Chapter 11

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Kelsey's POV

Sighing deeply I reach for the brown leather wallet.

I really should return this to that young woman, actually, I should have at least tried to return it ages ago but I've been keeping my thoughts clear of her while I mend the fences with Kat.

Well, that's what I've been telling myself anyway.

I'm not sure why I still have the thing, I could've easily asked my secretary to mail it to the address on the ID.

Considering how it was lost, I think it may be best if I return it personally.

It is my lunch break right now, and I am my own boss so it would be no problem.

Pulling the driver's license from its case, I commit the address to memory and head downstairs to my car. Thankfully, Jeff is nowhere to be seen.

Getting in, I drive out of the parking lot before calling my secretary and telling her to inform Jeff that I have the car.

I pull up to the house but stay seated in the car for about 15 minutes before working up the nerve to go ring the doorbell.

A short young woman opens the door, she is so adorably cute with her dimples and babyface.

"Hello? May I help you?" she asks probably thinking I'm a creep from all the staring I've been doing.

"Oh right. Sorry, I'm looking for Heaven?" I reply.

"A church may be better suited to help you, don't you think?" she says with a straight face.

I'm so confused right now and I was just about to start describing the woman in question when she speaks again.

"I'm just joking, she isn't here right now. Would you like to leave a message or something?" she asks with a big grin on her face.

"No, that's alright but thanks anyways." I respond while reversing towards the direction of my car.

Driving back to the office I decided to take the scenic route.

I won't deny that I am a bit disappointed that she wasn't home, I suppose a part of me wanted to see her again.

Even so, why didn't I just give the wallet to her girlfriend?

I didn't want her to get into trouble, especially if she was cheating by being with me.

She doesn't really seem like the type who would cheat, but you can never really tell.

Pulling into the parking lot, I am so distracted that I don't notice the person walking towards me and I almost have a heart attack when a hand holds my shoulder.

Turning I come face to face with Katherine.

"You have got to stop scaring me like that." I wheeze out.

"It wasn't intentional, I've been calling your name since you stepped out of the car but I guess you left your ears at wherever you went." She says while studying me.

"Sorry, just distracted." I reply, "What are you doing here anyway?"

I see a look of hurt flash across her face before she masks it, "I had a lunch date with someone in the building and I've been waiting here for the last 30 minutes or so but it seems I've been stood up or forgotten."

"What the hell Kat? Tell me who it is so I can fire them." I reply, instantly annoyed at the situation.

She gives me a small smile, "Don't worry about it love, I'll be fine."

I sigh deeply as I watch her walk to her car before driving off.

With the wallet forgotten and Kat's situation on the mind, I blindly head to my office. Of course, I walk right into someone.

Releasing a strangled breath, I stretch a hand out to help my secretary up before continuing my trek.

"Oh. Ms. Graham?" she half yells.

Turning to face her, I respond, "Yes?"

"Ms. Walcott was here for your lunch date but she said something came up and she had to leave." she replies.

"Motherfucker!" I yell, which gains a few stares from staff and clients alike.

"Is everything okay miss?" my secretary pipes up.

"No Stacy. It seems I'm going to have to fire myself." I groan before walking into my office and slamming the door.

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