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When we entered the room I felt all eyes fix on me.

"My superiors," I bowed in respect and they nodded back.

One of the eldest of my superiors stood up, "Raqaza, I hope that you have an explanation for being this late."

"I suppose saving another Reminder is not enough.." I sighed and looked up. "But I have evidence this time that this one is for sure one of the oth-"

He held up his hand, "Raqaza... I thought you were over that obsession. You are the only one who exists so far."

The little boy with golden eyes stepped up (Hearth), raised his hand in slightly. "I have some questions that are eager to be answered."

Everyone turned to him. He waited patiently 'til someone nodded in his direction.

"Okay first of all, what is a Rem? And what do you mean by that Breeze is the 'only one who exists so far'?"

Some shifted uneasily as they heard the second question. Who could blame them. Shame and the end of the world has been pinned on them ever since...

Nevermind such of my doomsday predictions, I looked over at the Lumihas and watched if they would answer his questions.

One of them, I think one of the newest to join stood up.

"Y-you are one! Rems are the children of the Spirits, a blessing to humans from love! You usually pick up an ability trait from them. Some magical like air," he glanced at me. "But most get other not so powerful traits traits like singing. However they are just perfect at those normal of their parents. Of course, the magical traits take a long time to master," he stepped down, his face becoming blue just the ways that Lumihas usually blushed.

"And is anyone going to answer my second question?" The boy asked, sounding a little quiet now. I couldn't blame him. I remembered when I first found out I was Rem, it was quite a lot to process.

They once again shifted before finally, Theodresin, the oldest and the last of the original House, stood up.

An aura of blue light with ancient letters swirled around him as he walked down the frozen steps. Everyone else slightly shifted away from his presence, clearly intimidated by his radiating power. He had a bit of that effect on everyone.

Theo (never tell him that I called him that) stopped in front of the boy and tilted his head. Even though it is common knowledge that Lumihas are blind, they instead can us their mind to see the power radiating from someone or something. That'd be really helpful on quests however Lumihas tend to put themselves above others so I doubt that would ever happen.

The boy (Hearth) seemed to be about to say something until suddenly Theo pressed his palm on the boy's forehead.

My immediate reaction was to step back and get our my spear. No Rem should ever be exposed to that kind of power!

Instead of burning to a crisp, his eyes rolled back, showing off the whites just as he back at the border. The color drained out of him as he stumbled back, his hands gripped at the sides of his head. He growled lowly like an animal being cornered. He entered the middle of the room and collapsed on his knees, his face in the direction of the Lumihas.

Light colored smoke erupted from his mouth as whispers of thousands of voices began to join and echk throughout the room. The hairs on the back of my neck stood up, memories triggered sluggishly at me as I grasped the moment being presented to me.

She's back.

The smoke swirled and formed into a womanly figure. Her eyes were all violet and a sly smile spread across her face. Her skin was the color of dark apricot and wispy smoke made up the dress that loosely fitted around her smoky form.

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