Chapter 11: 20 dollar nose bleed

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"Alex, give him the key. Enough. Okay?" Dariush told Alex.

"You can give me the key and just walk away. Or I can cut your head off and take the key from the stump." Lou told Alex. We all stepped back with our hands in the air. I saw that Max looked terrified, I felt like I failed him as a sister.

"I trusted you." Alex told Lou.

"The cemeteries are full of people who trusted me." Lou told us. He was walking right to us. "Including your Mom, Y/N and Max." He added. Me and Max looked at each other. That's when I recognised him. He was my Mom's friend while she was growing up.

"Oh, shit!" Dariush said. Lou started walking faster to us we all walked backwards faster. One of those creatures killed one of his men and roared afterwards. The thing we thought was dead was still alive. Lou and his other man were shooting at it but it did nothing. We watched as it killed Lou.

"Oh, sh- -" Dariush started. "Hurry!" He shouted.

"Run!" Alex shouted. We all started running. My foot gave up so I had to drag it behind me. Max came over to me and helped me to run. Me, Dariush, Max and Alex went one way. But not Gabriel. He ran over to where the pool was. "Come on!" Alex shouted at him. The creature snarled and loudly. I looked back as I heard a shotgun blast followed by the sound of bones crunching. We made it to the fence which surround the place. Gabriel was still all the way over by the pool. The boys started pushing on it to try and make it collapse.

"Gabriel!" I shouted at him.

"Gabriel!" Dariush shouted.

"Gabriel!" ZhenZhen shouted. I didn't want to admit but I liked Gabriel. I had feelings for him that I never felt for anyone before. I could tell that Max knew because of the glances he saw me and Gabriel exchange.

"Gabriel, what are you doing?" Dariush asked him.

"ZhenZhen, throw me the glow sticks." Gabriel shouted at her.

"What are you doing?" Alex and Dariush both shouted at him.

"Throw 'Em! Come on!" Gabriel shouted at ZhenZhen.

"Come here." Alex shouted. ZhenZhen chucked a few glow sticks over to Gabriel and he snapped them. "What are you doing?" Alex shouted at Gabriel.

"Gabriel, what are you doing?" I shouted at him.

"Hey!" Gabriel shouted while waving the glow sticks. He got a growl in response. I buried my head on Max's shoulder because I couldn't watch. "Come here!" I heard him shout.

"Gabriel, hurry up!" Dariush shouted.

"Come here, you're gonna die!" Alex shouted at him.

"Get over here!" Gabriel shouted.

"Hurry!" Dariush shouted. I could feel a couple of tears silently go down my face.

"Hurry up, Gabriel! Come on!" Dariush shouted. "Get him, get him, get him." He said.

"Come on! Come get me!" Gabriel shouted. I still wasn't watching.

"Gabriel!" Dariush and Alex shouted. Everyone was shouting at him except me.

"Y/N we gotta go." Max whispered in my ear. I looked up and saw Gabriel run over to where we were all stood. I dried my eyes while no one was looking.

"Get out, Gabriel!" Dariush shouted at him. The creature tried running over to us but it was going down in the pool with the tarp. "Oh, shit, it worked, Gabriel!" Dariush told him once we saw it sink down. I walked over to Gabriel and hugged him.

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