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Reid couldn't go back to sleep that night, he stared at the ceiling; thinking about what happened only those few nights ago at the club. terrified to shut his eyes, overtime he does he see there faces, Jason's face, and then he see himself; lying there hopeless on the ground, not fighting back and just taking every hit. As he lied there, Jason asleep next to him, the clock reading 5:59am, 'only one more minute till the alarm goes off and i have to face work' he thought. he rubbed his face before pulling the covers off and sitting on the end of the bed with his face in his palms, 'what do i do? do i tell them the truth, and try and find the men to beat me to an inch of my life? Reid just shock his head and stood up just as the alarms earsplitting sounds violently fills the room, he headed to the bathroom just as Jason began to stir.

The showers warm water flowed down Reid's face and body, steam filled the room; nothing could be seen. Reid just stood in the hot water, thinking? all he does now is think; quiet and almost dead. So many thought run through his great mind, and that's when he looks at his arm; the scars of what happened to him only last year, the marks on where his addiction took over his life, but only for a short time. Spencer never really told anyone about his addiction, they kind of just new, but they didn't know about the small bottle he has hidden under the floorboards in his bedroom, just incase anything like this happens and he needs to forget, needs the peace and quiet like it hadn't even happened. "Spence?" It was Jason shouting from behind the bathroom door, Spencer coming back down to earth, "Are you okay? you've been in there a while, you got to head to work soon"

"Yeah, sorry didn't realise the time, i'll be out in a bit" Spencer shock his head and opened the door of the shower and grabbed his towel, he took one look in the mirror and then down at his arm. Jason was the only person who he told about his addiction, but he will kill him if he ever got back into it again, it will cost him his job, his house, everything. He pushed his hands through his matted hair and opened the more. Jason was sat on the bed, phone his hand, still in his pyjama bottoms. "Ahh finally, you took you're time didn't you" he smiled, but then he saw Reid's face, "Spence, are you okay? after last night anyway? i'm worried about you, you never talk to me anymore, we haven't even spoken about what happened Friday night at the club"

"I'm fine" was all Reid said as he pushed passed Jason, grabbing his clean clothes from off the chair and heading back to the shower. Once Reid was dressed and ready to go and so was Jason, they left. Jason always dropped Reid off a block away from the BAU headquarters so no one gets suspicious, then he left to his own job, working as the a Detective for the Virginia Police Department. The car journey was quiet, Reid held his head down with his hot, fresh cup of coffee (which is probably more sugar then coffee). "Come on Spence, talk to me" Jason looked over every now and then whilst driving, keeping his eyes on the road.

"Nothing, I said i'm fine didn't i?" Reid snapped.

"Yes, but last night, no you wasn't, you were shaking. Reid, you were scared" The worried look grew even more on Jason faces now he talks about it.

"There was nothing I could do, I-I-I just lead then hit and beat me in front of everyone, calling me what they did" Spencer looked Jason in the eyes, his eyes now red and puff and he tried so hard to hold back the tears the formed in the back of his eyes, the lump that grew in his throat.

"Spencer." Tears fell from Jason's eyes, Spencer looked too in shock, he had never seen Jason cry before, in the whole 6 months they had been together, not once had Jason cried in front of Spencer, but that was a different story for Reid, he always cried in front of Jason, always looked to him for comfort, they did live together after all, but this was new to Spencer, and he couldn't fight back the tears anymore and he just left them flow down his face, his face red and puffed, and now wet. "I tried so much to stop them but i just couldn't get to you" They had stopped where Jason had normally dropped Reid off, just on the corner near the BAU. "As I watched them beat you, I felt like they were beating me too" Spencer looked up at Jason, and just stared at him.

" I know you tried, I know you tried everything you could, but there wasn't anything you could do to be honest"

"You need to tell you're team" Spencer practically jumped out of his seat when Jason said that.

"Are you mad? I can't tell my team, then they will know that I'm-I'm..."


"Yeah" Spencer looked down again, he wasn't one for eye contact, that's what gives everyone the idea he may be autistic. "What's so bad about telling you're team? Are you ashamed of me, is that it?"

"What! No, of course not, I'm just afraid of how they will react, they might hate me"

"Spence there you're family there not going to hate you, you just need to give them a chance, Penelope already knows, and she doesn't care, so why should the others?" Spencer didn't give him a answer, just left slamming the door behind him. "Spencer. SPENCER!" but he was gone. Jason just shock his head, wiped his eyes and started the car, before he headed off to work, even though he was already 5 minutes late.

Spencer was 5 minutes late for work, but he couldn't care less, he just strolled in there like nothing, which got him a few dodgy looks from his team mates. Luckily they haven't got a case so all he had to do was paper work, but late was late and Reid was never late. But that wasn't the only reason why Reid got some dodgy looks, he had forgotten all about the huge black eye he had got, which wasn't to hard to miss. "Spencer, you okay?" It was Morgan, his eyebrows raised has he looked at the mark on Spencer faces.

"Yeah I am fine, I just tripped over a stool at mine and smacked it on the corner of the table" Reid put on a fake smile, "Silly me eh, always finding news ways to injure myself" he laughed jokily, Derek just looked at him with concern.

"If you say so" He left Spencer who walked over to his bullpen, only to be bombarded by JJ and Emily.

"What happened to Reid?" Spoke Hotch as his stood next to Morgan.

"He said he tripped and hit it on the corner of the table at his"

"And do you believe him?"

"No of course I don't Hotch, I know when he's hiding something". They both stood outside Hotch's office, watching Reid talk to JJ and Emily, clearing repeating the same story, or the same lie; because they were all laughing.

1 Week Later

After a long and hard week at work, it's over, for now anyway. It was Friday night and the team were packing up to leave. Reid was putting everything into his messenger bag, Penelope, JJ and Emily were all stood ready and talking to one another about there favourite clothing store having a sale; and Derek was leaving Hotch's office with Rossi. "Anyone up for getting a drink? Rossi's treat" Derek said as he laughed but Rossi didn't looked as amused, then he smiled.
"Sure" said everyone besides Reid who said nothing.
"You coming Reid?" Asked Morgan.
"No I'm alright thanks, just thinking of staying home" Reid replied but Morgan new something was up, he didn't look tiered but more scared, 'Reid never looked scared' Morgan thought.
"Oh come on Pretty Boy"
"NO!" Snapped Reid, everyone was taken back by this, they've never really seen Reid been angry before besides the time the other day when Morgan pissed him off.
"Calm down man I was only asking. What has been up with you this last week, you've been quiet and not to mention that massive black eye you haven't?" Morgan queried.
"I said I'm fine didn't i, just leave me alone Derek" Reid said as he grabbed his bag and headed towards the door, but. Morgan stopped him, grabbing his arm and spinning him around.
"GET OFF ME DEREK!" Screamed Morgan.
"No, not till you tell me what is wrong"
"I said nothing is wrong, why can't you understand that?" Pleaded Reid.
"Because you're shutting us out, we know something is wrong. Now what happened to you're face?"
"Nothing, I told you I slipped". Reid said trying to leave.
"Reid" Said Morgan.
"Not until you tell us!" Morgan voice becAme more stern, he stared at Reid, and Reid Just stared back.
"I WAS BETTEN UP OKAY!" Spencer shouted at the top of his lungs, the others just stared at him with sympathy, abut also concern.
"What? Why?" Asked JJ.
"It doesn't matter" Reid replied.
"Derek please just stopped" Reid began to walk away, thinking he had finally finished the convisation until.
"BECAUSE IM GAY!" Screamed Reid as he turned to look at his team, who just stared at him.

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