Chapter 22 - Sleepover

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"Peter? Can I come in?"

I said as I stood in front of his door.

"Of course you can"

I heard him from the other side of the door.

I opened the door and saw Peter laying on his bed. One leg was bandaged and he had his cut on his face stitched up.

I sighed and sat down beside him.

"My dad gave me another lecture today"

I told him


"Because I should've been more careful. Because of me, you got injured. I should've paid more attention to my surroundings"

"How is this your fault?"

"Because I should've seen it coming"

"And Charles told you that?"

"No. I did. It's the truth and I thought you might wanted to know that too"

"Than what did Charles tell you?"

"He told me that I was doing the wrong thing. That I was attacking the people out of revenge. My revenge caused several men to die and he doesn't want me killing men, while they are the ones who want US dead! Why can't dad just see that?!"

Peter gave me a sympathetic

"You shouldn't care about that-"

"But Charles does!"

"because you still protected me. I'm pretty damn sure that, if you weren't there, I would've been dead already. So what if it's out of revenge? You still did it. You still saved a life"

"By destroying that of others"

"Hey. Don't think like that. They had it coming. They know not to mess with us, because we kicked their asses before. They're just stupid"

I snickered at his remark.

"You should just forget about the lecture. Maybe we should watch a movie, you know, to forget about today?"

"That's a good idea"

I said with a small smile.

"Can you-can you choose a movie. I kinda can't walk right now"

I laughed and stood up

"Which movie?"

"You choose. I don't care, which one it is"

"Should I pick drama"

"You hate drama"

"So do you"

"Than why pick it?"

"To annoy you"

I said as I smiled up at him. Him smiling back at me.

"How about 'the mask'?"

Peter suggested as he pointed to the dvd.

"Excellent decision, Maximoff"

I said as I grabbed the movie and put the disc into the player.

I quickly jumped in bed next to Peter.

"Watch out, Twinkie. I'm still injured"

"Awww. Is little Peter injured? Does he need a kissie on his booboo?"

Peter pouted and nodded.

I rolled my eyes and kissed his cheek, where the cut was.


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