16: Ash

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Kova's white hair fluttered around her head, but unlike last time her eyes were not a black abyss, they looked like the night sky, star strung but dark. He could feel her iron grip on the mating bond, fear mixed with delight shot down the bond. He answered it with his own joy and trepidation.

He knew what it had cost her when she saw the question in his eyes. Maybe it was the fact that he was on the brink of death that caused her to throw truthteller at Yama. Ash saw that Cassian had Keir by the throat while his father held his mother as they stood powerless to help him. Azriel was pushing at the golden barrier separating the them of them.

"If your done staring can you come and help" her voice blew like a sea's breeze into his mind, happiness filled him. They had never spoken down the bond before.

He turned to see Kova throwing him a smile as she slid under Yama's legs slicing his chin with truthteller. "Even in a dress you still fight like an Illyrian, little Lynx" he shot back. Spreading his wings to their full considerable wingspan he leaped gracefully into the air tearing into Yama from above while Kova darted below.

Yama suddenly grabbed Kova by the throat. Ash yelled out in panic not just because Yama was strangling Kova but he felt her grip on the bond slip and disappear.

She let go of the tether he had created between them.

Yama threw Kova across the room, Ash dived grabbing her waist bringing her to him. As his hands closed around her, black wings exploded from her back fluttering to keep her in the air. When he looked into her eyes she saw sky blue and yet the power still pulsed from her. A smile graced her lips as her wing brushed his and he shuddered suppressing a groan.

Together they flew at Yama, Ash unleashed his darkness. He was the son of Feyre and Rhysand the two most powerful Fae in history nothing on earth could match his power; apart from Kova. But Yama wasn't of this world, his golden blood pooled around them, drenching the black marble. But red blood trickled from both Ash and Kova.

Ash slide across the blood slick floor coming to a halt a few feet from Azreil who had backed off looking at something Ash couldn't see. Kova alighted next to him her black wings glittering in the light. "You can't win against me, I cannot die" Yama laughed cruelty at them.

"Agreed brother but you can be sent back" Armen's small form crossed the boundary into their golden arena. "Sister" Yama crooned. Armen was moving the blood with her feet as if playing with it. Yama came at her but Armen didn't defend herself, Yama's sword slice open her shoulder.

Kova grabbed Ash's hand, "Come on we have to get to her runes". Ash now saw the runes that Armen had drawn with Yama's blood mixed with her own that had fell. The two of them landed next to the runes which to Ash looked like a bunch of swirls. He watched as his and Kova's blood mixed with Armen's and Yama's turning the liquid to a deep purple colour.

"Armen" he yelled gaining the woman's attention. She began to taunt Yama drawing him back towards them, Ash closed his eyes pulling at the deep well of his power letting it tumble around them. Opening his eyes he saw a wind had blown up around them Armen's and Kova's hair blowing frantically, shadows dancing around Kova's wings, curling around Yama's ankles rooting him to the spot.

Kova turned to him. She had done her part now it was his. The heir of the most powerful Fae in history, his power deepened in intensity. He had never reached all the way down into his well of power before but now as he strained against the golden glare that was Yama his power seemed a lot weaker.

A hand intertwined with his. Kova's pale hand was in his more tanned one. "I believe in you" she whispered down the bond, ignoring Armen as Yama threw his sister across the room to be caught by Cassian. Yama took a step forward towards them, Kova's shadows pulling at him like trees roots.

Yama hit the shield that Ash had created around him and his mate. His power faltered causing him to take a step back. Silver flooded into his darkness, Kova almost at the rock bottom of her power was feeding him the last of it. Her hand gripped his hard, new strength flowed into his muscles.

The purple blood rose, swirling around Yama up in a spiralling column.
"Go back to where you belong" Ash said, Yama howled as Ash released the last barriers containing his power. Together both his and Kova's power shattered the room around them.

Red light shone through Yama's skin. It seemed to burn him from the inside out. Armen only watched as her brother faded into darkness.

Silence filled the cave. Then a rumble and stones dropped down into their heads. "We have to get out of here" Rhys yelled. Cassian grabbed Mor and Azriel took hold of Armen both widowing away. Rhys looked at Ash giving him a worried look but Ash only nodded at his father. Still holding Kova's hand he folded them into shadows.

They appeared on a hill over looking a valley not far from Valaris. Ash turned to Kova who had not spoken a word to him. His heart froze in his chest, her skin was paler than usual, a plain white, her eyes hollow rolling upwards as he fell. He caught her lowering her so her head was in his lap. "Kova" he yelled at her stroking her head trying to cox her back.
"She's hit the rock bottom of her power" Rhys said leaping forward. He took out a knife handing it to Ash.

For a second Ash wondered how similar this scene was for his father a few days before when it was Kova crouched over his body with the knife in her hand. Was this the very same knife that his father had given her to save him? He ripped the palm of his left hand open, letting drips of blood fall into Kova's mouth.

His mothers light flooded them as she too worked her power around them weaving a blanket.

Some colour returned to Kova's skin but her breaths remained shallow and far between. "Don't leave me, little Lynx" Ash murmured gently picking her up, cradling her in his arms as he beat his powerful wings, soaring towards Valaris.

A/N I'm sorry for the lack of updates I was away with no wifi.

Thankyou for your support. We are almost at 1K!!!


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