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I will never understand mortals. As soon as the attackers came in view, the smart ones ran away as fast they could. Others hung around to call the police. In our perspective, I clearly saw armored adults on skeleton horses speeding towards us. In spite of that, the mortals reported to the police that there was gun shooters in stolen cars coming towards us.

Illusions must be at work. I quickly unsheathed my spear and sprinted toward the battle.

“Get that girl! Intent to capture, but if things get out of hand, I suppose you can go at drastic measures.” Shouted the leader of the pack. All at once, five out of the group thrusted towards me, their weapons at hand.

Okay, girl, just remember your training. Take out their power source. I quickly thrusted my spear into the middle of a skeleton’s chest and lurched my spear sideways. The result was that the leg of the horse flew out into the blue. The attacker fell down, landing and cracking the horse’s bones.

“Who’s next?!” I asked, feeling pure adrenaline running through my veins. The next attacker came through with a buddy, they both held swords. One was on my left, the other on my right.

They charged and I waited, standing there. I had to plan perfectly, if too late I would be dead meat. If too early, they would notice and adapt from their old plan. They were five feet away, four,

Their swords just inches from my head, I swiftly somersaulted out the way.

I saw the attackers’ surprised faces as they accidentally jabbed their swords into each other. They fell down, either wounded or dead, I couldn’t tell.

Unfortunately, I let my guard down and suddenly I got a blow to the head. My face crashed onto the asphalt, I felt a warm liquid press against my skin as it slightly burned with pain.

My muscles stayed frozen. I saw the hooves of the horse stomp in front of me. I have to get up. This is what I was trained for.

I managed to sit up before the horse’s hoof crashed into my chest. I got knocked back onto the ground, now with aching ribs and a bleeding face. The chances of me surviving is not looking good at all.

I managed to get up on my elbows, just in time to see one of the attackers nocking their arrow. Suddenly, before he could let go of the arrow, a fireball was sent flying to him.

He was caught on fire, he quickly began to burn and ran out of the battleground as he yelled in pure panic. The last attacker remaining strategically retreated to his pack. I looked over to where the source of the fireball came from, it was Hearth. His hand was smoking as he looked quite surprised as I was.

I stood up unsteadily and ran over to him. “Thank you, I am indebted to you.”

“No need to thank me,” Hearth smiled and dodged as an arrow flew at him. “By the way, you should get your face checked out, it looks pretty bad.”

I nodded then suddenly I heard a yell, I looked over to the source of the yelling and found Alessio smacking a skeleton horse with a tray, yelling his battlecry.

Such bravery. However, there is a line between bravery and stupidity. I ran over to help, desiccating anyone in my path. I bumped into Jasper as he was raising a dirt wall, his arms shaking.

“Oh hey Bre- your face!” Jasper squeaked and with that his dirt wall collapsed.

“Less talking, more fighting!” I said as I thrusted my weapon into the attacker behind him. The attacker crumpled down as soon as I pulled my spear out of him.

At the corner of my eye I saw Jasper fighting them with his scythe, however he had a flaw within his fighting. His weapon was leisurely slow, considering he hadn’t been properly trained for this.

I kept fighting as I took out another attacker. Then, suddenly a shiver went down my spine. I stopped dead in my tracks. I spun my head around and saw an arrow sticking out in the chink of my chestplate. Something was off, wasn’t I supposed to be in pain? The arrow however cause no pain, but I felt in my gut that it would somehow cause pain in another way. I looked around, trying to find the archer that sent that arrow towards me.

I caught a glance of the leader as he stared at me with cold dead eyes. He held a bow, a golden one. The bow. My stomach churned as I realized what the bow was. The bow of Oriana. Immediately I tried to take the arrow out of my armor. I had only a few seconds, the arrow was getting hotter by the second. It began to scorch my palm as I managed to finally get it out of my armor.

It began to glow white as I threw it as far away from me as possible. I turned around, running. I grabbed Alessio and Jasper, sprinting as fast as I can.

“Hey! What gives?!” Alessio yelled at me.

“This place is about to blow.” I shouted calmly as possible as one can be right then and there.

A shockwave hit us, I felt blisters form on my back as I was lifted feet away from the scene. I dared not to open my eyes.

Once the ringing in my ears died down I looked up to see the destroyed site. Half of Bakers & Makers was basically demolished while the other half was burning slowly. I swallowed down my guilt. There could’ve been people inside of there. People with families. People with children. Now, they’re probably dead or on their way to death’s doorstep. Hopefully there were some survivors.

I looked over at Jasper. He seemed fine except for the cut across his forearm and the blisters on the back of his arm. Plus, his slightly sunburned skin was a thing to worry about. His eyes were still held shut as his breathing began to calm down. I turned my head and looked at Alessio. Huh, smart guy. The tray he was holding was dented and tinted red from the explosion but Alessio looked just fine. The tray acted as a shield, which probably is what saved the mortal from turning into a crisp.

Wait. We’re missing someone. I quickly got up, stumbling a bit. I spun around trying to catch a glimpse of Hearth. Then I found sight of him. He was looking down at his hands, standing there on the burning patio. Immediately, I ran over to him. Once I caught up to him, I saw his condition. Except for his smoldering clothing, he wasn’t burned at all.

“I should have died from that..But I didn’t..” Hearth said with a little voice.

“Well, one of your father’s traits is fi..”

“No. This explosion wasn’t fire. It was the pure power of the sun, like a small portion of the sun's energy. I should’ve burned away. When the explosion happened something like a bubble surrounded me and protected me.” He explained, scrunching up his eyebrows as he thought about it.

“We’ll figure it out later. Right now we need to regroup everybody.” I explained as I glanced over at the waking boys. Hearth nodded and followed me when we walked back to the others.

I glanced at Alessio, “Are you a Rem?” I crossed my arms, my eyes searching for any marking of a Rem on him.

“What? No, I’m normal. Until this afternoon with the medieval knights attacking us!” Alessio shouted with an annoyed tone, “Well, now I do believe you guys’ crazy fate stuff…”

“They weren’t medieval knights, they were the guardians of Acrimonious.”

“Whatever they are, I definitely believe you now, okay?!”

Jasper pushed between us, clearly disturbed. “I hear sirens. The police are coming. We have to get out of here.”

“The question is: where are we going to go? We’ve been sent on a quest with little to no information about our fourth warrior needing to be rescued.” I summed up the situation. Jasper shrugged, “Anywhere but here. Then we could worry and fuss all about how we are going to rescue this stranger.”

“Um.. Can I tag along?” Alessio asked, a little anxious as he stared into Clyde Avenue. I nodded in response.

“Guys, I know a place where we can go.” Hearth suddenly spoke, “Follow me.” He began to run.

By now, I was tired of running but I followed his lead.

Have a good day my fellows!


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