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high magic.




"Make sure the two of you are back soon," Catherine began, her voice slightly obscured by the opening gates.

Willow grinned at me.

As we exited and joined the crowd, Willow holding my arm as she led the way, bewilderment filled me. "What did you tell her?"

"That my mother sent me a letter about needing help with something at the bakery."

Wow. How...easy.

"It's not as hard to go out and about as you think," Willow added, looking very pleased with herself. "And Catherine had some business to take care of, leaving us in the clear to go alone."

I chuckled. "You amaze me, Willow. Truly."

She laughed. "All in a day's work!"

I followed after her and before long, we made it to the chapel she spoke about.

It was a large building that resembled the same design structure as Queen Siora's palace. Over the arching doorway of dark brown polished wood was the stone statues of the three goddesses carved into the building. The windows were stained glass, depicting ancient tales that I recognized from my mother's old stories.

Walking inside, it was abnormally quiet. The lights were dim, and the sheer thickness of the walls did a lot to muffle the outside bustling city. There were beautifully carved seats resembling the door that let us inside, and a large marble statue of the three goddesses was at the front of the chapel. There was a winding staircase to the left that led up to a platform, a door behind it that led to the other back passageways of the chapel.

"Brother Ignus?" Willow exclaimed, her voice tentative.

"Oh, yes, one moment!"

Someone came out from behind the front statue of the three goddesses carrying a stack of books, scrolls tucked underneath his arms also. He set them down on the nearest wooden bench, letting out a relieved sigh.

"How can I help you?" he asked, smiling kindly.

I narrowed my eyes, letting my gaze take in his appearance. He didn't look like what I thought he would, as I was used to the traditionally dressed men and women my mother used to tell me about. He looked to be in his forties and had short hair that curled against his forehead and his temples. Even in the dim light I could see that his skin was tan and his eyes a bright green. This Brother Ignus was wearing something similar I saw the other citizens of Lamorra wear, but he had a badge on his shoulder; one of an open book with an elder branch inside it.

Willow looked completely relaxed, as if she had been here before; I guessed then perhaps she had. "Brother Ignus, I was hoping we could ask you some questions, if that was okay?"

"What about?" he asked, his voice light and airy.

Willow glanced at me. "About High Magic."

He smiled, as if he was fond of the subject. "Ah, of course. It is always nice to have young individuals be interested in old stories."

His eyes slowly moved to me, his expression curious. "And an Obarian too. Lovely."

He offered for us to sit down, placing a welcoming hand forward in a polite gesture. As I sat down, I accidentally knocked over one of his books.

The Rise of Imani Firyali *NOW OFFICIALLY PUBLISHED!!*Where stories live. Discover now