Chapter 10: the sleeping situation

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"Man, I need a T-bone steak, sone cheese eggs and Welch's grape." Dariush was saying.

"Hey, are you okay?" I asked Gabriel. He wasn't acting like he did earlier.

"Yeah, I'm fine." He said to me. After a couple of minutes of looking for food. ZhenZhen lit up 2 glows sticks  she brought with her and we were all sat around them. "I shouldn't have hit you. It was my fault." Gabriel said apologising for earlier. 

"I don't know. I'm good, bro. I doesn't hurt as much as seeing all this gunk on my new J's." Dariush told him. We were all just eating the food that we found.

"How do you care about sneakers in a time like this?" Alex asked him. I quickly brushed my hair and put it in a messy bun.

"You know what? You guys are lucky. Except from Y/N and Max, because you don't have friends. It's hard out here for a pimp, you know? You gotta keep with the flyest shit, you know, the dopest kicks. Tightest whip. Baddest chick. And my friends, they're like bears. Soon as they smell weakness, they're just coming straight at your neck. That's why I keep this on my neck. Diamonds." Dariush explained to them.

"Does Dariush mean 'douchebag' in Farsi?" Alex asked him.

"What's Farsi?" He asked. I honestly had no idea as well.

"It's the language your mom was screaming when you were coming out of her ass." Alex said. We all just giggled.

"Hey, don't talk about my mom's ass. All right. You wish you were there." Dariush replied back to Alex's comment.

"No offence, dude, those don't sound like friends." Gabriel told Dariush. The spacecraft was coming back again. We all just stayed silent.

"Hey, how did you even end up in jail?" Dariush asked. Everyone's eyes shifted to Gabriel.

"My dad left when...when I was about ten. You know, I got a job as a bag boy, at a grocery store my mom worked at. To, you her with money. One time she steps away, I took over the cash register. I was helping a customer, and, uh, he started to accuse me of stealing from him. I guess I gave him the wrong change. I get, muddled in my head sometimes, unless I see the written down. But he didn't believe me. I just...I lost it. So I decked him. Broke his nose. Mom got fired and...they sent me away. She never came around to visit me once." He explained to us.

"You can't choose your family. But you can always make a new one." ZhenZhen told him.

"Come on. A young Yoda up in here?" Dariush asked rhetorically. ZhenZhen reached into her bag and pulled out a Polaroid camera. Gabriel laughed and we all sat behind ZhenZhen so we would be in the frame.

"Come on, guys." Alex said.

"Oh, we're taking an old school selfie?" Dariush asked. I smiled and stuck my tongue out.

"One, two, three." ZhenZhen counted down. The camera shuttered and the bright white light came from it. We all stood up and talked for a couple of minutes. Me and ZhenZhen changed into what we were sleeping in. I chose to sleep in my Mom's university sweater and a pair of striped pyjama shorts. We both walked out at the same time and entered the room where there was three beds. "One of you can sleep with me." ZhenZhen told them.

"And then whoever's left, that isn't my brother, can sleep with me." I told them. I heard them all run out and shut the door behind them. I led down on the bed and laid on my side, just staring at the wall. I knew that Max would be against whoever shared a bed with me but I didn't care. All I knew was that their was no way he would let Dariush share a bed with me. I tried falling asleep but I couldn't. I just started humming a song that my mom had always listened to when I was a child. I never knew who sung it or what it was called I just knew the lyrics and the tune. She used to sing it to me if I ever had a nightmare. After a couple of minutes the door opened with a creak. I felt the mattress even out and I instantly knew that someone was next to me. I turned my head and saw it was Gabriel. "I'm glad it was." I told him before I grabbed his hand and interlaced our fingers. It was easy to tell that Max had to sleep with Dariush because of the Alex and ZhenZhen situation. After 5 minutes I finally fell asleep, I definitely didn't plan on waking up any time soon. For some reason the whole sleeping situation wasn't awkward in a way it brought comfort to us all knowing we were in a bed with people who we could trust. When we woke up to the loud crashing noise I realised that Gabriel had his arms around me and that my head was on his chest. We all shot up at the sound. We were all panting.

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