12: Kova

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A/N Above is how I picture Ash to look. (Photo from Lorin of the Shanara Chronicles TV series)

Her eyes burned into Xavier's, something in her was roaring to be let out, something in her wanted to run to Ash who was staring at her.

Above her Bryaxis loomed, one look at Cassian had Kova almost laughing. The general looked like half of him was wanting to jump up and down in joy the other wanted to run away and was currently trying not to pee his pants.

Gold armoured men poured into the room facing off against Keir who had appeared a few feet away and his darkbringers. "I thought you said you had killed her" Amarantha shrieked angrily clawing at Xavier who was calmly smirking at Kova. He offered no more words, instead at the incline of his head had the gold men flying at Keir and his men. Bryaxis lowered his head down looking deep into Kova's eyes. "Be whk you want to be" his words were quiet only meant for her as he leapt over her into the middle of the fight.

Kova stretched her wings flying up before dropping down in-front of Ash who was looking at her in awe. A flick of her wrist was it it needs for his and Thayer's chains to loose fall around the boys feet. Thayer looked at Kova but she only smiled at him, "She's all yours", with permission granted he flew at Amarantha.

A cold hand glided down her left wings causing her to shiver. Ash quickly withdrew his hand but as he did his own wings, that for so long had lain dormant burst into existence. His face lit up as he flapped them.

A wordless thanks seeped into Kova's mind as she passed him a sword as she drew her two blades. She was highly aware even in the midst of this chaos every eye upon them from the Night Court to the Summer Court, even Tamalin watched. "Together" Ash stated his hand brushing hers.
"Together" She agreed as they surged forward.

They fought back to back, like a mirror each movement perfectly carried out in unison protecting each other's backs. At one point Kova heard Ash laugh as she rolled over his back to stab a man in the chest while he cut another in half.

It seemed to be going well the two of them rating through the room. One time Kova caught a glimpse of Thayer backing Amarantha into a corner blood dripping from her forehead.

But something in the battle changed. If she had looked to Rhys maybe she would have seen his warning but Ash was swept away from her to the opposite side of the room. Kova wasn't worried she knew Ash was a skilful warrior. Her shadows weaves around her seating around her legs like puppies as they cut her attackers.


Everyone froze the golden men and dark bringers alike looked to Xavier who had spoken. He held a curved dagger at Ash's throat. Deja vu flowed through Kova's mind her mind tunnel on a plan to get Ash free. "Call your dogs and beast off" he commanded her, "Or else" the menace in his voice sent shivers down her spine. Xavier meant every word.

Keir glanced to Kova. Her eyes caught Feyre's pale ones, the High lady lay weakly in her mates arms watching helplessly as one girl, one meaningless girl played with her only sons life. Rhys was also watching her anger shimmering in his purple eyes but she could not tell if the rage was directed at her or Xavier. Maybe both.

A small part of her, maybe the part of her that was still naive and young wanted to run into her fathers arms and beg him to tell her what to do. But all Azriel did was look at her, understanding in those hazel eyes. His voice from a distant memory echoed in her head,

"Whenever your in a situation like this let your mother guide you not me"
"But she's not here" Kova had replied angrily, Azreil's face had gone serious and he had taken both of her small pale hands in his large scraped ones. "She has always been with you and will always be with you" he had kissed her forehead and they had watched the sunrise together.

"Stand down" she ordered Keir and Bryaxis. The dark bringers withdrew into the shadows and Bryaxis stood beside Kova his breath ruffling white her hair. "Tell them to leave" Xavier spoke his left eyebrow twitching. When she hesitated he dug the knife in deeper drawing blood. Feyre tried weakly to move but Rhys held her tighter seeming to whisper comfort down their bond. Kova inclined her head to Keir who swore at Xavier but he and his men folded into darkness. Bryaxis growled but Xavier raise her eyebrows at Kova. Kova turned her back placing her hand on Bryaxis' nose causing him to lower his head. "Go my friend, I will come" Bryaxis let loose a chilling howl that chilled everyone's blood but he left spinning darkness around himself.

To her left Kova saw Thayer covered in blood over the dead body of his mother on his knees held down by three gold armoured men, his face haunted and unseeing.

"So Kova, it comes down to this" Xavier was watching her, "Them or him you can only choose one". This was what Xavier had wanted all along to give Kova the ultimatum of Ash or the courts. The world or... Ash whatever he was to her. Ash's eyes stared into Kova's, that bond between them seemed to glow, "Kova listen to me forget me, I..." his voice was cut off by Xavier's growl. "No mind linking boy"

Despite her acratic heart rate Kova remained calm and cool on the outside. "Who said I would choose either?"

A breath was sucked in by everyone even Ash looked stunned. "You brought Amarantha, back what about Ilya?"

"Now we're getting interesting" Xavier laughed he waved his hand. An apparition of a woman, pure white hair and stunning blue eyes, Kova's eyes and hair, she was dressed in a deep blue dress smiling and laughing. Kova could see why Azriel saw so much of Ilya in Kova.

Her knees hit the ground as she took in the woman. "She could be yours just say the word" Xavier whispered holding Ash tighter.

Kova looked at Ilya, years of bitterness swept away, understanding taking its place. Her mother had not abandoned her, she had protected both Azriel and Kova by leaving. She had been too powerful to be around Kova. But no matter her actions Ilya had done everything out of love.

"What?" Growled Xavier
"No. I let my mother go a long time ago". Xavier's handsome face flooded red. "Let it be on your head" the golden men moved towards her but that wasn't what Kova paid attention to.

Xavier withdrew his dagger, Ash reached out to Kova as Xavier drove his knife through Ash's chest.

The heir of the Night Court fell to his knees blood pooling around him.

And Kova screamed. She screamed as she had never screamed before. The bond between them flared as she felt Ash's pain. Something inside her snapped, her eyes blurred and darkness filled them.

A/N I feel like this is a new trend of my chapter that I finish on a cliff hanger.

What did you guys think? Please comment your thoughts, they are so useful to me as well as any constructive criticism (please can it be constructive)

What do you guys think will happen next? Will Ash survive?

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