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Two days later

Lillie was still weak, but the blood in her system was working fast.

The mikaelson siblings did not once leave her side. Until she told them to go take a shower, because they stink. She got a good laugh out of it. She probably would have a hour to herself max. So she laid down and played with her necklace. She smiled.

She heard her door open and she thought it was one of them. But was shocked when she did see that it was her sister. She was confused, she thought her sister hated her?

"Reney?", she asked softly. Renesmee walked over to her sisters bed side with tears in her eyes. She slowly sat down on the bed.

"I'm sorry Lillie, I know I've been a bad sister to you, I hate myself for that, I'm so sorry, i should have never listened to them, I should have been by your side the entire time, I'm so sorry for all the hated words I told you, I'm a terrible sister, I should have Been there for you, as your big sister it's my job to be there for you, to protect you, to be by your side forever, I'm sorry Lillie", she said as the tears flowed down her cheeks.

Lillie has tears following down her cheeks.

"I forgive you", Lillie said to her sister. Renesmee looked at her sister with blood shot eyes. "You do?", she asked shocked. Lillie nodded. "Your my big sissy and I love you, no matter what, I forgive you sissy", she whispered to renesmee. Renesmee started to cry happy tears. She hugged her tiny sister to her.

She was so happy that her sister had forgiven her. She pulled back and held up a bracelet. It had both her name and Lillie's name on it. It said 'sisters forever' Lillie gasped from how beautiful it was. She lifted her wrist so renesmee could put it on her. Which renesmee did. Lillie hugged her big sister. Renesmee wrapped her arms around her sister and hugged her tightly.

She had Lillies head resting on her stomach. She could tell her sister was falling asleep. She smiled softly to herself. Her sister wasn't dangerous. She was just a little kid. That was too delicate and small. She felt it was her now duty to protect her. Alongside her mates. She ran her fingers through her sisters hair. She heard the tiny snores coming from her sister. She smiled even more. She wasn't dangerous. She was just a baby. Her baby sister. And she was going to make it up to her sister for the rest of her life.

She laid back and pulled the blankets up to her sisters shoulders. She smiled and kissed her sisters head. Her tiny little sister deserved better. She felt her sister snuggle into her stomach. She smiled Again. She laid her head back down and put her hand on her sisters head. She closed her eyes and slowly fell asleep with her sister. She felt safe with her sister.

The mikaelsons were coming back from their showers and were going back to check on their mate. They opened the door slowly. They were surprised to see renesmee in the room with Lillie. But awed softly once they saw the position they were in. Maybe things changed between them.

They basked in the scene. Their mate was happy. And they were going to be there always, she will never be alone. She will never have to feel unloved like they did, all they wanted was her love, and they already have that. That and her smile. Her beautiful smile.

They smelt wet dog behind them, and saw Jacob, Edward and Bella. They had shocked and disgusted looks on their faces. They didn't even have to say anything. Finn grabbed Jacob by the neck and pinned him to the wall. "Take away my mates sister and I will rip your spine from your back, Mark my words dog", he hissed lowly.

Elijah and kol pinned both Edward and Bella to the wall. "Tell renesmee to do anything to our mate, and we will burn you alive, our mate deserves to have her sister in her life, and if you ruin that, you will regret that", both of them hissed in Edwards and Bella's face. The two nodded scared. The two threw the two useless vampires across the hall. Finn threw Jacob down the stairs. They all looked at each other and nodded.

No one was going to take away their mates happiness. No one. They will kill just to make her happy. And they will go beyond just to do that. Because she was their mate and they loved her. It's always going to be forever and always.

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