Chapter Two: BigBang's Newest Background Dancer!!!!!

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Yejin's POV

I walked out of the audition room with a devious plan in mind. I smirked as I saw Dayoungie come into view.

"Dayoung, guess what?" I said as soon as I leave the room.

"What? Did you make it? Did you make it? Please tell me that you made it!" Dayoung pleaded hopefully.

I inwardly smirked and answered, "Nope. Just like I thought," I shrugged, "But hey, G-Dragon remembered me though."

"What?!" Dayoung exclaimed, "You didn't make it? Are those guys idiots? What are they thinking? I mean you're the best dancer in Seoul - no - in Korea. How can they not hire you?!" Dayoung's face was bright red, and I was about to tell her the truth when she stormed past me in a rage. My eyes widen when I noticed just where she was headed. The room where BigBang was. I chased after her but before I can stop her, she pulled the door open and marched in.

"Wait, Dayoung!" I shouted, running into the room after her.

"Who do you guys think you are?" Dayoung yelled at them. BigBang all stared at her, shocked. They obviously didn't know what was going on, but G-Dragon seemed to recognize Dayoung. Dayoung continued her rant, "How could you not hire Yejin as your background dancer? She's the best dancer in Korea!"

"Dayoung," I pleaded, "Dayoung, stop." Then I turned to BigBang and bowed at 90 degrees, "I'm sorry, sunbaes."

"Sunbaes?" Dayoung questioned, a confused look on her face.

Meekly, I turned to Dayoung and whispered, "I got the job, Dayoung."

"What?" Dayoung exclaimed, "Are you telling me that you just made me yell at BigBang for nothing?!"

"Dayoung, please calm down," I whispered, throwing nervous glances at BigBang.

"Calm down?" she shouted, then she started hitting me, "How," hit, "Am," hit, "I," hit, "Supposed," hit, "To," hit, "Calm," hit, "Down," hit, "When you made," hit, "Me yell," hit, "At BigBang!?"

"Ow, ow, ow!" I cried, trying to grab Dayoung's arms to stop her from hitting me, "Dayoung, stop hitting me, or I'll be so injured I can't go to work tomorrow."

A malicious gleam lighted up in her eyes, "Oh really? That gives me more of a reason to hit you." Then she continued to hit me.

"A little help here, sunbaenims?" I asked BigBang, trying to get away from Dayoung's tiny flying fists.

"Here," T.O.P sunbae shrugged, grabbing Dayoung by the waist and carrying her out of the room. I let out a sigh of relief and turned back to the remaining BigBang members.

"That friend of yours is very violent," GD sunbae said, "First, she accidentally hits me - G G G G, baby baby baby, GD GD, baby baby baby - in the face and then, she starts beating you because you played a joke on her."

"Yeah. Well, she hit me because I made her yell at you, and she hit you on accident. Also in her defense, she didn't even know that you were-" I started but get interrupted by G-Dragon.

"-That I was: G G G G, baby baby baby, GD GD, baby baby baby," he sang in the tune of Girls' Generation's Gee.

"Why do you keep doing that?" I questioned, a laugh escaping from my lips.

"What?" he asked back innocently.

"The whole: G G G G, baby baby baby, GD GD, baby baby baby, thing," I answered.

"Because I want to and what I say, goes. Now say it with me, G G G G, baby baby baby, GD GD, baby baby baby," he sings before I continue with him, "G G G G, baby baby baby, GD GD, baby baby baby."

"Aw... great, Jiyong hyung," Daesung whined, "You just turned Yejin noona as crazy as you."

"Wait," I inquired, "Did you just call me Noona?"

"Yeah. On your resume it said you were born October 31, 1988, and I was born April 26, 1989. So I've decided to call you Noona," Daesung shrugged nonchalantly.

"Ha!! I'm older than you!!!" Jiyong sunbae cried out.

I scoffed unbelievably, "By like two months!!!"

"Doesn't matter!"

"So childish," I muttered under my breath, crossing my arms and rolling my eyes at him.

Then the door to the audition room opened, and T.O.P came with Dayoung right behind him.

"I'm back with your friend," T.O.P sunbae announced. I immediately ran and hid behind Jiyong oppa - I-I mean sunbae.

"I come in peace," she sighed. I look over at T.O.P sunbae to see if she's telling the truth. He nods, and I step out from behind Jiyong op-sunbae.

"So, you're all calm now?" I asked Dayoung.

In a quick motion, she hit me once than said, "Now I am."

"Ouch!" I exclaimed, rubbing my sore arm.

She stuck her tongue out at me and teased, "Merong!"

"Evil little-" I grumbled.

"What was that?" Dayoung sneered.

"Nothing, yeobo," I quickly covered, running over and kissing her on the cheek.

"EW!" Dayoung screeches as the BigBang boys stared at us in amusement, "Stop doing that!"

"Merong," I stuck my tongue out at Dayoung.

"Why, you little!!!" Dayoung exclaimed, chasing after me.

"AAAAAHHHH!!!!!!! SOMEBODY, ANYBODY, SAVE ME!!!!!!" I yelled out, quickly running away from Dayoung.

We then spent probably the next hour with me running from Dayoung, Dayoung trying to kill me, and BigBang trying to stop Dayoung from killing me.


Hey guys. I know it's short and lame and tacky but I haven't updated this story in a while and I wanted to give you guys something to read. So please comment, vote, and fan.


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