dating him would include..

4.5K 59 176


....Taking walks



....Stupid jokes


....Holding hands

....Fancy dates

.....Serious talks together

....long walks

....Feeling like a princess




.....talking all day

.....sleeping all day

.....walks in the woods



......breakfast in bed


.... him showing you off


....being his Queen


...Ass grabbing

....long walks

.....being called sexy



....him being jealous

....being shown off



....being in love

Rake- fights

.....cheesy pickup lines

......wearing his clothes

.....cute selfie


....him towering over you in hugs

.....him being jealous

.....getting caught talking dirty fights

....Ass grabbing

....long walks in the woods


....neck kisses

....being his "lucky charm" marathons

.....pool parties

.....dirty talk

.....being called sexy



....leaving dinner early ;)


....pillow fights

....wearing his clothes

....him being jealous


...wearing his hoodie

.....good fights

....Ass grabbing




.....long walks


.....feeling like a princess

..... him being jealous

..... him being protective


.....dirty pickup lines

....being his "bitch"


....feeling like a princess

....being his Queen


....long walks

.....his cute studdering


....going to the movies

.....wearing his clothes

....warm hugs

......pick up lines

.....being in love


....hangin with the boys (Slendy, Jeff and Ben)



....eating cheesecake


.....popcorn fights


....sing offs



....him being protective

.....pillow fights

....lazy days

.....being his better half

.....slow dancing

.....deep talks



.....separating good and "bad" candy

....being his Mrs.candy cane

....being completely in love

.....pillow fights cream dates

.....long walks

....dirty talk

......him being jealous


....neck kisses

....Ass grabbing



....dancing in the rain

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