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*Friday Night*

*Brogan's POV*

I was sitting in my room very nervous he never told me what I was supposed to wear tonight for our date so right now the girls are on their way to help me choose an outfit. When there was a knock on the door so I got up to answer the door

"Oh thank god you are here I was starting to freak out" -Brogan

"Well I'm glad you couldn't wait to see me" -Dean

"I actually meant Nikki, Brie, AJ, and Celeste" -Brogan with a little sass

"Well I see that you have not lost the sass that I have always loved, but I came here because I forgot to tell you about our date" -Dean

I'm not going to lie when he said that he loved my sauciness I had butterfly's in my stomach

"Okay what did you want to tell me?" -Brogan as I said that I saw the girls coming closer

I could see that Nikki had a make-up box, Brie had a bag in her hands holding who knows what, AJ had a lot of outfits in her arms she looked like she was about to fall, and Celeste had a carryon bag in her arms

"Well I know that you don't really like doing anything fancy and Seth told me that there was a fair and that you wanted to go to it so I was going to tell you that we are going to a fair if you want if not we could go get some food and go to a movie?" -Dean

"How about we go to the fair...we could always go to the movies later...well if you make it to the second date" -Brogan with a small smirk

"Okay well I know that I will make it to a second date" -Dean

"Oh we are getting cocky aren't we?" -Brogan

"Just a little bit" -Dean

"Brogan We Are Here!!" -Nikki, Brie, AJ, and Celeste making Dean jump a little and they noticed

"Oh sorry big guy did we scare you?" -AJ with a smirk

"Well Brogan I will see you later" -Dean said giving me a smile and walking away

"So what did the lover boy want?" -Brie

"He wanted to tell me about our date today" -Brogan

"Yeah we heard you guy are going to the fair" -Nikki

"Well there goes half of the shoes I got for you" -Celeste laughing

"What time is it?" -AJ

"5:50...Shit got take a shower now...hurry" -Brie

I got in the shower and did my business. I came out and immediately got sat in a chair (that I don't know where they got it from) Brie started drying my hair once she was done she straighten my hair. Brie finished and it was Nikki's turn she did a light make-up (Nude eye shadow, Winged Eyeliner, Mascara, and some Lip gloss)

"Okay time for the outfit" -Celeste

They all laid out a lot of outfits and I chose the most casual that I could find and I went to the restroom and changed my clothes when I came out the girls gasped

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