Of Butterflies and More Trouble

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A/N: Yeah I know i suck right now. I haven't updated since.......forever. But I got grounded so that gave me time to think on what i wanted to do with this story and I realised I kinda threw you a curve-ball and then forgot about it...Oops.

Anyway deticated to Bel Watson for writing amzing stories and being my wattpad older sister.

Umm, i think i will start a schedule for when I will update but, no promises it depends on homework and soccer practice. *sigh* I have no social life. But whatever!


xoxoxo, Gale

Chapter 9- Of butterflies and more trouble

A full week had passed to the whole 'yeah-I'm-following-Edmund-and-being-attacked' episode, and my arm had healed a bit. No, a great deal. It was awesome now. Greger was history and everything was back to normal. Plus, I could swing my sword for quite a few times before I fell on my back. Impressive, huh? Yeah, I didn't think so either.

Edmund and I were getting closer and I was 'healing' him. I'm a very good EMT, I am. He had been mad at me, but then after a day of me stalking him and whining apologies, he came to and forgave me; through gritted teeth. But it was still forgiving, right? And guess what? I don't need my glasses anymore. My vision has been restored! I don't know how though. I should probably go thank someone but I doon't know who.

"Now, swing your sword like this," Edmund made a complicated motion which kind of gave me the impression he was trying to rip my head off. "And then, this," This time I had to duck to save my neck. I pouted at him. He looked unmoved.


"Thank you for not ripping my head off."

"I wasn't trying to,"

"Were too!"

"Was not"

"Were too!"


(A/N: Someone told me that in 1940's, boys respected girls, just wanted to tell that this is Edmund with a 21st century touch. ;))

I shrank a little at the tone in his voice. He could be all "kingly" at times and I hated those times. He rubbed his temple and sighed.

"Sorry. Let's go again." I pouted some more and flung my sword clumsily at him, which made me look like I was waving my blade under his nose with no intentions of hurting. Edmund looked at me with a raised eyebrow as I panted with just the little motion.

"Wow, that was…something," his tone made me even angrier. I could tell he was being sarcastic, so I did what I was best at. I pouted.

"Quit your frowning!"

"It's called pouting!" I said smoothly much in the same tone. Edmund clapped a hand to his forehead and then suddenly he put a hand on my cheek, his sword in the other hand. I gulped as he came closer. Wow, this might just be my first kiss.

(A/N: Don't get your hopes up. Not yet. Anyone who has seen Percy Jackson: Lightning Thief may recognize this scene.)

I backed into the arena's wall, his hand moving to the side of my neck, his other hand taking my sword gently throwing it to the side. Okay, my mind assured me, Dylexia breathe!

He leaned in and I could feel his peppermint breath on my face. My heart wasn't beating, and I could feel butterflies fluttering violently in my stomach, almost painfully. I bet the fashionistas at my school never got kissed by a king now did they?

He diverted his face to my ears and breathed ever so inaudibly.

"Never let your guard down," Before I knew it, I was thrown painfully to the ground and as I looked up shocked, he was standing there with his sword pointing at my throat. I felt something warm trickle down my good elbow, and I struggled to keep the tears from flowing. I knew he was just trying to train me but that felt like…rejection. Before I knew it, I pushed his blade aside and ran, my tears flowing. I heard him call my name but I didn't look back. He just toyed with my feelings. Unknowingly yeah, but it hurt all the same. Just like when mom had died.


A five year old Dylexia trotted with her mother down the street, happily holding the new teddy bear her mom had bought her.

"I'll name him Ted!" Dylexia happily declared as her mom chuckled.

Then everything happened in a rush. There was sounds of gunshots, Dylexia was thrown to the side and in a disoriented shootout, her mother's scream issued and all went dark for her.

I was brought back to reality as I realized where I was. I was in a forest. Western Wood? How far had I run? My tears were dry on my face now and the sun was sinking. How long had I run? How come I didn't realize? Wow, I'm awesome! I looked back for an exit. Nothing. I was lost. Again.

God, I hate my life!

Hours passed but I didn't find a way out. What was I even running from? Edmund? My memories? And how come I hadn't even noticed the time or the distance? I'm the dumbest person in Narnia. Healing Edmund? He was hurting me even more.

A rustle caught my attention and I looked over my shoulder scared out of my mind. Let it be a Narnian, I repeated over and over in my mind. It was a man by the looks of his shadow. An ominous man holding a lantern. I moved forward to see who it was and as his face caught in the glow, my heart sank.


I was hungry, cold, scared and now he had to come out of nowhere. I prayed to God I was dreaming and I would wake up any moment now because as well-kept as he looked, there was no mistaking that lust in his eyes. The eyes which I had left behind two weeks ago.

"Dylexia," I gulped at his tone as he set the lantern down.

"I…I thought you went…b…back," my voice wavered dangerously as my fright level hit the top siren.

"I have never loved anyone as much as you," I walked towards me as I took a wobbly step backwards.

"I'm half your age," I spat, more out of panic than anger. He looked amused in that glow. Spooky.

"I'm twenty five," he took another step towards and a tear slipped from my eye. It was like that day all over again. My feet wouldn't move as he pushed me up a tree, burying his face in my neck. I could feel his hot breath as he spoke.

"The reason I didn't go back was that I wanted you. I sent the minotaurs after you but that Edmund had to ruin everything. But not this time," he kissed over my pulse, and I unpredictably screamed Edmund's name. All I got was a smelly hand over my mouth. As he trailed his kisses up my jaw bone, I let the tears flow down into his hand.

Why did this always happen to me? First the Greger incident, then the minotaurs, now Greger again. Was I accident prone or something? And why did miss Edmund the most? He was my friend? No. My mind hit realization.

I was helplessly in love with him. Sounds weird even in this situation. Two weeks were enough to fall for someone. I was yanked from my thoughts as Greger struggled to open my dress's back bindings.


Edmund's POV:

I lay on my bed worried out of my mind. Dylexia still hadn't returned. We had looked everywhere. The beach, the mountains. Everywhere. I felt a bit guilty about scaring her in the afternoon, but now I was worried. Last time in the Western Wood, she...

I sat bolt upright as I thought of the possibility.

Western Wood. Oh Shit. i don't want to think of the possibilities if she's there.

Here you go! Sorry for disappearing. Life got complicated with practice and homework and then I got gronded which gave me time to write this! I'll update really soon. Comment! Fan! Vote!

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