Stupid String Ties

504 13 11

-Louis P.O.V.-

I pulled up the number I hadn't in a while, whilst I hailed a taxi and called it when one pulled up.

I told the driver the address while it rang and strapped in. After the third ring, someone picked up.


"James! Hi!"

"Urm... Hi? Can I ask who is calling?" They said confused

"James, it's Lou! I need to ask for a massive favour!"

"Lou!? As in Tomlinson!! Good Lord, it's been too long mate! How're you? How's life treating you?" He asked

"Look, I'd love to chat, I really would, but I'm a bit short of time! Tell me, do you still own that restaurant down on the beach?"


There was 15 minutes before I needed to leave to go pick up Eleanor. Luckily I'd managed to plan a date at James's at such short noticed and had texted Eleanor over 3 hours ago to dress fancy but not too posh.

"Whew!" Someone said from the door of my room, I looked up from where I was tying my string tie in the mirror, to see Zayn stood in the doorway. "Someone's dressed to impress!"

I glared at him and he chuckled. I groaned, undoing my tie for the 5th time tonight and threw it on the bed in annoyance. I'll just not wear it! I thought. I looked fine without it, in my purple-y/grey shirt and black jeans.

I did my hair then turned to face Zayn,

"You sure you four'll be ok to look after Tete tonight?" I asked sceptically, this was the first time I left her with the lads for a longish time on their own.

"Yes! We'll be fine!" He laughed, "Now go, so you don't end up keeping your date waiting!"

I grinned and passed him in the doorway, grabbing my car keys as I went downstairs. As I went out I kissed all of the lads on their cheeks then hugged Tete, kissed her head and told her I wouldn't be gone long... Not that she'd understand... I finally got out the door and plugged in the address Eleanor'd sent me to pick her up from, into my SatNav and set off.


I pulled up to a large building made of stone and glass and put my car to a halt on the drive-way. I ran up to what I can only guess was the front door and rang the bell.

After a couple of minutes a breathtaking girl opened the door and it took me a moment to realise, this beauty stood in front of me, was my date.

"Wow," I breathed, "hi."

"Hi." She smiled, sheepishly, back.

"Do you want to go then, my car's just over there?" I asked and she nodded,


As I led her down her drive I took a moment to take in what she was wearing; a beige, tight, long-sleeved dress, that came to a couple of inches above her knees and had a wide neck. She also showcased matching stiletto-style heels, but were more classy than normal stilettos and had a clutch bag in the hand that wasn't holding mine. On top of this she wore a silver necklace with a ring on around her neck and had her hair in, what looked like, natural beach-waves.

She was gorgeous.

"You look really nice," I complemented her, before unlocking the car and opening her door for her. She thanked me and said that I didn't look too bad myself before climbing in.

I closed her door, then jumped into the drivers seat.

"I hope you like Italian food," I smiled at her as I pulled onto the main road

"I love Italian food!" She gushed, "it's my favourite type of food!"

"Really!?" I asked, "me too!" I said then smiled at her.

The rest of the journey was quiet, but it didn't take long to get to James's restaurant, so it didn't matter.

We walked in together and I told the waiter that I had a reservation for two under the name of 'Tomlinson' and he took us to our seats. We ordered our drinks and were then left alone to choose our meals.

"Thank you for bringing me here, Louis, it's really nice!" Eleanor said

"Please call me Lou, Louis sounds too formal! And you're welcome, you look like the sort of girl who deserves only the best," I replied and she blushed, trying to smother a grin threatening to crack on her face.

The waiter came back and we ordered our food, while we waited for it to come out we talked about random things about ourselves. I learnt lots of things about Eleanor, like how she, although being a law student, was trying to pursue a modelling career and things like she can't stand parsnips or carrots... Oh well, for her, I reckon I can make an exception of my rule!

After we'd eaten we asked for the bill and payed, she pulled out her purse and wanted to give me money for her food, but I wouldn't take it and made her put it back, paying for all of it myself. As she put her purse back I caught sight of one of the pictures inside; it was of her, a toddler and a man...

It didn't make sense, that baby couldn't have not been hers, it looked to much like her, yet, the man also looked like the baby but couldn't be her ex... If he was her ex surely she would have cut him out of the picture? Unless she's not over him, and I'm her rebound, or she's still with him and cheating on him with me...?

I needed to ask her about it before the date was up.


After we paid and left we just walked around on the beach front for a bit, we messed around on the bandstand and walked along the pier, it was a perfect date. Well, it would have been, had the picture in her purse not been niggling at my mind for the entire time...

I decided that I wouldn't ask her about it before or in the car, incase it made the ride awkward, because I just hate awkward car rides... So I decided to ask her when I'd escorted her to her door.

We stopped on her porch and I knew it was time.

"I had a lot of fun to tonight, Lou, thank you. It was more fun than I've had in ages!" She smiled and I smiled back,

"I'm glad you liked it, I had a lot of fun myself! There is just one thing I'd like to ask though,"

"It's about the picture, isn't it?" she asked, lowly and I nodded slightly, looking at the floor, "I need you to trust me here, Lou, I promise that I'm not with someone else, that I am single and that you're not a rebound, I also promise I will tell you about it one day, but for now, I can't tell you- I'm sorry, but I just can't, not right now anyway." She said and I nodded, slightly happier knowing I wasn't a cheatee or a rebound, but I didn't act too happy, as I sensed her mood change as she obviously remembered things.

She broke herself out of her reverie and smiled at me, "I mean it when I say I had a great time, thank you, you're a really sweet guy, Lou," she smiled, kissed my cheek then let herself inside her house.

Once the door had closed behind her I grinned and skipped back to my car and drove home, I felt as if nothing could kill my great mood right now!

(A/N firstly, there's no explanation for me not updating for so long, so; sorry.

Secondly I wrote this on my iPod, but that doesn't mean that's why there's errors, if there's errors, it's because it's half one in the morning, I'm tired and have a hole in my gum :)

And thirdly ooh, Eleanor has a secret! And I know it! But you guys don't! ;P

I love you guys, thanks to all of you who comment! It really makes my day to see someone appreciating my work!

Til next time, Adios

Cerys Xx )

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