When He asked you out.

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Now i kind of ruined this one cause some of them you may think your dating them like Sonic and LJ but this is when he formally asked you out kk!!!! Have fun reading!!!

Joke time!

Dear life,
When I said "Can my day get any worse?"
It wasn't a challenge.

Jeffy Boy!!!

You guys were hanging out at your house playing video games. You were beating his Ass. "HAHA!!!" You said after finally beating him. "Nooooooo!!!!" He yelled in defeat. You stuck your tongue out at him and said"I'm going to get a soda.. Want one?" "Sure." He said. He looked down and said "Your the first person to beat me at this video game." You looked up in surprise."Seriously?!" "Yep." He replied. "Sorry.... But Yay!!!" You jumped around. "He chuckled. "Enjoy your victory but i want a rematch!!!" You looked at him. Like really looked at him. Before you knew it you said "Your Pretty Jeff." He grinned. He stood up and walked towards you. He got in your face and said "Not as pretty as you.." You blushed. "Thanks Jeffy." You smiled and so did he. Hay (Y/N).." "Ya jeff?" "Um... W-Would you like to.." "C'Mon Jeffy spit it out." You smiled having no idea what he was about to say. "Well would you d-do me the h-honor of dating me?" You were stunted. You paused. "Yes." You grinned and hugged him. "Yes!!!" He yelled and hugged you tight. "Thank you (Y/N)" he said. "Anytime Jeff. "Now about that rematch.." Jeff said with a grin...

BENjamin Drowned!

(A/N) This one will start out kind of like Jeff's Okay!!!! Enjoy!!!

You were hanging out at the mansion in Ben's room playing video games. Majora's mask to be specific. Some people wouldn't dare play it but the guy who hackes it and tryes to kill you was your best friend so what did you have to loose, am I right? "Ben!!! Come play this with me!!!!" You yelled. "COMING MOTHER!!!" He said sarcastically.You sighed. That boy.. He came down stairs with soda and through one to me. "Whatcha pla..." He paused. "You cant play that." "Why not?" You asked confused. "Because i said so." He said "Well im going to play it anyway with or without you." You said firmly."Not If i can help it." He said and jumped on you. You started laughing. "G-get o-off m-me!!!" You said. NEVER!!!" he yelled. He got the controller and through it. "NOOOOO!!!!" you said. "Hahaha!!!!" He laughed. When you stopped laughing you saw what position you were in. He had your arms pinned above your head and way leaned over you. "Um.. Ben you can get off me now.." You said. He looked down and saw what position you were in but didn't move. "He smiled. (Y/N).. Will you go out with me?" He said with a grin. "Be-Ben.. I um..Um..."You paused. He stared into your eyes waiting for an answer. "Yes!" You exclaimed with a a smile. "Yes!!!!!!" He yelled. You pushed him off of you and tried to get the controller."Nope If you want to play the video game you have to come with me." Before you had a chance to respond he pulled you into the T.V. and you and him played to video game together.

The Rake

(A/N) I have been putting this off and trying to think about it but i have it now so yay!!!

You were playing hide and seek (again) in the woods... at dark. Great. Rake dragged you out here and went to hide. I hope he stayed in human form cause i wasn't in the mood to be scared shitless.  " And 20 ready or not here I come!!!" You shouted. You walked along through the woods looking for Rake. You heard leaves rustle. "Come out come out where ever you are!!!" You yelled like a little kid. You saw something move. You walked towards it. "Rake is that you?" since it was fall you could here all the leaves rustle everywhere. "Rakeee!!!" you shouted. You heard a laugh. You ran towards it and saw a glimpse of Rake. "Found you!!!" You yelled triumphantly. He jumped out at you and tackled you. "Hayy!! Get off me!!" You said laughing. He was laughing too. "Hay (Y/N).." He paused. "Will you do the honor of dating me?" He grinned. "Sure!! Why not." You said smiling. He got up off you and slung you over his shoulder and ran back to Slendy's mansion.

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