Out In The Open

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It was 12:00pm when Francis arrived. I wanted it to be Hugh but I suppose he needed time to take in what I told him.

"Hey girl, your looking better now!"

"I told him Francis, I told him about joey!"

"Fucking hell, how did he take it?"

"Well I don't know, he left and I haven't spoke to him since!"

"Wow, he's gone cold on you!"

"Well maybe, but I had to tell him! never mind it was fun while it lasted."

"Fucking idiot if you ask me, let's get you home and get some good food into you!"

"That sounds great!"

I decided to text Hugh:-

Hi it's me, just thought I

Would let you know in on my way

Home and I'm back to work tomorrow so I might see you there

Alex. Xxx

He didn't reply but then I didn't expect him to. Francis and I ate pizza and watched movies, I was glad to chill in the comfort of my own place, I went to bed that night feeling happy and quite proud that finally everything was out in the open between me and Hugh.

I woke at 7:00am I felt well rested, I quickly checked my phone, nothing!!

It was defiantly over wasn't it? why couldn't he just say to my face that he couldn't deal with it, all I wanted was honesty at the end of the day!

I didn't feel hungry I actually felt heartbroken, that's right and yes it had only been a short while but I knew he was the one and now that was gone!

I arrived at work early, the only person there was Beth and I was glad I didn't want people staring at me.

"Alex could you come here please!"

"Yes Beth how may I help you?"

"Look it's none if my business but what has Hugh got to do with you?"

"What do you mean?"

"Well when I received a hone call from his secretary yesterday stating you were ill, i didn't understand why you didn't just contact me, then he was out of the office too!"

"He was at the hospital visiting me!"

"Right, so your dating him?"

"I don't know?"

"What a surprise, sorry but that jerk dated my sister not that long ago, he ripped her heart out and left her dangling she didn't know whether she was coming or going!"

I knew she meant Lexi, that meant Lexi was Beth's sister, great I thought now it's awkward between me and both my bosses!

"Beth I haven't spoke to him since yesterday!"

"So you weren't with him last night?"

"No I wasn't, why?"

"Well I know Lexi was meeting someone but she wouldn't tell me who, maybe she was with him they do go back along way!"

OMG!!! that was like a knife to my heart, after I poured all my shit out, he goes off with her, what a fucking joke!!

"Do you know for sure beth?"

"No but don't get tied up in his lies!"

"Bit late for that I think!"

I had to ring him to find out where he was, why didn't he just tell me!


"Hi Alex I'm abit busy how may I help you?"

"Where were you last night?"

"Erm, why I was in a meeting!"

"So you weren't with Lexi!"

"I can explain Alex!"

"No need, thanks a lot!"

I hung up the phone, what a bastard how could he, once again he proves me that he hasn't changed it's all just bull shit!!!

My office phone rang,

"Hello Waterfronts how many I help you?"

"Can I explain before you cut me fucking off!"

"Hugh there's no need, I get you can't take my baggage, I shouldn't have told you but you know what they say you learn from your mistakes!"

"What the hell are you talking about?"

"Me telling you all my shit at the hospital and you shacking up with that bitch, very nicely done!!"

"I didn't fucking touch Lexi, I was at a meeting with the medical board of the hospital you stayed at, I was discussing how your information was confidential and I wanted to know what was in place to make sure no one ever found out what you told them, when I left the restaurant I saw Lexi, she wanted to talk and I told her straight my heart is yours!"

"Do you hear me Alex, I LOVE YOU!!!"

I couldn't speak, I was surprised he done all that for me and here I was thinking the worst of him, and he loves me even after what I told him I felt like I was gunna cry!

"Alex are you there?"

"Yes I'm here!"

"Who told you I was with Lexi?"

"Well she didn't say you were, but she suggested it!"

"Beth! what a fucking bitch!"

"It's not her fault, she was looking out for me."

"No she wasn't, her sister tells her everything, she would have went back and told her about you, I said your name Alex, I told her openly that I loved you, the bitch knew what she was doing!"

"Fuck! so she did this on purpose knowing I would fall for it, I feel like a fool, it's out in the open now and every one is going to be different with me!"

"If any one troubles you, they will be fired, if anything they will be extra nice to you!"

"Hugh I just want to be normal!"

"Your special baby you could never be normal."

"Ok Hugh i'll speak to you later, oh and another thing I think I love you too!"

"Oh god Alex I'm so glad you said that!"


Hi guys let me know what you think can you believe how twisted Beth could be, by the way this isn't the end of her and Lexi neither just incase you thought it was going to be easy for Alex well sorry but it's not!

Also would you like to hear Hugh's point of view or should I just keep it like this! let me know what you think!

Thanks so much and remember Comment and vote please!!!!!!!!!!

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