(Editing) Chapter Three: First Day

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Yejin's POV

Peacefully I was sleeping. I was even having a great dream until of all a sudden I was awoken by a screaming banshee. "YEJIN!!! WAKE UP! YOU DON'T WANT TO BE LATE FOR YOUR FIRST DAY OF WORK!!!" Dayoung shouted at me from her room.

I groaned and buried my head in my pillow. "YOU CAN NEVER JUST LET ME SLEEP, CAN YOU, WOMAN?!" I exclaimed, completely exhausted. I heard stomping noises coming towards my room and immediately regret what I said. Quickly jumping out of bed, I ran into the safety of my bathroom, locking the door behind me.

Dayoung started slamming on the bathroom door. "LEE YEJIN!!! WHAT DID YOU SAY TO ME?" she shrieked, her voice full of rage.

"I said - uh- thank you for being the wonderful, understanding, forgiving friend I know you are," I said in an innocently sweet voice. Please work. Please. Please. Please.

"Yeah, I'm not buying that," she snarled at me. Crap.

"Did I mention beautiful? Like insanely beautiful, like a goddess - no - so beautiful you put even the goddesses to shame," I flattered her, desperately hoping this would work.

Dayoung was silence for a moment, and I could hear her sigh before she said, "Fine. I'll let you off this one time. And it's not because all of what you just said is true."

Then I heard Dayoung's footsteps slowly retreating from my room. I silently congratulated myself and walked out of the bathroom. I then quickly changed clothes, got myself ready, grabbed my bag, and walked downstairs.

When I got down though, I saw giant patches of smoke coming from the kitchen. I ran to the kitchen to see Dayoung over the stove either A. trying to cook, B. trying to be a witch and make potions, or C. trying to burn our house down.

I ran to the stove, dropping my bag on the ground. "Dayoung, what are you doing?!?" I shouted, turning the stove all the way off just in case the answer was C.

"Well, I wanted to try to make you a special breakfast for your first day of work for BigBang, but as you can see, it didn't quite work out," she muttered, casting a sad look at the burnt food on in the frying pan.

"Well - uh - thanks for trying, I guess. Although you almost burned the building down," I said awkwardly, trying not to make her feel bad. I gave her a pat on the shoulder.

Dayoung looked at me in a weird way. "Was that supposed to make me feel better?" she asked, staring at my hand patting her shoulder.

Biting my lip, I awkwardly smiled at her. "Um.... Kinda?" I answered, taking sudden interest in the floor.

I nearly let out a shout of surprise when Dayoung hugged me and said, "Thanks, Yejin."

I stared with wide eyes at Dayoung's head before pulling her off of me. "Wait, did you do something? What did you do?" I interrogated her, suspicious.

Dayoung scoffed unbelievably and shuffled around on her feet for a bit. "What? Can't a person just hug their friend and not get convicted of doing something wrong?" she over-dramatically exclaimed, placing a firm hand on her hip.

She hugged me, for absolutely no reason. She tried to make me breakfast. Come to think of it, the normal Dayoungie would have killed me earlier no matter what I said.

"Are you sick?" I asked, putting a hand on her forehead.

"I'm fine," she shrugged, pushing my hand away. I narrowed my eyes at her.

She shuffled uncomfortably under my gaze, then looked up at our kitchen clock. Gasping widely, Dayoung turned me around and began pushing me out of the door. "Well, would you look at the time? You've got to get to work. I'd love to give you a ride, but I'm really busy. So... Um... Bye," Dayoung said hurriedly.

(Editing) I Work For My Boyfriend [G-Dragon fan fiction]Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu