Meeting the strangers

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Third person POV

After a few hours of training, the animal eaters went to feed. Leaving the human eaters to roam the house. The mikaelsons looked around at the house. It was all windows. 'Poor taste' they thought. They're house was better. At least their house was made out of wood.

They met the wolves, which Klaus didn't like. They were wanna be wolves. They were able to transform whenever they wanted. And he was one that transformed on a full moon, they met the other human eaters. They were nice, but they could notice that some were scared of them. Maybe it was because they were the oldest living vampires to live. They didn't know.

They were honestly bored. No Salvatore's to mess around with. Or the Scooby-Doo gang to mess with. Why did they say they would help? Oh yea Carlisle was a old friend. But that was about it, and they were curious about the child. But that was about it.

Kol sighed. "Well I'm going to go use the bathroom", he said. They all nodded.

He walked up the spiral steps.

And went looking for the bathroom.

Well he didn't find the bathroom, but he did hear the sound of a odd heartbeat coming from one room, what was this? He went to open the door, but it was locked. Why was it locked? He could hear a child's voice inside.

Who was this child? He knew renesmee was with her parents.

Lillie's POV

I was drawing the new comers, the mikaelsons. They interested me. So I drew them. I was also talking to Alistair. He was nice to talk to.
Even though he wasn't a big talker, it seemed like he was a nice listener.

He would go out at nights, doing who knows what, but he would be back in the morning. He was really great company. I stuck my tongue out as I drew them. It was hard to get some of their features, from how beautiful they were.

But suddenly, I heard the lock on the door break. I dropped my paper and pen. Who was it? Was it them? Why were they coming In here? I became scared and my heart was hammering against my chest.

Once the door opened and I hid behind Alistair. Who stood in front of me protectively.

Third person POV

Kol opened the door and saw a man standing there. He saw a child's head peeking out from behind the man.

He smelt the most beautiful scent he's ever smelt. What was it coming from? As he grew closer, he noticed it was coming from the child. The man stood in a protective stance. Slightly growling. Kol put up his hands in surrender, but he was not afraid of the man.

"I'm not going to hurt the kid, I just want to see her", he said. He could tell it was a girl by her hair.

As Alistair could see that kol wasn't a threat. He moved away slightly. Showing kol the small child. Who seemed to be standing there nervously. She was looking down at her bare feet.

Kol got closer. He smirked. "My,
My who are you?", he asked.

The girl hesitated but then picked up her head. Her blue eyes staring into his. He stood in front of her. But once he locked eyes with her, his smirk fell and his mouth opened a little, he fell to his knees. Realizing who this child was to him. He was in shock. His heart hammering. He stood still, just staring at her. Lillie looked at him confused. Why did he look like that?

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