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*1 Week Later*
*Brogan's POV*

The doctor said that I could leave in the morning so the Nikki and Brie came and they brought me a change of clothes and they said that Stephanie and Triple H wanted to see me for something so I and Punk were on a plane going to the next city that WWE was supposed to be in. Me and Punk arrived at the airport got our rental car and rode to the arena. When we got to the arena I was so nervous because I didn't know what Steph and Hunter wanted to talk to me about so I made Punk come with me.

I knocked on the door and Brad Maddox opened the door so that I and Punk could walk into the room.

"Brogan great to see you, oh I see you brought Punk with you well have a seat guys" -Steph pointing at the chairs in front of her desk. I and Punk took a seat

"Well I'm here so what did you want to talk to me about" -Brogan

"Well for starters we wanted to say that we are really sorry for what happened to you because you didn't deserve that... but now to our point so me and Steph see that you had a miscarriage and also you are very badly hurt because you have a broken/fractured leg, a sprained wrist, fractured hand so we believe that you should go home and heal very good and not be in action for about a year maybe even more so you are in great shape to compete" -Hunter

"What do you mean out of action no you can't do that it's not fair" -Brogan

"Yes we can do that because we are your boss and we want what is best for you so we are giving you time off so you can heal but we promise that if you heal before the year is up you can come back to compete" -Steph

".........Fine I guess" -Brogan

"You are free to go" -Steph as I walked out 

I walked around looking for the Bella's, AJ, and Kaitlyn. I ended up finding them in a random corner talking so I went up to them

"Hey B, what's wrong?" -AJ

"Steph and Hunter just told me that I can't wrestle because of what happened" -Brogan

"I can't believe they made you leave that is so not fair" -Nikki

"Yeah I know, but I mean it is for your health so it is good right" -Brie

"Aww....look who it is little miss I got hit by my boyfriend. Wow how pathetic of you to think that he wanted you to be with him I mean come on look at you, you are nothing but just trash" -Alicia

"I would shut up if I were you" -AJ

"What are you going to do about it huh?" -Alicia

"We're going to kick your ass that's what we are going to do" -Kaitlyn

"Guys it's okay I can fight my own battles...besides I have to go catch my plane, pack all of my things, and say goodbye to Punk" -Brogan

"Nikki and Brie your match is in 5" -The Intercom

"Well that is our queue*Looks at Alicia* you better leave her alone before something happens to you *looks at me* bye girl we are going to miss you so much" -Brie as her and Nikki pulled me in for a hug

"I know we really are going to miss you but for now it is a goodbye" -Nikki and walked away with her sister

"You ready to go?" Punk

"Yeah I am" -Brogan while I hug AJ and Kaitlyn goodbye

"Call us when you can okay, wait how am I going to get trained now' -AJ with a small pout

"You got this besides I only helped you with some moves, you have Primo to help you with that" -Brogan


"Well this is goodbye for now" -Punk

"I know I am going to miss you so much." -Brogan

"Flight 1335 leaving to Inglewood, California now boarding at gate 3B" -Intercom

"Make sure to call me when you land okay" -Punk

"Can't you come with me instead?" -Brogan

"Nope I can't I have work" -Punk

"Wow you really suck man" -Brogan

"Last call for flight 1335 to Inglewood, California" -Intercom

"Well that's me see ya Punkers" -Brogan

"I'll see you later short one" -Punk while pulling me into a hug

I walk away to the gate I gave the flight attendant my ticket. I got on the plane found my seat and put my things in the compartment on the top but took about my phone and headphones and took my seat

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