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The team all stared at Reid, his facial expression changed when he realised what he had said. His eye wide, mouth partly open in shocked and eyes beginning to blur with tears. The team's expressions were closely the same. All in shock. Reid had just come out to them, I mean they all had their suspensions over the years but didn't really take much note. Everything was awkwardly quiet, Reid took a breath and turned around heading to the door in a quick pace. The team didn't know what to do, do they hurry after him and tell him they don't care he is gay? Or do they give him space? Which everyone they decide to do they might have to hurry, Reid was already in the elevator and before they new it, he was gone.


Standing alone in the elevator just thinking of what happened and how he had to just get  of there, tears had already stained his face, he didn't even realise he was crying. "What have I done?" Reid spoke to himself, his voice crackled and broken. The lift doors opened revealing the empty lobby. It was late, everyone else had already gone home, the team worked late today as they have a new case tomorrow, which Reid wasn't looking forward too. Not the case but facing his team after what just happened. Before he new it he was at his car with his keys in hand. His hand shaking, he placed the key in the locked and got in and just drove.

The Team

Still stood baffled, since Reid left no one had said a word, they has the suspicions but brushed them away. Each one expected Reid for who he was, because he was family, and it's not like they can be homophobic in there line of work due to victims or survivors who are Homosexual or killers who kill gays because they are homophobic. Meaning cause they can feel weird about it but it can cost them there job due to what they believe in. "I new it" it was Rossi, everyone turned to face him with baffled expressions. He smiled at them and started laughing. "Hotch I made a wager on whether or not Reid was Gay. And I won" he gave a cocky like smile as Hotch handed him the money.
"Why?" It was Morgan who spoke once again.
"Well we had our suspicions and decided to have a little fun out of it and make some money. Not being mean to Reid or anything, but just a little harmless fun". Rossi explained and the room once again fell silent, no one new what to say or how to say it.
"I new" everyone turned to look, it was Garcia, her hand in twinned with one another, knees together and hand down. She looked like a school girl who has just been send to the principles office.
"What do you mean you know? Did he tell you?" Morgan asked and the rest of the team looked at one another puzzled.
"Not exactly" Garcia answered, lifting her head to look at Morgan. Normally they would call each other by their nicknames they had given each other, both had a few for one another. Garcia was Baby Girl and Derek was Chocolate thunder. They had been told to keep they nicknames down and the way in which they speak to each other down or not in the work place as co workers have complained. "Do you care to elaborate?"
"I went over to his to hand him the last case file about 2 weeks ago, he wasn't expecting me round because when we sat down to talk it over with coffee, I heard someone in the bedroom and it sounded like another guy. So I ran into the bedroom to find a tall, slightly skinny browned hair man getting changed. And that's when he told me" the team still looking at one another when finally someone else who wasn't Derek spoke.
"So, Reid has a boyfriend?" It was Jj, she said smiling. He little brother has all grown up, she didn't care if he was gay, just cared that he was happy.
"Yeah, his names Jason Campbell, he is so lovely" Garcia smiled. After about ten minutes of awkward silence when they first found out, they all talked over each other about Reid's boyfriend. "Morgan we all know your gonna tease him" Emily laughed.
"Cause I will, our little boy is getting laid" the team all laughed. Garcia stood smiling down at her phone, she was texting Reid.

Hey Reid. Look about what happened none of us care; about you being gay. I know I already new and I didn't care did I? Neither does the rest of the team, were all laughing about how Morgan is totally going to tease you tomorrow like he does. Rossi and Hotch made a bet and Rossi won. The point is, none of them care they just care that you're happy. I've told them about Jason and I think they want to meet him. Text me back baby boy.
Love ya lots. PG x

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