The Moaning Of Life

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-Louis P.O.V.-

"Do you think we should wake him up?"

"No, leave him, he's probably tired and must have got in really late last night."

"Oh, but please, Li! I really wanna know how his date went!"

"All of you, shut up! I'm already awake from your arguing you morons!"


I cracked one eye open, let it lazily roll around the room then peeled open the other to join it in focusing on the four huddled males and a babbling baby girl. All the boys were smiling sheepishly and stood awkwardly, waiting for me to say something.

"Zayn; pass me Tete, Niall; stop fangirling, Liam; stop mother-henning and Harry, would you please go and put the kettle on?" I sighed, my patience running thin.

The next thing I knew, there was a weight on my chest, three less people in the room and I could hear the tap running from where Harry was filling the kettle.

"She really missed you, you know." Zayn commented while letting her grab his index finger then jiggling it around a bit. I made a noise of agreement and it was then that I knew that I was not the only One Direction member smitten with my daughter. I already knew that all the lads would do anything for her, but to see Zayn smiling fondly down at her and playing with her as if she were his own, really made me feel warm inside, knowing that she'd have, not only one, but five very protective men in her life.

I hope, if Eleanor and I ever get serious enough, that she loves Tete as much as I do. I know that if she and Tete didn't get on then I would be pretty screwed. I already really like Eleanor, even after one date, and if she were to dislike Tete then I don't know what I'd do...

"So how was your date?" Zayn asked, breaking the silence. A small smile crept on my face as I thought about how pretty Eleanor had looked and how the date couldn't have gone anymore perfect - at least for me, anyway.

"It was amazing, it went perfect, she was perfect." I sighed dazedly, a goofy smile still, no-doubt, on my face.

"Did you, you know?" He made kissy noises, "get a bit of lip action?" He winked cheekily.

"Zayn!" I shrieked, "that's for me to know and you to find out!" I could feel the blush creeping up my cheeks as he stared at me intensely. "Fine, ok! She kissed me on the cheek, but that was ALL!" I gave in.

"Wow, Lou, you must really like her! If I ended a date without a nice snog then I'd feel a little cheated! Good on you, mate!" He grinned teasingly, but I just shifted awkwardly at the word cheated. Unfortunately it didn't go unnoticed by Zayn, "what?" He asked, "what happened? Did something go wrong?"

I sighed and replied, "no, it was just... I dunno... Just, when she got her wallet out to pay, I didn't let her pay; incase you were wondering, there was a picture inside of her, a man and a toddler... The toddler was obviously hers, but it was obviously the man's too..."

"You don't think...?" He said

"Well, I did at first, but as she was going into her house, I asked her and she said that she wasn't cheating, and I wasn't a rebound... She also said she would tell me one day, but wasn't ready to talk about it just yet..."

"Well, it's ok for her to have a secret, Lou. I mean, I assume you haven't told her about Tete?" He had a fair point. "C'mon, Harry's probably finished making your tea. We recorded Karl Pilkington : the Moaning of Life for you." Zayn stood up, then offered a hand out for me to take. I grabbed it and stood up, clutching Tete tightly to my chest. We walked through to the lounge just as Harry came out of the kitchen with a couple of mugs with steaming contents.

"Ahh, just in time, Lou! I've just finished the teas! How 'bout we sit down and watch The Moaning of Life, yeah?" I nodded and sat down on the settee with Tete nodding on my belly. Zayn sat on the opposite end of the three-seater while Harry plopped in the middle. Niall and Liam were both huddled together on the other settee, unconsciously playing with each others' hair and completely content with the close contact.


Once the program had finished, I noticed that, apart from me, the only one still awake was Liam.

"Hey Lee." I said calmly

"Hi Lou, how was your date?"

"It was great, thanks" I smiled back at him

"I'll take Tete for a minute if you want to go call her." He offered and I grinned wider,

"Would you?" He nodded in response, so I jumped up, careful not to wake anyone up and placed my daughter into Liam's waiting arms.

He then snuggled her up to his chest and hummed melodies into her fuzzy hair. I couldn't help but watch the cute sight. I pulled my phone out and snapped a quick picture of them together then sent it to my mum who would no doubtedly swoon over it.

I kept my phone out and tip-toed to the kitchen, once the door was closed I found Eleanor's contact and pressed call.

There was two rings before she picked up

"Hello?" She snuffled

"Eleanor?" I asked and she sobbed

"Lou, is that you?"

"Yes, it's me El, what's wrong? What's happened?!" I asked frantically I heard her breath hitch and then the call cut off.

Oh no. Oh no. Oh no. Oh no. That didn't sound good! She might be in trouble! I need to go and make sure she's ok, I just hope it's not too late!

5 men and a baby (a One Direction FanFic)Where stories live. Discover now