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*Next Day*
*Brogan's POV*

I was walking to the divas locker room when I hit a really hard chest and fell on to the floor

"Oh shit that really hurt" -Brogan

"Shit I am so sorry I should have watched were I was going" -A Scratchy Male Voice

I'm not going to lie the sound of his voice was really sexy then he extended out his arm and I grabbed it and he pulled me up. I dusted myself off and I looked up only to meet the eyes of my ex-boyfriend Dean Ambrose

"H-Hey Brogan" -Dean

"Hey how have you been?" -Brogan

"I have been good.....look I am so sorry about what happened with Britney it was never meant to happen and I feel very bad and I know it is very-" -Dean he kept on talking and I zoned out

I got this overwhelming sensation of kissing him. Him just standing in front of me after all this time brought back feelings that I had been trying to repress for so long. I somehow I thought it was a great idea to kiss him.So thats exactly what I did, I quickly realized what I did and pulled away

"I am so sorry I shouldn't have done that. I'm just-I'm gonna go now" -Brogan I started walking away when he got my hand and pulled me back facing him

"What?" -Brogan 

He looked at me and leaned down. I was shocked when he kissed me. I wanted to fight back but I couldn't resist it so I kissed him back. He pushed me up against a wall as I wrapped my arms around his neck. The kiss was beginning to get very heated when we heard someone clear their throat and we pulled away

"Dam if we wouldn't have come earlier you guys would be have been having sex right here right now" -Seth

"Shut up no we weren't" -Brogan I started blushing a lot the AJ got here oh thank you lord

"Girl hurry up we have our match next" -AJ

"Crap okay lets go see you later guys" -Brogan

"Yeah later Brogan" -Seth smirking at me as I started walking away when I felt Dean pull me back

"Can I talk to you after your match?" -Dean

"Yeah sure" -Brogan

"Just try not to have sex in the middle of the hall again" -Seth said giving me the look

"Dude shut the hell up" -Brogan and Dean

AJ and I started to walk away

"What was he talking about back there?" -AJ

"Well me and Dean were talking and he kept talking and well I pretty much kissed him and then I pulled away when I you know realized what I did and I was walking away and he kissed me we started making out and Seth saw us so yeah" -Brogan

"OMG HOW CUTE!! Does this mean you forgave him?" -AJ

"Well not exactly" -Brogan

"So you just made out with him for the hell of it?" -AJ

"No I didn't like I really want to forgive him but it is so hard to do that he really hurt me" -Brogan

"I know but you should still forgive him I know you still love him forgive him already" -AJ

*Skip to Match*

"You Make the Rain Fall
Cause you're so beautiful that it's painful
Yea you told me that you were an angel"

"This Is A Divas Tag Team Match Scheduled For One Fall.....Introducing First From Inglewood, California Weighing In At 115 Pounds BROGAN" -Lilian Garcia

"Let's Light It Up
Light It Up, Light It Up

Light It Up Tonight"

"And Her Partner from Union City, New Jersey AJ LEEE" -Lilian Garcia

"You Can Look, But You Can't Touch You Keep Dreaming On the Stars Above Something In Your Eyes, Lets Me See Right Through You"

"And Their Opponents Coming To The Ring Nikki And Brie The Bella Twins" -Lilian Garcia

The Bella's entered the ring giving us a glare so we glared at them. Nikki started off the match with AJ. They locked up then AJ put Nikki in a side head lock. Nikki ended getting out of it and hit AJ with a clothes line. They went back and forth for a while until they were both on the ground

"COME ON AJ!!" -Brogan as I reached over the rope holding out my hand for AJ to tag. AJ tagged me in and a jumped over the ropes and ran to the other side where Brie was and hit her with my elbow in the face knocking her out of the ring

"BRIE!!" -Nikki yelled as she got up and looked over the ropes. I took a chance and put my hand in between her legs and dropped her on the matt and rolled her up in a pin

"1.....2...." -The Ref started counting but Nikki kicked out at 2. Then I got up and sat her up and put her in a headlock. She tried to move and break the lock I had but i moved with her.

"NIKKI!" -Brie

"BRIE!" -Nikki as Brie started to clap to rally her sister up. Finally Nikki broke the hold and got up she hit me in the stomach and in the face knocking me down so she could tag in her sister when Brie was tagged in she came at me but I kicked her in the face. We were both hitting each other and I ended hit her with a face buster from the top rope and went for a cover

"1.....2.....3 *DING DING DING*" - The Ref

"And Your Winners The Team Of AJ Lee and Brogan" -Lilian Garcia as my music blasted through the whole arena and the ref raised out hands in victory. We got out of the ring and walked up the ramp and backstage where I was met with the face that I didn't really want to see.......

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