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The Galra officer slammed his hand against the table. He had been sitting there for who knows how long while his companion looked over a holographic map.

"You've looked a hundred times!" He said through gritted teeth, "the planet the prisoner spoke of doesn't exist!"

"One can never be too careful." His companion replied his back turned to him and his arms folded behind his back. "besides how do we know that your so-called soldiers weren't bribed, they aren't the brightest if I'm being honest."

"If you really think that-" he says scooting our his chair- "I'll go interrogate them myself."

"Sit down. You'll just make matters worse."

He rolled his eyes in response, "How much longer?" He growled his hand still splayed out on the table from when he smacked it

"Patience Vak," his companion said as looked thoughtfully at a holographic screen displayed in front of him. "Our time will come. We will know when to strike, and when we do-" he turned to face Vak. pulling out his dagger and stabbing it into the table right in between his companion's fingers- "we will rise victorious."

"Vrepit sa, Zhoril," Vak said the corners of his mouth turning upwards at the impending victory ahead.

Together as brothers, they were going to bring the Galra empire back up to its former glory. Together they were going to avenge their fearless leader. Together they were going to remove the one and only threat from existence.


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