Special Little Lady

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The ride to the Hampton's was quiet, Hugh didn't speak much but I was glad, it started to sink in that I had lost our baby and I know he was hurting too, hopefully Yasmin could lift his spirits and mine too for that matter!

"We should take her to the beach"

"What? yeh sure if you are up for it"

"Yeh I'd like to" I was still losing blood so I wouldn't be going in the water but I loved playing in the sand and hopefully so did she!

When we arrived at the house a small woman with black hair and a man with blonde hair were waiting at the door.

"Hi Hugh were so glad you could make it and you must be Alex?"

The lady extended her hand and I shook it,

"Alex this is my best friend Luke and his wife Lisa, and where's my special little lady?"

"She's out back making Alex a card!"

"Great lets oh meet her."

Hugh took my hand and they led us through the house, which I have to say was very grand and very large for just 3 people, it was so beautiful! we came to kitchen which was amazing with a full wall of glass, which all folded in it was like one big glass door, I was blown away.

The garden was beautiful and well kept, There was a lot of woodland around to make it more secluded and there was a summerhouse near the bottom, we walked over and that's when I saw her, she was beautiful, so cute with her hair in bunches, brown tight curls, she had brown eyes that were as big as mine and a beautiful smile.

"Hi there angel, I've brought someone to meet you!"

"Hi uncle I've missed you, I've made a card for you miss I hope you like it"

"Thank you so much it's beautiful just like you" I could feel myself welling up, no wonder Hugh doted on her, she was not like your normal kid her age, she was very smart I fell in love with this little lady straight away"

"Alex do you want to draw with me?"

"Yeh sure,"

"Ok you can make uncle a card!"

"I will do," I looked at Hugh who was smiling at us, I could see the joy on his face and the love he had for us both.

"Time for dinner guys!" Lisa shouted

"Come on we can finish these after,"

Yasmin took a liking to me straight away,she wanted to know my life story, how I met Hugh and if we would get married which made me choke on my food!

Time past so quickly and I was sad when she went to bed, I was beat too so I said goodnight and went to the guest room.

"Is she ok?" like asked Hugh

"She's strong and in time she will be fine!"

Hugh didn't know weather he was talking about Alex or himself!

Ever since the first day he met Alex he knew he wanted her, the fact that she didn't want him only made him more determined. Hugh didn't know how to love anyone until Alex, she was special and he knew I would never let her go.

" So you think she's the one?"

"Luke I've never met anyone like her, she hates fuss, hates media and is so beautiful inside and out!"

"Wow dude your in love there's no doubt about that!"

Hugh pushed Luke making him fall they both started laughing, Lisa came back with two beers,

"What you clowns doing now"

"Nothing baby, Hugh is just declaring his love for Alex!"

"Hey I think that's sweet!"

"Thanks Lisa!"

"So are you going to marry her?"

"Too soon, I don't want to pressure her!"

"Look Hugh I think you should after everything you's have been through the last couple of days!"

"Lisa that's why I think it's too soon!"

Hugh knew he wanted Alex as his wife, no one would ever match him as well as her, bit loosing the baby and the shot with Lexi, she needs time to heal.

He remember the way she smelt that first day he met her when she gave him the brush off, for days after he couldn't stop thinking about her, he even called Mrs Blakewood and pretended to talk about a charity just to ask how she was, that's when he learnt she was in London.

Hugh couldn't believe when he received a text from Sophia, he was sitting with like ready to order lunch.

Hugh knew this was his chance to have her, to show her how powerful he was but to be honest she always had the power Hugh knew that, no other woman has ever made him want them so much to the point of being desperate that's when he knew he wanted more than sex.

Losing the baby really upset him, he had never thought about children before now and knew he wants a family with Alex. should I marry her? what if she says no, I know she loves me but she's still hurting, maybe I'll think about this for a while first!

Hugh decided on retreating for the night and went to the guest room, Alex was already sleeping, she liked so peaceful lying there, all he wanted to do was touch her, knowing it was too soon to have sexy he changed into his shorts and climbed in behind her, pulling her into his arms " you are beautiful angel, I will protect and love you forever, we will have a family one day and you will be my wife I love you Alex!" he knew she was asleep and didn't wake her but he didn't care, he drifted off.

I felt so hot and stuffy, I opened my eyes, Hugh was wrapped around me as if he was guarding me with his life, it made me smile knowing he cares and loves me as I him.

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