Pet Human Family Part 1

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    Very far from Earth, there is a planet called Nividar, whose inhabitants posses unbelievable technology, and keep humans as pets. The inhabitants of this planet are masters of interdimensional travel, via portals. They have been keeping human pets for several generations now. Some people raise humans and sell them when the children are old enough. Pet humans must be at least sixteen years old to be sold. This is because of the close bond human children have with thier parents. This bond continues once the pets become adults. It is required by Nividian law that the adult pets be taken to visit their parents and immediate family once a month while they are still living. This way the pet humans are happy and know that their children are being well cared for. This law does not apply to wild pet humans captured directly from Earth.

    This is the story of a family of pet humans being raised by a kind Nividian couple who have a family of thier own.

    Tiffany and Alex, the human parents, were married eight years ago by a cute pet human named Franklin. They had been dating for two years prior. They met when thier owners took them both to a picnic for Nividians and thier pet humans. 

    Dlymal and Clompal couuld tell that thier pet human Tiffany really liked Pleebar's pet human named Alex. They made arrangements for thier pets to have playdates together. The aliens thought it would be cute and fun if thier pets got married and had baby pet humans together. They knew that pet humans need to go on lots of dates before they get married to ensure that they have found the right partners. 

    Tiffany and Alex's wedding was held at the park. Their friends and families were all invited, as well as their owner's friends and families. Franklin the pet human did the wedding service according to the pet human's Book they really like, and a pet human named Martha played the hymns for the wedding.

    There was a nice meal with cake, ice cream, and many nice gifts afterward for the newly married couple. These pet's owners had helped thier pet humans shop for gifts for the married couple. All of the pet humans and aliens attending the wedding had a lot of fun. Nividian researchers who visit the planet Earth, where the wild humans live, have learned that this is how humans get married before they have children, so now this is how it is done with pet humans. 

    The newly married couple moved into a beautiful house which Dlymal and Clompal had built on thier lawn for them. The house is spacious and has four bedrooms, a living room, game room, and dining room. It doesen't have a laundry room or kitchen because Dlymal, Clompal, and thier three children are in charge of feeding the pet humans and doing thier laundry. Pet humans helped design the house for the newlyweds similar to houses on Earth. The extra bedrooms were put in because Tiffany and Alex wanted to have a family together. There is lots of beautiful human sized furniture in the pet's house. Alex and Tiffany love their house.

    The pets spend part of each day in the pet human house, and part of it in thier owner's house, but it depends on the activities planned for eaxch day. Both Tiffany and Alex were born and raised on Nividar as pets. 

    Over the years, Tiffany and Alex had three children together. Ryan was born first and is six years old now. Then Polly was born one year later. Polly is five years old. The last child to be born was Molly, who is only 3 years old.

    The aliens also have three children, named Kleebon, Nookra, and Slaybol. They love to play with the human children. All of the pet humans are very tame and comfortable with the aliens.

    Molly is playing happily with her dolls with Polly. They have a nice dollhouse which Clompal bought them. Ryan is playing on the lawn with his ball.

    The dolls go on a picnic and walk thier floompas ( A small fluffy Nividian animal, commonly kept as pets.) by the beach. Molly's doll is named Naomi and Polly's doll is named Bill. Naomi and Bill decide to go swimming when they are done walking thier floompas. 

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