Day before

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Vanessa POV-
Today is the day before Prima camp and I'm both excited and nervous. I get to go dance for eight weeks straight with the Primas and especially Beckett my "boyfriend". Eight weeks of pure torture and extreme fun, except my best friend Carly can't come because she is going on tour with Selena Gomez all summer. I'm happy for Carly, but I also wish we could go to camp together. We still don't know the fate of our school Keaton so there's still a chance Carly and I will never be on the Primas together. And then there's Beckett and I. If there's no Keaton, there's no us, and I really want there to be an us. He hasn't even asked me to be his girlfriend yet, but I hope he will soon!

As I pace around my room stressing about next year, I get a text message

Beckett: stop stressing
V: how do you know I am stressing?
B: turn around

I turn around and see Beckett standing on my balcony holding a bouquet of flowers. Red and white roses, my favorite! I go and open the doors to my balcony and am immediately given a hug

B: I'm so happy to see you!
V: Me too, but what are you doing here. Shouldn't you be home packing, or hanging out with your mom before you leave for camp?
B: I finished packing and Ms. Helsweel is coming on the trip with us. Plus I wanted to ask you something before we left tomorrow. And I figured you would be stressing out.
V: Really, how'd you know?
B: Well, you always stress out before performances, and Prima camp is basically an eight week performance, so...
V: Great thanks, that really helped
B: You're welcome
V: That was sarcastic
B: I know
V: Well anyway, what did you want to ask me?
B: Well Vanessa, we've been seeing each other for a little while now and it's been perfect. I've never met another girl like you. You're beautiful, strong, and the most amazing person I've ever known. I was wondering if you wanted to be my girlfriend?
V: Beckett, of course!!! Yes, yes, absolutely yes!!!
B: *sighs* thank goodness, I was hoping you'd say that!

Then I  closed the space between us and I kissed him like I never had before. With so much love and passion that it felt like the world  was fading around us. And when I pulled away he was smiling at me like I was the only person on this planet and I knew this was the best moment of my life. My stress gone and only him and this moment were left.

B: Well I should probably go and let you finish packing, but Vanessa feel free to text me if you stress out again.
V: I will, and thank you again
B: Anytime. I'll see you tomorrow. I'll pick you up at 7:00 am?
V: Sounds good, see you then!

Then he left, out the balcony again, and I finished packing and went to bed before the events of tomorrow!

A/N: I hope you all like this story. I love the characters from Backstage and am looking forward to continuing this story about their summer at Prima camp!

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