Visibly Invisible

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Chapter 1-Where's my bedroom?

Another day. Another stupid morning. More boring lectures and more fights. The sun was up and it was another bustling day in L.A. But me? I was simply in bed, trying to get over the fact that Sunday was over…again.

Hi! My name in Dylexia Carter. I am fifteen, a perfect 5"4 any boy would love. My mother died when I was five in a shootout amongst two groups of some sorts. My mom just got in the way. I've had a whole in my heart for a full ten years, and as I have no siblings, I have no one to share my pain with. My father works out of town and he usually is out of town; probably doesn't even know I exist. As for friends, no one likes me. Boys don't usually drool over me…well, ever. I mean, what is wrong with shoulder-length brown hair, brown eyes which don't usually show any spark and a pair of glasses? Well, kids in my L.A. high school consider me too orthodox, and I prefer to be left alone.


The bell was ringing when I ran… no flew past the gates, my bag thumping me on the back painfully. I thanked God that the gate-keeper was out or…somewhere. I just thanked the heavens he wasn't where he should've been. I ran through the deserted grounds (did they really get to their classes that fast?) and glanced at the school's main clock; eight five. I was late; again.

I don't know if it's my luck, but my alarm wakes me up late, and I always run to school, hence the latish behavior. My 'rich' business man dad can afford all the business trips but not a cheap BMX bicycle.

I finally neared my class now, and the teacher wasn't in. I sighed with relief and quietly slipped in. The class didn't even look up; I was visibly invisible to them like I said before. The teacher didn't come at all and I seriously started trusting my luck. I just waited for the day to be over.

The day passed considerably fast. And uneventfully. Unlike most days, no one picked a fight with me; no one teased me or even looked at me for that matter. Good.

I yawned heavily, and unlocked the door to my house, which was like most days, empty. I dumped my bag on the couch, and dragged my feet through the house and up the stairs. I seriously needed my bed right now, and my back ached like crazy. I saw the welcoming sight of my bed, grinned lazily to no one in particular and threw myself on the bed. Only, either my bed had gone hard or I was dreaming but my head collided with hard Earth. I jumped up in shock, trying to find a better place to fall, what I saw almost made my jaw fell fifty meters within my range. There was no bedroom; I was all alone on a forest floor, where birds were chirping and it was all green. It was too green for my own good. The sun was up and the weather was great if I knew where I was. And I didn't.


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