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AN: I wanted to state this very quick. This chapter is skipping two year so it would be 2017, but since I don't want to make anything up I'm going to say that it's all going to be based off of things that happened in 2016. I just thought I would point that out so nobody could get confused. Anyways, I'm going to be leaving now

*Two Years Later*
*Brogan's POV*

*Money In The Bank*

TØP was blasting through the car speakers at the hands of Jack as I drove off to the arena. Living at home by myself with the kids has been different than being on the road everyday. I'm still not used to not seeing all my friends and husband everyday, well except for Nikki I still see her a lot since she had her neck surgery and is still out of action

Its been six months since I retired and decided I would stay at home with my kids, about a month since Dean last came home that wasn't longer that a day or two, but I knew this was going to happen once I left in ring competition, so it's not a surprise to me. What was a surprise was finding out I was pregnant about a month ago

I had been feeling sick all morning and even threw up before I had to go take Jack to school. I had called Nikki to tell her I wasn't feeling well and I couldn't go to lunch with her. Next thing I know she's at my house with her daughter Lydia with a bag in her hands. Now we're currently in the bathroom waiting for the pregnancy tests that she forced me to take to finally tell us

"I'm telling you you're pregnant" -Nikki

"No I'm not, I haven't had sex in a month and I know he used protection" -Brogan

"The first time, what about the second time?" -Nikki

"He did I swear" -Brogan

"I don't believe you, I mean come on whether he's here for a day or not you two will have sex and sometimes especially if it's a rush y'all forget, it's normal" -Nikki making me shake my head

"I opened the wrapper so I would know" -Brogan

"He was here like what two weeks ago? Did you two have sex?" -Nikki

"Yeah, we used protection it's still in the trash can so I don't see your point though" -Brogan

"Gross but I'm just saying, you may have wrapped it but they're not always affective" -Nikki

"I know that" -Brogan

"Especially if you're not on the pill like I know you aren't" -Nikki

"I know I'm not besides it wasn't actual sex I just gave him head, that's all" -Brogan

"I'll bet you fifty bucks you're pregnant" -Nikki

"You're on, I'm not pregnant, I know this" -Brogan as she looked into the sink

"Well the test say otherwise" -Nikki making me look

All five of them said positive

"You owe me fifty bucks" -Nikki

"Fuck" -Brogan
*End of Flashback*

I made her promise she wasn't going to tell Dean about it because I wanted to tell him myself which she agreed

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