Frights and comforts

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I enjoyed humiliating Edmund for the rest of the party, either about his 'ever-askew' crown or about a good looking duchess who seemed determine to charm Edmund. He seemed to positively run away when she came near; I was in a fit of giggles until Lucy started doubting my sanity.

I went to bed well fed and contented, keeping Aslan's words well treasured in my mind. He wanted me to stick to Edmund; that was what the little king was getting whether he liked it or not.

Someone was flashing a bright flashlight in my face. I pulled the sheets over my head, groaning. It was then I realized that it was not a flash light at all, but the faint light of dawn coming through the net curtains. It was still considerably dark, except the faint but irritating yellowish orange light on the distant horizon. I rolled over and tried to sleep, to no avail; I was always a light sleeper. I just got up to look at my wrist watch which had entered Narnia with me. Then stupidly I realized that it was Earth time zone; it was mid afternoon there and just looking at the time made my heart sadly throb. It wasn't like I didn't miss L.A.!

Realizing that I was fighting a losing battle, I decided to get up. It took me a full half an hour to get washed and dressed; I chose a dark maroon gown with black ribbons on the cuffs, hem of the skirt and the neck. It wasn't very special or pretty but to me it was very…Dylexia-ish.

I was halfway down the stairs down to the kitchens, when I realized that I was probably the first one up. So I turned the opposite direction to explore the Cair. The corridor I had opted for was unlike the one I knew; this one was made of pure white marble with a blood red carpet. I soon found out why; the first door I reached had a brass door like mine, but the plate said 'High King Peter the Magnificent'. After walking down the corridor, the only gain that was achieved was that I came to know the Pevensie's titles. Queen Susan the Gentle, Queen Lucy the Valiant and King Edmund the Just. It was that which intrigued me. I stopped in front of his room, hoping to scare him or something and I flung open the door. The room, apart from a large number of artillery and a few pictures of the Pevensies, was empty. I shrugged, and continued down the landing.

I was irritated; all the ways I tried out of the Cair all ended in dead ends or rooms which were no special to me. By the time I finally reached a shabby back door, the sun was already up, though the sky was still a bit orange. I paused, and pushed the delicate door open. My mouth stretched in a grin; I had made it outside, and saw just the person I wanted to see.

It was a kind of arena with cupboards on sides and a ground in the middle. Best of all, Edmund was there swinging his sword in complicated movements while a centaur, who looked much older than Adeb and Certeza was positioning his hand every now and then.

Edmund suddenly saw me and shot me a grin, but returned to his sword.

"What are you doi…doing?" I had to duck to avoid a swing of his sword. He stopped his hand movements, and placing a hand on the centaur's shoulder mouthed 'that's enough. Thanks'. The centaur bowed and left the arena the way I had come in. Edmund grinned, digging the sword down in the soil.

"Did I bother telling you that I am the best sword of Narnia? Because," he didn't let me reply and pressed on. "…I have to maintain that title, I have to get up at four every morning, and practice till dawn." I looked at the horizon. The sun was indeed showing its first few rays, only enough for me to make out Edmund's face. I was unsure whether to reply or not; he was still speaking, but I was lost in the darkness and mystery of his eyes. He was sort of…beautiful, just like an angel. Snap out of it! An irritating voice at the back of my head said, and I started getting record of what he was saying; like waking up from a dream.

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