down. Joy. As you were calling your mom to have her pick you up a man walked over to help you with (YBFN)s car. "Hi." The mysterious man said. " what seems to be wrong?" " Well my friends car broke down and were waiting on my mom to pick is up." "Ahh. Well is their anything that I can do?" He said. "Well you can tell me your name." I replied. "I'm LJ and you are..?" "(Y/ N)" " Well that's a very pretty name to go with your pretty face." You smiled as your best friend poked her head out the window and yelled, "GET some (Y/ N)!!!" You sighed and said, "She's a bit drunk." "I am NOT I'm perfectly FiNe." You both laughed as your mom showed up. " Well see you later beautiful." You smiled and went to say good bye but he was gone. You looked around for him but he vanished. You got in the car confused wondering when you would see him again.

Hope you Guys enjoyed!!


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