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*Next Day*
*Brogan's POV*

I woke up to the smell of bacon, so I guessed it was Dean making food and thank jeebus because I was hungry. Right as I open my eyes I see that I am not in my hotel room anymore I am in a house in a bedroom that I don't recognize at all. I throw the covers off of me and I walk out of the room as I am going through the hall I see pictures of me and Dean. I pass one that catches my eye and it is a picture of us at our wedding? Yeah that's is what it is. Then I pass some pictures of us but I have a baby in my arms are those my kids? I am so confused right now. I walk into the kitchen and see Dean there with a little boy sitting on a chair and another baby in a car seat laying there. Dean's back was to them making breakfast. He grabbed some plates and served food. He turned around and saw me at the door and smiled at me.

"Good morning beautiful" -Dean making the little boy turn around and run towards me and hug my legs

When the boy turned around I saw that he looked a lot like Dean the smile, his hair color the only difference was that he had brown eyes not blue like Dean he looked like he was about 4 years old maybe

"Mommy I missed you" -The little boy

"Moxley let your mom walk into the room" -Dean okay so this my son...I named him Moxley? Dean might have chosen that name. All of a sudden the baby started crying.

"Son can you get Braden her bottle please?" -Dean as he picked her up and rocked her in his arms as the little boy left

Dean looked at me

"Are you okay? You seem a little bit off" -Dean

I was trying to answer him but all that would come out was a phone ringtone, my phone ringtone to be exact. Dean walked up to me still holding our child 

"Brogan babe wake up and get your phone I am trying to sleep here" -Dean

I wake up and realize that I was dreaming. I get my phone from the night stand and see that Nicole I calling me so I answer

*Phone Convo*

N-Hey did I wake you?

B- Hey and yes you did

N-Well too bad you have work today

B-Today was my day off

N-Nope you need to record the video for "Didn't Mean It"

B-But you said we were going to wait

N-We did and now it is time to do this sweetheart. It's now or never

B-Can I take never

N-No because your fans want to see that

B-Okay fine....when?

N- Today...obviously

B- I know that but what time?

N- Around noon

B-Okay bye

*End Of Convo*

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