Chapter 5 Luna

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Stiles and I came back into the hospital. His fingers interlaced with mine I'm drinking a chocolate shake my favorite. We had gone and gotten some thing to eat. I walk by Kat's room she was gone my heart crumbled.
"KAT KAT NO NO THIS CANT BE HAPPENING I SHOULD HAVE BEEN HERE!!!"I scream then hit Stile over and over.I couldn't help but be terrified I stop hitting Stiles and fall into his arms.He tried to calm me down. It didn't work.
"You don't under stand! She can't control her self on the full moon all she wants is blood and if it gets too bad she will turn into a wolf or even worst she might become what Peter was !We have to find her before the moon rises tonight the whole town is in danger because I left her!"I screamed / cried try to get out how badly I messed up.How could I do this!I promised her since the accident I would stay with her every full moon.
"It's not your fault I will go ask Scott's mom if she saw her leave ok."he said it so calmly I could help be clam myself.
He kisses me then left Melissa explained what happen and how bad she felt that she didn't know who she was. I almost collapsed into my seat.
"I failed her I can't even smell where she went !That was always her job ! I never though she would run off like this it isn't like her even on a full moon !"Scott grabbed his chest as his breathing grew faster.
"I...I....I can feel her were she is, I think,it's so strange ?"He gasped out.
"You imprinted on my sister!" I rise from my seat glaring and growling.Worst night.
"I did what?"he was so confused.
"Stop we need him ,you can kill him after we find her !"Stiles snapped back at both of us.
"Thanks buddy," the sarcasm dripping off his words,
"lets go!"I yelled walked out side and tilted my head back a smooth howl came from my mouth as I called the packs and told them who to look for. The twins soon arrived stood with crossed arms giving cross looks.
Isaac came up next then Alison and Lidya came Derek and Peter arrived I explained everything telling what happen.
"ASo we have two hours to find a silent killer werewolf that suppose to be more powerful than all of us together?"Lydia say with extreme curiosity and sarcasm.
"Ya pretty much"we all answer.
"We will find her!Scott you're positive you can find her?" Allison ask slightly annoyed .
"Ya I think so,"he replies so unencouragingly.
"What's our plan other than that? We can't just barge up to her she'll attack and killing someone!"lydia continues to make her point.That's when I realized we didn't have a plan other than that.
"Just find me."Scott encouraged us to continue with the plan I have no plan plan. I follow Scott on his bike to a place near the nemiton.
"She is close some where in this area I say we should split up."Scott announced.
"I agree I will go with Isaac Derek go with Lydia .Peter go by your self."
"Why must I go by myself?"Peter complained.
"Because no one trust you would like you and once upon time you were a homicidal maniac" Isaac said in a aright face.Peter rolls his eyes.
"You kill a few people and it labels you for life don't it"Peter said while walking away.He said in away I couldn't be sure if it was sarcasm or not.
"The twin of course will go together, Stiles you go with Luna and Scott that leaves you to go alone I guess sorry."Allison continued.
"No it's fine,"he said in a very flat voice.We all go different ways hoping to find my poor ,lost, confused ,sister.

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