Chapter 8: Truth

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We made it down the hill and was wheeling our bikes to the sheriff station. It was a complete mess. There was debris everywhere. I was just looking around in shock. "There. Man, this place is trashed. Looks empty." Dariush said as we walked up to the entrance.

"Guys I don't...Nobody's, uh..." Gabriel told us stuttering.

"What?" Dariush asked confused as we came to a stop.

"You guys go ahead. I'll just stay back and watch our bikes." Gabriel told us.

"What?" Dariush asked us. "Oh, yeah, because the aliens wanna jack our mountain bikes." He added.

"Yeah looters can take them. Yeah, someone should stay and watch." Alex said while looking at Gabriel.

"Whatever man." Dariush said giving up,

"I think I'm gonna stay out here as well." I told them as they all walked inside.

"Why didn't you wanna go in?" Gabriel asked. It was just me and him seeming as Max went in their as well.

"My mom used to work there." I answered.

"What happened?" He asked me.

"It's correlates to how I almost died as well." I told him.

"You don't have to tell me." He said to me reassuringly.

"I want to. I've never told anyone this. Don't judge the first part." I told him.

"I won't judge I promise." He said to me with a smile.

"When I was 6 I used to do ballet. And I had this recital one day my dad couldn't take me because he had to look after Max so my mom asked for a furlough day. She got it and she took me to my recital and everything went well until we were on our way home. My mom, she was investigating this case which was about multiple drive by's and it was all the same gang. I remember we were almost home and I heard a gunshot followed by glass breaking. Then I heard it again but I felt a pain in my chest. I look down and I was bleeding where my heart was I applied my hand to my chest to try and stop the bleeding. My mom was struggling to breathe but she told me to 'hang on and that someone will help us soon'. I saw that she was shot in the stomach but she was loosing to much blood. I was gasping for air and I felt like I was going to die. Before my mom died she told me 'look after your brother' and 'I'll see you again soon. Always know that I love you.' I heard sirens approaching and I almost passed out but I was taken out of the car and immediately put in the back of an ambulance. After a couple of months I was back to normal doctors told me that I was lucky to be alive." I explained to him. I knew that I had tears coming down my face so I wiped them away. "I just feel like it's my fault that she's gone." I told him.

"It's not your fault. It was the guy who shot you both's fault." He told reassuringly. I quickly pulled him into a hug. We parted when we heard the door open. I quickly wiped my tears and put on a fake smile.

"Did you find anyone?" I asked. They all shook their heads. We decided to check if there was anyone around. So we got back on our bikes and continued going in a different direction.

"How is your watch still working after the pulse?" ZhenZhen asked Alex.

"It's not electronic, it's mechanical." Alex answered.

"Yo, he's doing good, right?" Dariush asked rhetorically.

"Oh." Was the only thing ZhenZhen told him.

"Yo! Watch out!" Dariush warned Alex before his bike was about to fall down onto its side.

"It was my dad's. He, uh..." Alex told ZhenZhen I'm guessing he didn't want to finish his sentence.

"Gave it to you?" ZhenZhen said questioning him.

"Yeah, he gave it to me." Alex said as if it was the right answer.

"Yo! You got this, Alex. You doing good, man!" Dariush said complimenting Alex's bike riding skills. We were just about to go over the road when military vehicles sped passed us. We all had to stop quickly. We dumped the bikes and ran after it. We all were yelling at them trying to get them to stop.

"Hey! Hey!" We all shouted at them. We all took of our helmets but it was too late they were gone. We were still shouting hey.

"Stay where you are. Do not move!" We heard voices from behind us. I raised my hands above my head and turned around slowly.

"Same side. Same side. Same side!" Alex was repeating to the soldiers.

"Kids! Kids!" I heard one of them shout. "You should've evacuated hours ago. We're at war." He told us

"Sir, we were in the mountains when the attacks started. Can you tell us what's going on? How big is the attack?" Alex asked him.

"Did it reach the nation's finest Mercedes dealership?" Dariush asked. I guess he was seeing about his family business.

"Dude, how can you.." ZhenZhen started but he cut her off.

"My dad owns it. I'm the future heir to that shit." Dariush told her.

"Shut up!" Alex shouted at him.

"All I can tell you is that you are not safe here. Everyone on the bus right now. It'll take you to the evacuation center. Let's go." The soldier told us.

"Whoa." Dariush said.

"Hey, wait!" Alex told the soldier while tugging his arm.

"Let's go!" He responded. "Knock it off!" He told Alex.

"Wait! Hey! Stop!" Alex was telling him.

"What?" Was his response.

"You need to take this key to Pasadena." Alex said while handing him the key.

"Where'd you get this?" He asked us.

"An astronaut from the space station gave it to us." ZhenZhen explained how we got it.

"She said we need to take it to JPL." Gabriel told him.

"What's on that key can stop the aliens." Dariush told him.

"The quicker that key gets to JPL, the less time we're going to be at war with them which means the longer it takes the more people that will be getting injured which will mean that we'll run low on medical supplies quicker." I explained.

"You need to get that to JPL in Pasadena to a Dr. Fielding." Alex told him again.

"We've been receiving Morse code from a Dr. Fielding at JPL all day. Finding this key has been the primary objective. Thanks, kid. You may have just saved the world. We'll take it from here." He told Alex. "Okay, we need to go. Move out. Now!" He commanded.

"Yeah." We all said at the same time.

"Yeah! We did it! Yo, we did it. Yo, I am so happy I told y'all to go down the hill." Dariush told us. Before we got on the bus we high fived one of the soldiers and found our seats on the bus. "Yeah, we did it. Now move your ass." Dariush said while getting into the bus. Gabriel was sat in the seat in front of me while Max was sat on the seat opposite me. "Yo." He said when he sat down. "We did it. ZhenZhen, we did it." Dariush said happily.

"Yeah." Alex said. I rested my head against the window.

"Let's go." Gabriel said.

"I'm so tired. I didn't fall asleep until 4am this morning." I said tiredly.

"You should get some rest then." Gabriel told me. I rested my head on the window to try and sleep but honestly I couldn't. I felt tired but I just felt so awake. It's just like I had a burst of energy knowing that we might be safe for once.

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