18: Ash

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Ash laughed as he tumbled into the lake, water closing over his head, blocking out sound. Through the water he looked up to see Kova laughing above him the sun glinting off her hair, her image distorted by the ripples on the surface.

She held out her arms to him as he pushed upwards breaking the surface, a cool wind nicked his hair. The sound of Kova's laugh now reaches his ears.

Jumping out the lake he shook himself like a dog smiling at her. His mate. He had never felt happier, his head still spun from the last three days they had spent together. He could still taste the soup she had given him, it had set his blood on fire, unable to let go of her all through the night and next day. Her scent now mingled with his. His mate.

Kova's eyes twinkled as she looked up at him, "Are you going to growl at everyone who comes near me now?" She teased lightly. Ash felt his cheeks heat up, an hour ago a very wary Thayer had arrived to tell them Rhys expected them back by nightfall. Thayer had barely looked at Kova before Ash had thrown himself at the Male. It was only due to Kova grabbing him and pulling him inside the cabin that stopped him ripping into Thayer.

Kova had surprisingly taken it quite well but he could tell she was a little annoyed but she knew as well as him the his instincts win over at this crucial time.

They hadn't left the cabin for another hour.

"You know we should really get back" Kova pulled him out of his thoughts,
"So every Male can talk to you at the party my fathers throwing?" He growled defensively.
Kova just laughed, "Territorial Fae bastard"
"Little Lynx" he reports pulling her in for a kiss which again set his blood alight. He glanced back at the cabin but a hand brought his face back to look into sky blue eyes. "Control yourself" she warned him as he reluctantly folded them into wind and shadow.

They appeared in the middle of the dinning room table. His mother leaped up throwing herself at her son. She was shorter than him so he easily hugged her. Over his mothers shoulder he saw he father smile brightly as he sniffed the air, Cassian reluctantly placing some gold coins into Rhys' open hand.

"You bet on us?" He asked his father in his mind
"Your uncle and I bet on everything" was the reply he received.

Joy shot down the bond as he turned to see Kova jump off the table to be caught by her father, Azriel's wings unfurled as he held her in his arms, his eyes found Ash's. A shadows curled around Ash's hand, a greeting but also a reminder of who Kova was and who Azriel was.

"What is it with you widowing onto tables?" Thayer yelled as he picked his leg up from the ground, obviously having topple backwards at their arrival, "First winter, now here. I'm beginning to think you do it on purpose to be dramatic"

"He does" Kova replied hugging Thayer tightly. Ash felt himself tense but he was nowhere near as territorial now than he had been earlier, he was prepared now. Kova sent a grateful look in his direction.

"Come now, we have to get you ready for tonight" Mor cried grabbing Kova's arm. "But it's still four hours away!" Ash interjected
"Not nearly enough time" Feyre answered, she looked at his father and red coloured her cheeks.

"Not in-front of the children Rhysand" Mor cried causing both high Lord and Lady to blush. "Not like they didnt do it to" Armen chuckled. Kova's face burned bright red and a flicker of satisfaction shot through Ash at the memory.

Mor and Feyre grabbed Kova, dragging her out the door. She sent a pleading look back at the males causing Azriel and Rhys to laugh.

"And no peaking Asher!" Mor yelled back. Rhys chuckled clapping Ash in the back.
"That goes for you as well Rhysand", Rhys scratched the back of his neck guiltily.

Ash tugged at his collar nervously, shifting his wait for left to right. The sun was touching the horizon, the stars beginning to become visible in the purple light of sunset.

His father stood beside him, dressed in a black suit with silver embroidery, Cassian and Azriel were dressed in a smiling fashion. Ash had complained but finally given into wearing one of his fathers old suits, Rhys had smiled at him when he had given it to Ash.

"I wore this at the first starfall your mother attended"
"Before she knew she was your mate"
"Before she knew"

Mor had come down the stairs a minute ago dressed in red, the dress was cut down the back, but flowed around her like liquid fire. She had smirked at Rhys and Ash, saying Feyre was fussing over a very bored Kova.

His mother appeared at the top of the stairs, ash heard his fathers quiet intake of breath. His mother had always been beautiful but tonight she was magnificent, her own star. Her dress was pure starlight, the material clung close to her body, sensing rainbows dashing across the wall when the light caught it.

His father stepped forward extending his hand which his mother took delicately, smiling at her mate.

Soft footsteps drew Ash's attention away from his parents. Ash felt his heart stop as Kova stood at the top of the stairs. The bodice of the dress was silver, the silver ran down into a midnight blue skirt. She was a star in the night, his star. Her hair tied in a waterfall braid. She smiled at him her face lighting up as she caught his eyes.

"Not bad little Lynx. Not bad at all"
"You clean up well enough batling"
He took her hand as she reached the bottom of the stairs. "Shall we?" He asked raising an eyebrow playfully.

"Ruin my hair and I'll kill you. Your mother and Mor took hours on it"
"That's and exaggeration. You just don't like sitting still my dear" Mor called as Azreil widowed her away filled by his parents.

"You ready to see how the courts celebrate?" Ash asked her,
"Do I want to know how drunk their all going to get?" Ash there back his hard a she laughed before smirking at her.

"No. No you don't"
Kova's Dress

Kova's Hair

Note that I do not own these images, I got them from pinterest 

A/N I'm actually so sad that this book is reaching the end. I've had so much fun writing it.

What would you guys think if I wrote an Azriel x oc story?

Really hope you guys enjoyed this chapter, I found it so much fun to write.

Thankyou for all your support and lovely comments


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