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I stood next to the seated queen, who sat at the head of a large long table with Lady Briar. Together they faced the Twelve, whose expressions possessed mixtures of calculation, frustration, and anger.

"Our informants from the West have alerted us of a rendezvous between two of the Scourge's squadrons," Senator Chayton was explaining, a large map laid out on the table in front of everyone. "They are to meet here, north of Corra in the mountains."

"We don't know what they are trading," another senator replied, her expression sharp. I recognized her as one of the people who wanted me punished when my powers had first been discovered. "But judging by the defenses, it is important."

"Vaben," Lady Briar piped up, her crucial gaze on the queen. "There isn't anything else it could be."

"We haven't seen any development in their weapons that are any more superior than our own," another senator replied, his voice aloof.

"Exactly," Senator Chayton responded, his eyes sinister. "So why protect a weapon that, if anything, only equals our own fire power?"

"Perhaps it is something else?"

"Unlikely. After all, our informants have told us how they've been collecting the Vaben from their soldiers recently only to be given them back with no stones in them. The Scourge is doing something."

Lady Briar finished the collection of random voices, looking at her wife. "We just don't know what."

Queen Siora nodded. "This is most likely an important trade for the Scourge, as doing it so close to our border is extremely risky. They must be desperate for time for a reason unbeknownst to us."

"We should retaliate," Senator Chayton announced, crossing his arms.

"No," Lady Briar countered, earning a frown from him, "we should observe, if anything."

"Observing will give us more information," the queen offered, thinking aloud. "We know the border and their mountains, as it used to be apart of our land before our agreement with the Eowyn Clan many years ago. We can stay at the high points and come down the valleys the early morning of the exchange. Once we understand the situation, though, we will make our presence known."

Some people nodded in agreement; others sat there still, thinking deeply.

"I will get my patrol together," the female from earlier replied, standing eagerly.

"And I mine," Senator Chayton growled.

Queen Siora nodded. "Thank you, Senator Chayton and Senator Naomi. I suggest departing soon, as it will take you many days to get there and by the time you settle in, the Scourge will not be far away."

The two of them saluted the queen. "Yes, Your Majesty."

Senator Chayton sent a look my way that could cut glass.

Long after the meeting and the rest of the day training, I got back to my room exhausted. I had eaten my dinner in the maids quarters; the senators did not live in the building and instead in their own homes outside of the palace in the city. I knew, though, that even if they did eat similarly like commanders and trainees do at the academy, I would still get food from the maids kitchen. They were much nicer than the senators, anyway. They let me help them when something was too heavy, and I would entertain the child helpers with slight activations of my second ability.

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