Auntie Jessie

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-Louis’s P.O.V.-

I awoke with a start, not quite knowing why until I heard Tete making noises of discomfort, I went and looked into her cot and, sure enough, she was there wriggling a bit and groaning a bit, I leant over the edge and plucked her out, trying to bounce her back to sleep…

After 10 minutes she still wouldn’t stop groaning and I didn’t know what to do… so I took it to an expert; my mother.

“Mum…?” I asked in a hushed tone while knocking on the door lightly a couple of minutes later I heard some shuffling behind it and then the door opened revealing her tired self…

“Lou, what’re you doing waking me up in the middle of the night?” she asked exasperatedly, then noticed the grizzling baby in my arms, “Ah, pass her here…” so I did as I was told, like the good boy I am and she tried to calm her, but with no success

“Where’s a Niall when you need one?!?” I muttered under my breath

“When was the last time you changed her nappy, Lou?” Mum asked. Urm… let’s think now… I actually can’t remember! Uh oh!

“Urm… I don’t… know…” I admitted sheepishly, scratching the back of my head, “And, to be honest, I don’t really know… how…”

“Well, it looks like it’s time to teach you to put on a nappy! In the middle of the night! Woo!” My Mum said sarcastically, “Have you got a changing mat?”

“Yep, in my room…” I answered so we went to my room and I laid the changing mat down and got the bag of nappies while my mum un-did the poppers on Tete’s baby-grow then laid her down on the mat. She showed me how to do everything and watched me do it myself. I finally stuck down the tabs and re-did the poppers. I think it definitely would’ve been easier, had Tete not been wriggling and squirming through the most of it! I then kissed my mum goodnight and she went back into her room. I put Tete back in her cot and made sure she was okay before getting back under the covers of my own bed.

- - - - - - - - -

I was woken up by a heavy pressure on my side… what the-!?!

“Louuu!!!!!! Get uppp!!!!!! I wanna hold Tete already!!!!” Daisy whinged, wriggling on me to try and wake me up. I slowly lifted one eye lid, letting myself adjust to the light

“Oh, hey Daisy.” I said trapping her in a hug and lying back down, taking her with me

“No! Lou! You gotta get uppp!!!! We wanna hold Tete!!! PLEASE????????” she begged and I finally gave in

“Fine!” I huffed and sat back up, “Gimmie 5?” I asked and she nodded, skipping out my room, I chuckled shaking my head at her. I got myself ready, then got Tete out of her cot and checked her nappy, she was ok for now. I rested her against my chest and she continued to sleep as I made my way downstairs. I went into the kitchen to find my mum and all four of my sisters eating breakfast

“Morning Mum, Lottie, Fizzy, Daisy, Phoebe,” I smiled

“There’s a ready-made bottle for Tete over on the side, it should have just about cooled.” My Mum smiled and I smiled back walking over to the counter I could see it on

“Thanks” I sat down in the chair the opposite end of the table to my Mum and started to try to feed Tete, but she wouldn’t wake, so I decided to let the girls hold her while she was still asleep. Daisy held her first, she sat on the sofa that only yesterday I’d been crying on and explaining the situation to my Mum. I made sure that Tete was secure in her arms, but still guarded her, just in case she did drop her. Luckily for me, Tete stayed still, so Daisy didn’t drop her. All the girls had their hold, Lottie had a little longer as she’s the oldest. Mum asked me to take the twins to school, so I decided I would walk them, seen as it was only a 10/15 minute walk. I pulled on a grey beanie and put on sunglasses to try and keep my identity hidden, didn’t want the media to know I was a dad… I put Tete in the baby-carrier thing that just looked like a back-pack that had a head, arm and leg holes!!! I kissed my Mum on the cheek, and then left with them linking arms and skipping down the pavement together. We arrived at the school about 10 minutes later and I just stood around like a fart in a spacesuit while I waited for the girls to go in, while they played with their friends beforehand. Just then the bell rang and they ran over with one other person… uh oh…

“Lou, can Jessie see her?” Phoebe asked, Jessie was the twins’ best friend, so I lowered myself slightly to their height and she took an intake of breath;

“Aww!!! She’s so cute!! Louis, can I be her Auntie too please?” She asked and I nodded,

“Of course you can Jessie!” I smiled and she grinned and hugged me,

“Yay!! Thank you, Lou!” She gave me a huge hug, the smiled and waved and ran inside, knowing the girls had an excuse to be late, she, on the other hand, didn’t.

“Bye bye, Lou!” They chorused and I placed a kiss on both of their foreheads, they then both continued to place one on Tete’s, then said one last goodbye and ran inside! I turned around and stared at my feet, trying not to be noticed, when I bumped into someone again.

“I’m sor-” I started but was cut off by them

“Lou!?!” They asked in disbelief I looked at them for a minute then realised who it was,

“Dick!?! What’re you doing here!?!” I asked as he gave me a ‘bro-hug’

“Dropping my brother off, he’s in year 6 now, y’know!” he said

“Wow, really!?!” I said in disbelief

“Yeah, he’s really grown up fast!” Dick was a boy in my year at school, we were quite good mates now I think about it! I can remember messing around with Lottie’s baby dolls once, we were both betting on who would become a dad first and who would be the better dad! We just… sorta… lost contact though! That’s when he noticed the baby strapped to my front, between us, “Urm… Lou?” he asked

“Yeah?” I asked, still unaware of what he was going on about

“Who’s this?!” he said stroking her cheek

“Oh… urm… this is Tete.” I said avoiding the question slightly

“Yes, but why have you got her, why isn’t she with her pare-” that’s when it dawned on him, “No… She wouldn’t, she couldn’t be… yours… could she!?! I mean… if she was, I would’ve found out about it sooner… right?” he said

“Ok, come with me and I’ll tell you, but not here, there’s too much risk of being spotted!” We walked for a bit until we came to a park that we always used to go to after school. There were a couple of teenagers in the corner, obviously bunking off school and a couple of mums with toddlers on reins. We sat down on a bench and I started to explain to him

“I would’ve told you mate, I seriously would have, it’s just… I only found out about her four days ago myself… she was kinda an accident…” from there I explained everything to him and he promised not to tell anyone about her or Hanna or anything! We said bye and promised to meet up again soon.

I went back home and then just spent the rest of the day catching up with my mum properly, I’d said I would stay one more night, then I’d go to visit my dad, then I’d go back to London as we had an interview in three days’ time. I spent the night with my mum and then set off early in the morning, just as the girls were waking up…


I'm so so sorry for the crapness of this chapter, yes, crapness is now a word. I just felt like I should update cos I havn't in such a long time, and remember, if you comment and vota and stuff, it motivates me more, so you'll get faster updates!!!

This chapter is dedicated to @ellz22 cos she (basically) told me to get off my fat ass and write something already, so thats what I did! thanks for the motivation love!!! :D

5 men and a baby (a One Direction FanFic)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon