The aurgument

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Elena POV

"That's the problem you two never listen to what I think. I feel as if my opinion doesn't matter and you will do as you please no matter what.  I know you two want to save me but I'm tired of sitting back letting you make decisions that lead to others death dammit. I took care of myself before you and I'll do it after you!" I screamed turning to walk away from the meddling Salvatore's. I am truly contemplating never speaking to them again. I get to watch my friends die left and right but do they care? No because, I am still alive and their "love" for me is more important.

"No Elena we love you that's why we protect you that's why we can't sit back and let you die. So, you are going to listen to us and like it!" Damon shouted right back at me while Stefan nodded his head in agreement with his brother. Ugh, I'm really tired of Stefan just agreeing with whatever Damon says. I mean he may be your older brother but come on man up. I don't even know why I loved him to start with. It was probably the mystery, yep never again.

 "Fine protect me, you got it I won't argue anymore. I'm going to The Grill don't follow me for once I just need a drink."

"Sure just be safe and call one of us if you need anything." Stefan said smiling. 

  I happily got in my Mercedes and drove away like a bat out of hell. It truly made me sad that it was only a five minute drive but it help me get a little frustration out. I walked in and saw Matt bar-tending knowing for sure I was about to get a drink. If it was anyone else I would have to get someone to buy me a drink. Yeah tonight just might get better.          

"Hey Matt can I get a bottle of vodka and a few shots it's been one of those days.

"Sure Lena anything for you just sit at the end of the bar I'll bring your stuff.

"Thanks, Matt you're the best." I put a big smile on my face as I sit down. Not five minutes later he comes bringing my drinks. I wait until he walks away then pour a shot and finish it in one gulp. I keep drinking and drinking and soon I only have half a bottle left. Then, I hear the one person whose voice I could go years without hearing Klaus. Yeah I spoke to soon my night is going to go from bad to worse.

"Hello Love"

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